/// <summary>
        /// Applies the sky values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Owner"></param>
        /// <param name="_Sky"></param>
        public void Apply( NuajOrchestrator _Owner, ModulePerspective _Sky )
            _Owner.m_AirDensity = 1e-5f * AirDensity;
            _Owner.m_FogDensity = 1e-4f * FogDensity;

            _Sky.DensityRayleigh = _Owner.m_CurrentMultiplier * _Owner.m_AirDensity;
            _Sky.DensityMie = _Owner.m_CurrentMultiplier * _Owner.m_FogDensity;
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the fog values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Owner"></param>
        /// <param name="_Fog"></param>
        public void Apply( NuajOrchestrator _Owner, ModulePerspective.FogLayer _Fog )
            if ( !(_Fog.Enabled=Enabled) )

            _Fog.Altitude = Altitude;
            _Fog.Thickness = Thickness;
            _Fog.MieDensityFactor = MieFactor;
            _Fog.DensityRatioBottom = MieBottomRatio;
            _Fog.MaxDistance = MaxDistance;
            _Fog.IsotropicSkyFactor = AmbientFactor;
            _Fog.StepSize = StepSize;
            _Fog.NoiseTilingHorizontal = NoiseTilingX;
            _Fog.NoiseTilingVertical = NoiseTilingY;
            _Fog.NoiseAmplitude = NoiseAmplitude;
            _Fog.NoiseOffset = NoiseOffset;
            _Fog.DownpourStrength = DownpourStrength;

            // Setup wind
            _Fog.WindDirectionAngle = _Owner.m_WindDirectionAngle;
            _Fog.WindForce = _Owner.ComputeWindForce( _Fog.Altitude );
    void OnGUI()
        m_bUsingGUI = false;
        if ( Manager == null )
        {	// Get the manager first...
            Manager = FindObjectOfType( typeof(NuajManager) ) as NuajManager;
            if ( Manager == null )

        // Retrieve the orchestrators
        if ( Orch == null )
            Orch = FindObjectOfType( typeof(NuajOrchestrator) ) as NuajOrchestrator;
        bool	bCanShowSimpleMode = Orch != null;

        // Watermark
        if ( Watermark )
            GUI.Label( new Rect( Screen.width - 0.0f - Watermark.width, Screen.height - 4.0f - Watermark.height, Watermark.width, Watermark.height ), new GUIContent( Watermark ) );

        // Display
        X = Y = 0.0f;

        Label( "Arrow Keys + Space : Move", 250.0f );
        Label( "Left Mouse : Look. Return : Resume demo", 300.0f );

        if ( !(ShowControls = CheckBox( "Show Controls", ShowControls )) )

        // Show FPS
        if ( FPSDisplay != null )
            FPSDisplay.active = CheckBox( "Show FPS", FPSDisplay.active );

        PreviousY();	// Come back
        if ( bCanShowSimpleMode && GUI.Button( new Rect( X + 120.0f, NextY(), 120.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT ), AdvancedMode ? "Simple" : "Advanced" ) )
            AdvancedMode = !AdvancedMode;


        Separate( 4 );

        if ( Orch != null && !AdvancedMode )
        {	// ==== SIMPLE CONTROLS ====
            // Simple Day/Night
            Orch.TimeOfDay = Slider( "Time of Day", Orch.TimeOfDay, 0.0f, 24.0f );
            Orch.DensityMultiplierAtNight = Slider( "Sunset Drama", Orch.DensityMultiplierAtNight, 0.0f, 8.0f );

            // Weather interpolant
            GUI.Label( new Rect( X, Y, 100.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT ), "Source Weather" );
            GUI.Label( new Rect( X + 300.0f, Y, 100.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT ), "Target Weather" );
            Orch.WeatherTypeSource = (NuajOrchestrator.WEATHER_PRESETS) SourcePreset.List( new Rect( X, Y, 100.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT ), (int) Orch.WeatherTypeSource, ComboBoxContents, GUIStyle.none );
            Orch.WeatherBalance = HorizontalSlider( new Rect( X + 100.0f, Y + 4, 200.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT-8.0f ), Orch.WeatherBalance, 0.0f, 1.0f );
            Orch.WeatherTypeTarget = (NuajOrchestrator.WEATHER_PRESETS) TargetPreset.List( new Rect( X + 300.0f, Y, 100.0f, STANDARD_HEIGHT ), (int) Orch.WeatherTypeTarget, ComboBoxContents, GUIStyle.none );
            Orch.WindForce = Slider( "Wind", Orch.WindForce, 0.0f, 0.2f );
        {	// ==== ADVANCED CONTROLS ====
            // Sun
            Manager.SunElevation = Slider( "Sun Elevation", Manager.SunElevation, 0.0f, 180.0f, Mathf.Rad2Deg );
            Manager.SunAzimuth = Slider( "Sun Azimuth", Manager.SunAzimuth, -180.0f, 180.0f, Mathf.Rad2Deg );
            Manager.ModuleSky.DensityRayleigh = Slider( "Air Density", Manager.ModuleSky.DensityRayleigh, 0.0f, 200.0f, 1e5f );
            Manager.ModuleSky.DensityMie = Slider( "Fog", Manager.ModuleSky.DensityMie, 0.0f, 1000.0f, 1e4f );


