Esempio n. 1
    public NumericInputFieldBtns AddNumericInput(string inputFieldPlaceholderText = "", bool integersOnly = false,
                                                 float inputFieldInitialText      = 0.0f, float minValue  = 0.0f, float maxValue = 99.9f, float stepSize = 1.0f,
                                                 string inputFieldTooltip         = "")
        GameObject            newInput = Instantiate(numericInputPrefab, inputEntriesContainer);
        NumericInputFieldBtns numBtns  = newInput.GetComponentInChildren <NumericInputFieldBtns>();

        (numBtns.targetField.placeholder as Text).text = inputFieldPlaceholderText;

        numBtns.targetField.contentType = integersOnly ?
                                          InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber : InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber;

        numBtns.targetField.text = inputFieldInitialText.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        numBtns.minValue = minValue;
        numBtns.maxValue = maxValue;
        numBtns.stepSize = stepSize;

        TooltipTrigger TTT = newInput.GetComponent <TooltipTrigger>();

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFieldTooltip))
            TTT.enabled = false;
            TTT.text    = inputFieldTooltip;
            TTT.enabled = true;

Esempio n. 2
    public void OpenExportOps()
        List <KeyValuePair <string, UnityAction> > exportOptions =
            new List <KeyValuePair <string, UnityAction> >();

        GameInterface GI = GameInterface.instance;

        GameInfo gData = GameController.CurGameData;

        //add export options now...

        //JSON basic "all troops together" export!
        exportOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, UnityAction>("Basic Export to JSON (all troops in a simple list - don't use if both sides use the same troop type)", () => {
            SerializableTroopListObj exportedList = new SerializableTroopListObj(JsonHandlingUtils.TroopListToSerializableTroopList
                                                                                         (battlePhase.battleData.attackerSideInfo.sideArmy, battlePhase.battleData.defenderSideInfo.sideArmy)));
            string JSONContent = JsonUtility.ToJson(exportedList);
            GI.textInputPanel.SetPanelInfo("JSON Export Result", "", JSONContent, "Copy to Clipboard", () => {

        //JSON basic "all troops together" export, splitting entries if troop amounts go above a certain limit!
        exportOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, UnityAction>("Basic Export to JSON, splitting large troop entries - don't use if both sides use the same troop type", () => {

            NumericInputFieldBtns numBtns = GI.customInputPanel.AddNumericInput("Split Limit", true, gData.lastEnteredExportTroopSplitAmt, 0, 9999, 5,
                                                                                "Troop entries with more than this amount of troops will be divided in more than one JSON entry");
            GI.customInputPanel.SetPanelInfo("Set Troop Entry Split Limit...", "Confirm", () => {
                int splitLimit = int.Parse(numBtns.targetField.text);
                gData.lastEnteredExportTroopSplitAmt  = splitLimit;
                SerializableTroopListObj exportedList = new SerializableTroopListObj(JsonHandlingUtils.TroopListToSerializableTroopList
                                                                                             (battlePhase.battleData.attackerSideInfo.sideArmy, battlePhase.battleData.defenderSideInfo.sideArmy), splitLimit));
                string JSONContent = JsonUtility.ToJson(exportedList);
                GI.textInputPanel.SetPanelInfo("JSON Export Result", "", JSONContent, "Copy to Clipboard", () => {

        //JSON export separating attackers from defenders with a user-defined "variable" AND splitting entries if troop amounts go above a certain limit!
        exportOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, UnityAction>("Export to JSON, splitting large troop entries and adding a different variable to attackers and defenders", () => {
            string JSONContent = "{ \"troops\":[";
            NumericInputFieldBtns numBtns = GI.customInputPanel.AddNumericInput("Split Limit", true, gData.lastEnteredExportTroopSplitAmt, 0, 9999, 5,
                                                                                "Troop entries with more than this amount of troops will be divided in more than one JSON entry");
            InputField addedVarName    = GI.customInputPanel.AddTextInput("Added Variable Name", gData.lastEnteredExportAddedVariable, "The name of the variable that will be added to all entries");
            InputField varForAttackers = GI.customInputPanel.AddTextInput("Value for Attackers", gData.lastEnteredExportAttackerVariable, "The value of the added variable for all entries of the attacker army. Add quotes if necessary");
            InputField varForDefenders = GI.customInputPanel.AddTextInput("Value for Defenders", gData.lastEnteredExportDefenderVariable, "The value of the added variable for all entries of the defender army. Add quotes if necessary");
            GI.customInputPanel.SetPanelInfo("Set Options...", "Confirm", () => {
                int splitLimit = int.Parse(numBtns.targetField.text);

                gData.lastEnteredExportTroopSplitAmt    = splitLimit;
                gData.lastEnteredExportAddedVariable    = addedVarName.text;
                gData.lastEnteredExportAttackerVariable = varForAttackers.text;
                gData.lastEnteredExportDefenderVariable = varForDefenders.text;

                List <SerializedTroop> sTroopList =
                    JsonHandlingUtils.TroopListToSerializableTroopList(battlePhase.battleData.attackerSideInfo.sideArmy, splitLimit);

                for (int i = 0; i < sTroopList.Count; i++)
                    JSONContent = string.Concat(JSONContent,
                                                JsonHandlingUtils.ToJsonWithExtraVariable(sTroopList[i], addedVarName.text, varForAttackers.text),

                sTroopList =
                    JsonHandlingUtils.TroopListToSerializableTroopList(battlePhase.battleData.defenderSideInfo.sideArmy, splitLimit);

                for (int i = 0; i < sTroopList.Count; i++)
                    JSONContent = string.Concat(JSONContent,
                                                JsonHandlingUtils.ToJsonWithExtraVariable(sTroopList[i], addedVarName.text, varForDefenders.text),
                                                i < sTroopList.Count - 1 ? "," : "");

                JSONContent += "]}";
                GI.textInputPanel.SetPanelInfo("JSON Export Result", "", JSONContent, "Copy to Clipboard", () => {

        //when done preparing options, open the export ops panel
        GI.exportOpsPanel.Open("Remaining Armies: Export Options", exportOptions);