Esempio n. 1
        static void exe()
            string urlAdd = "http://localhost:3301/api/node/add";

            for (int i = 0; i < 1800; i++)
                GPS gps = new GPS();
                gps.GetTime = DateTime.Now;
                gps.Lat     = 12.33342m + i % 100;
                gps.Lng     = 12.33452m;
                gps.TEID    = "a00023" + i % 10;

                OBD obd = new OBD();
                obd.GetTime     = DateTime.Now;
                obd.TEID        = gps.TEID;
                obd.Speed       = 20 + i % 30;
                obd.OilPressure = 30;

                GpsObdContainer r = new GpsObdContainer();
                r.Gps = gps;
                r.Obd = obd;

                int nID = AngleX.AppXGlobal.IHttp.PostData <int>(urlAdd, r);


Esempio n. 2
        public int AddR(GPS gps, OBD obd)
            int nTable = SqlTemplate.FindTableMod(gps.TEID);
            Dictionary <string, object> dicPars = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dicPars.Add(SqlTemplate.TEIDKey, gps.TEID);
            int    nCode     = gps.GetTime.ToPartCode();
            string timeStr   = gps.GetTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string sqlInsert = string.Format(SqlTemplate.InsertGPS, nTable, nCode, timeStr, gps.Lng, gps.Lng);

            using (var con = SqlHelper.GetConnection(SqlConnectString)) {
                System.Data.DataTable dtID = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(con, sqlInsert, dicPars);
                int    nID      = Convert.ToInt32(dtID.Rows[0][0]);
                string sqlInto2 = string.Format(SqlTemplate.InsertOBD, nTable, nID, nCode, timeStr, obd.Speed, obd.Rotate
                                                , obd.Restrictor, obd.WaterT, obd.OilT, obd.OilPressure, obd.OilRemain);
                SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(con, sqlInto2, dicPars);
Esempio n. 3
        public List <OBD> QueryOBD(string TEID, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, int Top)
            int nStartCode = StartTime.ToPartCode();
            int nEndCode   = EndTime.ToPartCode();
            int nTable     = SqlTemplate.FindTableMod(TEID);
            Dictionary <string, object> dicPars = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dicPars.Add(SqlTemplate.TEIDKey, TEID);
            string    sqlQuery = string.Format(SqlTemplate.QueryOBD, nTable, nStartCode, nEndCode, Top);
            DataTable dtRows   = null;

            using (var con = SqlHelper.GetConnection(SqlConnectString)) {
                dtRows = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(con, sqlQuery, dicPars);
            List <OBD> list = new List <OBD>();

            if (dtRows != null)
                foreach (DataRow drItem in dtRows.Rows)
                    OBD obd = new OBD {
                        ID            = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyID]),
                        GetTime       = Convert.ToDateTime(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyGetTime]),
                        InputTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyInputTime]),
                        Speed         = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeySpeed]),
                        Rotate        = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyRotate]),
                        Restrictor    = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RkeyRestrictor]),
                        WaterT        = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyWaterT]),
                        OilT          = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyOilT]),
                        OilPressure   = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyOilPressure]),
                        OilRemain     = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyOilRemain]),
                        TEID          = drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyTEID].ToString(),
                        PartitionCode = Convert.ToInt32(drItem[SqlTemplate.RKeyPartitionCode])
Esempio n. 4
        private void DrawIOCAImage(Container imc, List <ImageInfo> images, float xStartingInch, float yStartingInch, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            // Each container may hold one image or several, as tiles. Draw each one with consideration to its offset from the original draw point
            foreach (ImageInfo image in images)
                // Get the positioning and scaling info based on the current object environment container
                OBD oaDescriptor = imc.GetStructure <OBD>();
                OBP oaPosition   = imc.GetStructure <OBP>();
                if (oaDescriptor != null && oaPosition != null)
                    // Get sizing info triplets
                    ObjectAreaSize   oaSize = oaDescriptor.GetTriplet <ObjectAreaSize>();
                    MeasurementUnits mu     = oaDescriptor.GetTriplet <MeasurementUnits>();

                    // Get inch origins based on unit scaling
                    int   xUnitOrigin = oaPosition.XOrigin + oaPosition.XContentOrigin;
                    int   yUnitOrigin = oaPosition.YOrigin + oaPosition.YContentOrigin;
                    float xInchOrigin = xStartingInch + (float)(Converters.GetInches(xUnitOrigin, mu.XUnitsPerBase, mu.BaseUnit) * 100);
                    float yInchOrigin = yStartingInch + (float)(Converters.GetInches(yUnitOrigin, mu.YUnitsPerBase, mu.BaseUnit) * 100);

                    // Get inch scaling values
                    double heightInches = Converters.GetInches((int)oaSize.YExtent, mu.YUnitsPerBase, mu.BaseUnit);

                    // We have the inch value and number of pixels, so set DPI based on those values
                    Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(image.Data));
                    float  dpi = (float)Math.Round(bmp.Height / heightInches);
                    bmp.SetResolution(dpi, dpi);

                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, xInchOrigin, yInchOrigin);
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Image could not be displayed - no OBD/OBP fields found.");