            // Clouds
            if ( Manager.ModuleCloudVolume.CloudLayersCount > 0 )
                Nuaj.ModuleCloudVolume.CloudLayer	L0 = Manager.ModuleCloudVolume.CloudLayers[0] as Nuaj.ModuleCloudVolume.CloudLayer;
                Label( "Layer 0", 100.0f );
                L0.Coverage = Slider( "Coverage", L0.Coverage, -1.0f, 1.0f );
                L0.Density = Slider( "Density", L0.Density, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.2e3f );
                L0.Altitude = Slider( "Altitude", L0.Altitude, -1.0f, 12.0f );
                L0.WindForce = Slider( "Wind", L0.WindForce, 0.0f, 0.5f );
                if ( L0.Thickness < 1.0f )
                    L0.Thickness = 1.0f;	// So we can always tweak something...

            if ( Manager.ModuleCloudLayer.CloudLayersCount > 0 )
                Nuaj.ModuleCloudLayer.CloudLayer	L1 = Manager.ModuleCloudLayer.CloudLayers[0] as Nuaj.ModuleCloudLayer.CloudLayer;
                Label( "Layer 1", 100.0f );
                L1.Coverage = Slider( "Coverage", L1.Coverage, -1.0f, 1.0f );
                L1.Density = Slider( "Density", L1.Density, 0.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f );
                L1.Altitude = Slider( "Altitude", L1.Altitude, -1.0f, 12.0f );
                L1.WindForce = Slider( "Wind", L1.WindForce, 0.0f, 1.0f );

        Manager.ToneMappingGammaHighlights = Slider( "Gamma", Manager.ToneMappingGammaHighlights, 0.0f, 4.0f );

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the cloud values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Owner"></param>
        /// <param name="_Cloud"></param>
        /// <param name="_Values"></param>
        /// <param name="_WeatherBalance"></param>
        public void Apply( NuajOrchestrator _Owner, ModuleCloudVolume.CloudLayer _Cloud )
            if ( !(_Cloud.Enabled=Enabled) )

            _Cloud.Altitude = Altitude;
            _Cloud.Thickness = Thickness;
            _Cloud.Coverage = Coverage;
            _Cloud.Density = 5.0e-3f * Density;
            _Cloud.NoiseTiling = 0.02f * NoiseTiling;
            _Cloud.AmplitudeFactor = NoiseAmplitude;
            _Cloud.FrequencyFactor = NoiseFrequency;

            // Setup wind
            _Cloud.WindDirectionAngle = _Owner.m_WindDirectionAngle;
            _Cloud.WindForce = _Owner.ComputeWindForce( _Cloud.Altitude );
Esempio n. 5
        public void Apply( NuajManager _Manager, NuajOrchestrator _Orch, float _Time )
            // Apply orchestrator preset
            _Orch.WeatherTypeSource = PresetSource;
            _Orch.WeatherTypeTarget = PresetTarget;
            _Orch.WeatherBalance = PresetBalanceStart + (PresetBalanceEnd - PresetBalanceStart) * _Time / Duration;

            _Orch.TimeOfDay = TimeOfDayStart + (TimeOfDayEnd - TimeOfDayStart) * _Time / Duration;
            _Orch.DensityMultiplierAtNight = NightDensityFactor;

            _Orch.WindForce = Wind;
            _Orch.WindDirectionAngle = WindAngle;

            // Compute spline position
            if ( !m_bPathPreProcessed )

            if ( m_KeyIndex > PositionKeys.Length-2 )
                return;	// Can't interpolate...

            while ( _Time > m_KeyTimes[m_KeyIndex+1] )
                if ( m_KeyIndex >= m_IntervalDurations.Length )
                    return;	// End of path...

            // Interpolate position/view vectors
            float	t = (_Time - m_KeyTimes[m_KeyIndex]) / m_IntervalDurations[m_KeyIndex];	// Normalize time
            Vector3	Position = LerpPosition( ref PositionKeys[m_KeyIndex], ref PositionKeys[m_KeyIndex+1], t );
            Vector3	View = LerpView( ref RotationKeys[m_KeyIndex], ref RotationKeys[m_KeyIndex+1], t );

            // Recompute view matrix
             			Transform	T = _Manager.Camera.transform;

            Vector3	Right = Vector3.Cross( Vector3.up, View ).normalized;
            Vector3	Up = Vector3.Cross( View, Right );

            T.right = Right;
            T.up = Up;
            T.forward = View;
            T.position = Position;