public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[3];
     Setting[0]   = new NumberSetting("Radius (sugarcane, x-radius):", "Radius around the initial bot spawn position that it will look around.", 64, 1, 1000, 1);
     Setting[1]   = new NumberSetting("Radius (sugarcane, y-radius):", "What can be the Y difference for the bot for it to find valid sugarcanes.", 4, 1, 256, 1);
     Setting[2]   = new ComboSetting("Speed mode", null, new string[] { "Accurate", "Tick", "Fast" }, 1);
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[3];
     Setting[0]   = new StringSetting("Message once a player joins", "Use %new_player% for the name of the player", "Welcome %new_player%");
     Setting[1]   = new NumberSetting("Min delay", "The minimum amount of time the bot has to wait before sending another message. (seconds)", 4, 1, 120, 1);
     Setting[2]   = new NumberSetting("Chance", "Chance that a new person will be greeted.", 100, 1, 100, 1);
Esempio n. 3
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[4];
     Setting[0]   = new NumberSetting("Eat when hunger is below X", "When should the bot eat normal food (-1 if it shouldn't eat them).", -1, -1, 19, 1);
     Setting[1]   = new NumberSetting("Eat gapples when below X hp", "When should the bot eat golden apples (-1 if it shouldn't eat them).", -1, -1, 19, 1);
     Setting[2]   = new ComboSetting("Mode", null, new string[] { "Efficient", "Accurate" }, 0);
     Setting[3]   = new BoolSetting("Soup", "Can the bot use soup for healing?", false);
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[4];
     Setting[0]   = new BoolSetting("Strength", null, true);
     Setting[1]   = new BoolSetting("Speed", null, true);
     Setting[2]   = new BoolSetting("Fire resistance", null, true);
     Setting[3]   = new NumberSetting("Health", "At how much health should the bot use health potions.", 10, -1, 20, 1);
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[5];
     Setting[0]   = new PathSetting("Text file path", "Picks lines from the selected file to spam.", "");
     Setting[1]   = new NumberSetting("Min delay", "", 1000, 0, 60 * 60 * 60);
     Setting[2]   = new NumberSetting("Max delay", "(-1 to always use 'Min delay')", -1, -1, 60 * 60 * 60);
     Setting[3]   = new BoolSetting("Anti-spam", "Should random numbers be added at the end?", false);
     Setting[4]   = new BoolSetting("Random lines", "Should it pick a random line each time or go top to bottom?", true);
Esempio n. 6
 public void Serialize(ref JsonWriter writer, NumberSetting value, IJsonFormatterResolver formatterResolver)
     if (!value.IsEnabled)
     WriteSeparatorIfNotTheLast(ref writer, value);
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[7];
     Setting[0]   = new StringSetting("Owner name/uuid", "Player that the bots will follow.", "");
     Setting[1]   = new NumberSetting("Clicks per second", "How fast should the bot attack?", 5, 1, 60, 1);
     Setting[2]   = new NumberSetting("Miss rate", "How often does the bot miss?", 15, 0, 100, 1);
     Setting[3]   = new StringSetting("Friendly name(s)/uuid(s)", "Uuids of the user that own't be hit. Split by spaces'", "");
     Setting[4]   = new BoolSetting("Auto equip best armor?", "Should the bot auto equip the best armor it has?", true);
     Setting[5]   = new BoolSetting("Equip best weapon?", "Should the best item be auto equiped?", true);
     Setting[6]   = new ComboSetting("Mode", null, new string[] { "Passive", "Aggressive" }, 0);
Esempio n. 8
 public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
     this.Setting = new IPluginSetting[10];
     Setting[0]   = new NumberSetting("Height", "Height level that the bots should mine at", 12, 1, 256);
     Setting[1]   = new ComboSetting("Pattern", "", new[] { PATTERNS[0].GetName(), PATTERNS[1].GetName(), PATTERNS[2].GetName() }, 1);
     Setting[2]   = new StringSetting("Macro on inventory full", "Starts the macro when the bots inventory is full.", "");
     Setting[3]   = new BoolSetting("Diamond ore", "", true);
     Setting[4]   = new BoolSetting("Emerald ore", "", true);
     Setting[5]   = new BoolSetting("Iron ore", "", true);
     Setting[6]   = new BoolSetting("Gold ore", "", true);
     Setting[7]   = new BoolSetting("Redstone ore", "", false);
     Setting[8]   = new BoolSetting("Lapis Lazuli ore", "", false);
     Setting[9]   = new BoolSetting("Coal ore", "", false);