Esempio n. 1
 private void Start()
     _gameManager     = GameManager.currentManager;
     _hexEditor       = _gameManager._hexMapEditor;
     _nutrientManager = NutrientManager.currentNutrientManager;
     _camera          = Camera.main;
Esempio n. 2
    public GameObject nutrientLostSound;                        //!< for holding a reference to the nutrient lost sound

     * the function to generate what nutrients are on the food blob
    public void GenerateEnzymes(int minNutrients, int maxNutrients, Color[] availableColors)
        NumNutrients = Random.Range(minNutrients, maxNutrients + 1);                    // randomly choose the number of nutrients on the blob

        // find a reference to the current nutrient manager and game manager
        m_NutrientManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NutrientManager)) as NutrientManager;
        m_GameManager     = FindObjectOfType(typeof(IntestineGameManager)) as IntestineGameManager;

        // populate the number of nutrients decided earlier
        for (int i = 0; i < NumNutrients; i++)
            float radius = .4f;                                         // choose .4f as a radius to start with
            float angle  = ((2 * Mathf.PI) / NumNutrients) * i;         // divide the circle into the right number of angle chunks in rads
            float xPos   = radius * Mathf.Cos(angle);                   // find the x position as radius*cos(theta)
            float zPos   = radius * Mathf.Sin(angle);                   // find the y position as radius*sin(theta)

            Vector3 position = transform.position;                      // 3 dimensional vector for position
            position.x += xPos;                                         // set the x position of the vector
            position.z += zPos;                                         // set the z position of the vector
            position.y  = .5f;                                          // set the y position of the vector

            // randomly choose a color for the nutrient
            int      randomIndex = MDPUtility.RandomInt(availableColors.Length);
            Nutrient nutrient    = m_NutrientManager.InstantiateNutrient(availableColors[randomIndex], position);
            nutrient.intestineGameManager = m_GameManager;                      // assign the game manager reference on the nutrient to be
            // the same as the one referenced in this class

            // Attach new enzyme as a child object
            nutrient.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
            ((Behaviour)nutrient.GetComponent("Halo")).enabled = false;                 // halo should be false unless explicitly enabled
Esempio n. 3
 private void Start()
     _nutrientManager  = NutrientManager.currentNutrientManager;
     originalTextColor = nutrientCostText.color;
     _audioManager     = FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>();
     treeScoreText.text = "Trees: " + touchedTrees.Count + "/" + treesInScene.Count;
Esempio n. 4
 private void Awake()
     if (currentNutrientManager == null)
         currentNutrientManager = this;
Esempio n. 5
    private Color Fats1Color = new Color(37f / 255f, 97f / 255f, 139f / 255f, 1); //!< create a new color for the Fats1 Particles

     * Use this for initialization
     * Find manager, set variables, set parent.
    void Start()
        nutrientManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NutrientManager)) as NutrientManager;         // find the nutrient manager
        Collider        = new CircleCollider(this);                                             // add a circle collider to the nutrient
        IsTargetted     = false;                                                                // the nutrient starts off not tragetted

        // assign the parent reference if the nutrient has one (which it should)
        if (gameObject.transform.parent)
            m_Parent = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject;
Esempio n. 6
    private bool m_CanFire;                                     //!< a flag that says whether a tower can currently fire

     * Use this for initialization
     * INitializes tower values on spawn
    void Start()
        gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Tower");              // move the tower to the tower layer once placed

        // make sure we aren't in tutorial
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            // if we aren't in the tutorial get the debugger
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();
            if (debugConfig.debugActive)                        // if we're using the debugger get the costs from there
                TOWER_BASE_COST            = debugConfig.TOWER_BASE_COST;
        m_Cooldown        = BaseCooldown;                                                      // set the base cooldown
        m_CurrentCooldown = m_Cooldown;                                                        // initialize the cooldown timer
        m_CanFire         = true;                                                              // set that the tower can fire

        m_NutrientManager = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <NutrientManager>();      // find the nutrient manager
        m_GameManager     = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <IntestineGameManager>(); // find the game manager
Esempio n. 7
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //GameManager.onTurnEnd += NewCycle;
        //GameManager.nutrientEvent += GetNutrients;
        // GameManager.addExpansionEvent += CheckNeighbors;

        _nutrientManager    = NutrientManager.currentNutrientManager;
        _weatherManager     = WeatherManager.currentWeatherManager;
        _collectableManager = GameManager.currentManager._sugarCollectableAnimation;

        _skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        skinnedMesh          = _skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
        newBlendValue        = oldBlendValue;
        oldTreeLeavesNumber  = treeLeavesNumber;
        treeText             = gameObject.GetComponent <DisplayUI>().myText;

        //healthyTreeDetails = healthyTreeVisualsContainer.GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        upgradeParticles = particleContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>();

Esempio n. 8
 private void Start()
     _nutrientManager = NutrientManager.currentNutrientManager;
     _gameManager     = GameManager.currentManager;
     fungiNeighbor    = true;