/// <summary>
        /// 神经网络
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neuronsCounts">神经网络每一层神经元数量</param>
        public Network(int[] neuronsCounts)
            this.LayersCount   = neuronsCounts.Length;
            this.NeuronsCounts = neuronsCounts;

            // 高斯(正态)分布 随机数发生器
            var pyRandom = new NumPyRandom();

            this.Biases  = neuronsCounts.Skip(1).Select(count => pyRandom.randn(count, 1)).ToArray();
            this.Weights = neuronsCounts.Skip(1).Zip(neuronsCounts.SkipLast(1)).Select(counts => pyRandom.randn(counts.First, counts.Second)).ToArray();
Esempio n. 2
        public Box(float low, float high, Shape shape, Type dType = null, int seed = -1) : base(shape, (dType = dType ?? np.float32))
            if (Equals(shape, null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

            Low         = (low + np.zeros(shape, dType)).astype(dType);
            High        = (high + np.zeros(shape, dType)).astype(dType);
            RandomState = seed != -1 ? np.random.RandomState(seed) : np.random;
Esempio n. 3
        public CartPoleEnv(IEnvironmentViewerFactoryDelegate viewerFactory, NumPyRandom randomState)
            _viewerFactory = viewerFactory;
            // Angle limit set to 2 * theta_threshold_radians so failing observation is still within bounds
            var high = np.array(x_threshold * 2, float.MaxValue, theta_threshold_radians * 2, float.MaxValue);

            ActionSpace      = new Discrete(2);
            ObservationSpace = new Box(-high, high, np.float32);
            random           = randomState ?? np.random.RandomState();

            Metadata = new Dict("render.modes", new[] { "human", "rgb_array" }, "video.frames_per_second", 50);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Shuffle(this NumPyRandom rand, NDArrayGeneric <double> list)
            var rng   = new Random();
            var count = list.Shape.Shapes[0];

            while (count > 1)
                var k     = rng.Next(count + 1);
                var value = list[k];
                list[k]     = list[count];
                list[count] = value;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> class.</summary>
 public Box(NDArray low, NDArray high, Type dType = null, int seed = -1) : base(null, (dType = dType ?? np.float32))
     if (Equals(low, null))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(low));
     if (Equals(high, null))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(high));
     Shape       = low.shape;
     Low         = low.astype(dType);
     High        = high.astype(dType);
     RandomState = seed != -1 ? np.random.RandomState(seed) : np.random;
Esempio n. 6
        public void testZeroFraction()
            var x_shape = new Shape(5, 17);
            var x_np    = new NumPyRandom().randint(0, 2, x_shape);

            var y_np = this._ZeroFraction(x_np);

            var x_tf = constant_op.constant(x_np);

            var y_tf    = nn_impl.zero_fraction(x_tf);
            var y_tf_np = self.evaluate <NDArray>(y_tf);

            var eps = 1e-8;

            self.assertAllClose(y_tf_np, y_np, eps);
        public static NDArrayGeneric <int> Permutation(this NumPyRandom rand, int max)
            var random = new Random();

            int[] orders = new int[max];

            var np = new NDArrayGeneric <int>().arange(max);

            for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                var pos  = random.Next(0, max);
                var zero = np.Data[0];
                np.Data[0]   = np.Data[pos];
                np.Data[pos] = zero;

        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化神经网络
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neuronCounts">神经网络每层神经元个数的集合</param>
        public Network(IEnumerable <int> neuronCounts)
            // 初始化神经网络神经元集合
            this.NeuronPool = new List <List <TNeuron> >(
                    count =>
                    Enumerable.Range(0, count).
                    Select(index => Activator.CreateInstance <TNeuron>())

            // 高斯(正态)分布 随机数发生器
            var pyRandom = new NumPyRandom();

            // 为非输入层初始化偏置
            _ = this.NeuronPool.Skip(1).All(neurons =>
                foreach (var(neuron, bias) in neurons.Zip(pyRandom.randn(new[] { neurons.Count, 1 }).Array as double[]))
                    neuron.Bias = bias;


            // 为非输入层初始化对前一层神经元输入的权重
            _ = this.NeuronPool.SkipLast(1).Zip(this.NeuronPool.Skip(1)).All(neurons =>
                var weights = pyRandom.randn(new int[] { neurons.Second.Count, neurons.First.Count });
                for (int index = 0; index < neurons.Second.Count; index++)
                    neurons.Second[index].Weight = weights[index].Array as double[];

Esempio n. 9
 public override void Seed(int seed)
     RandomState = np.random.RandomState(seed);
Esempio n. 10
    public static void NumPyTest()
        //int[] size = { 1, 2 };
        //var nd = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size);
        ////var shepherd = Function.Vec3ToNDArray(new Vector3(1, 1, 0));
        ////var res = Function.Duplicate(shepherd, 10);

        //NDArray res = Function.Duplicate(nd, 10);
        //int[] size2 = { 10, 2 };
        //var nc = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size2);


        //var end = res - nc;
        //int[] size = { 1, 2 };
        //var nd = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size);

        ///NDArray to Vector3
        //int[] size = { 2, 2 };
        //var nd = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size);
        //Vector3 vec = Function.NDArrayToVec3(nd);
        // Vector3 To NDArray
        //var res = Function.Vec3ToNDArray(vec);

        ////////////////////////////////////Test GetS()////////////////////////////////////////

        //int[] size2 = { Config.N, 2 };
        //var sheeps = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size2);
        ////if (Generator.Instance.shepherd == null)
        ////    return matS;
        //var arr = Function.Vec3ToNDArray(new Vector3(60, 60, 0));
        //int[] size = { 1, 2 };
        //var temp = new NDArray(arr, size);
        //var matShepherd = Function.Duplicate(temp, sheeps.shape[0]);
        //var sub = sheeps - matShepherd;
        //var matS = Function.Adjust(sub, Config.R_s);
        ////////////////////////////////////Test GetS()////////////////////////////////////////

        ////////////////////////////////////Test Mean()////////////////////////////////////////
        int[] size = { 3, 2 };
        var   nd   = new NumPyRandom().normal(0.0, 20, size);

        var mean = Global.Mean(nd);

        ////////////////////////////////////Test Mean()////////////////////////////////////////

        Vector3 GCM = Global.NDArrayToVec3(mean);

Esempio n. 11
 public void normal()
     var n = new NumPyRandom().normal(0, 1, 5);
Esempio n. 12
 public void randn()
     var n = new NumPyRandom().randn(5, 2);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> class.</summary>
        public Discrete(int n, Type dType = null, int seed = -1) : base(new Shape(n), (dType = dType ?? np.float32))
            N = n;

            RandomState = seed != -1 ? np.random.RandomState(seed) : np.random;
Esempio n. 14
        public void StartTest()
            int training_epochs = 1000;

            // Parameters
            float learning_rate = 0.01f;
            int   display_step  = 50;

            NumPyRandom rng = np.random;
            NDArray     train_X, train_Y;
            int         n_samples;

            train_X = np.array(3.3f, 4.4f, 5.5f, 6.71f, 6.93f, 4.168f, 9.779f, 6.182f, 7.59f, 2.167f,
                               7.042f, 10.791f, 5.313f, 7.997f, 5.654f, 9.27f, 3.1f);
            train_Y = np.array(1.7f, 2.76f, 2.09f, 3.19f, 1.694f, 1.573f, 3.366f, 2.596f, 2.53f, 1.221f,
                               2.827f, 3.465f, 1.65f, 2.904f, 2.42f, 2.94f, 1.3f);
            n_samples = train_X.shape[0];

            // tf Graph Input
            var X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);
            var Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);

            // Set model weights
            // We can set a fixed init value in order to debug
            // var rnd1 = rng.randn<float>();
            // var rnd2 = rng.randn<float>();
            var W = tf.Variable(-0.06f, name: "weight");
            var b = tf.Variable(-0.73f, name: "bias");

            // Construct a linear model
            var pred = tf.add(tf.multiply(X, W), b);

            // Mean squared error
            var cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(pred - Y, 2.0f)) / (2.0f * n_samples);

            // Gradient descent
            // Note, minimize() knows to modify W and b because Variable objects are trainable=True by default
            var optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost);

            // Initialize the variables (i.e. assign their default value)
            var init = tf.global_variables_initializer();

            //var config = tf.ConfigProto('CPU':0);

            // Start training
            //var config = ConfigProto.IntraOpParallelismThreadsFieldNumber;
            using (var sess = tf.Session())
                // Run the initializer

                // Fit all training data
                for (int epoch = 0; epoch < training_epochs; epoch++)
                    foreach (var(x, y) in zip <float>(train_X, train_Y))
                                 new FeedItem(X, x),
                                 new FeedItem(Y, y));

                    // Display logs per epoch step
                    if ((epoch + 1) % display_step == 0)
                        var c = sess.run(cost,
                                         new FeedItem(X, train_X),
                                         new FeedItem(Y, train_Y));

                        Console.WriteLine($"Epoch: {epoch + 1} cost={c} " + $"W={sess.run(W)} b={sess.run(b)}");

                Console.WriteLine("Optimization Finished!");

                var training_cost = sess.run(cost,
                                             new FeedItem(X, train_X),
                                             new FeedItem(Y, train_Y));

                //var plotter = new Plotter();

                //    train_X,
                //    train_Y,
                //    "Original data", ChartType.Scatter, "markers");
                //    train_X,
                //    sess.run(W) * train_X + sess.run(b),
                //   "Fitted line", ChartType.Scatter, "Fitted line");


                // Testing example
                var test_X = np.array(6.83f, 4.668f, 8.9f, 7.91f, 5.7f, 8.7f, 3.1f, 2.1f);
                var test_Y = np.array(1.84f, 2.273f, 3.2f, 2.831f, 2.92f, 3.24f, 1.35f, 1.03f);

                Console.WriteLine("Testing... (Mean square loss Comparison)");

                var testing_cost = sess.run(tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(pred - Y, 2.0f)) / (2.0f * test_X.shape[0]),
                                            new FeedItem(X, test_X),
                                            new FeedItem(Y, test_Y));

                Console.WriteLine($"Testing cost={testing_cost}");

                var diff = Math.Abs((float)training_cost - (float)testing_cost);
                Console.WriteLine($"Absolute mean square loss difference: {diff}");

                //    test_X,
                //    test_Y,
                //    "Testing data", ChartType.Scatter, "markers");
                //    train_X,
                //    sess.run(W) * train_X + sess.run(b),
                //    "Fitted line", ChartType.Scatter);


                //return diff < 0.01;
Esempio n. 15
        public void randint()
            var a = new NumPyRandom().randint(low: 0, high: 10, shape: new Shape(5, 5));

            Assert.IsTrue(a.Storage.GetData <int>().Count(x => x < 10) == 25);