public void can_publish_build_to_nuget(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, string projectDir, ICraneApi craneApi, NuGetServerContext nuGetServer) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a nuGet server running" ._(() => { nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext); nuGetServer.PackageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(-1); }); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have build the project" ._(() => { result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); result.Should().BeBuiltSuccessfulyWithAllTestsPassing().And.BeErrorFree();; }); "And I have the solution context using the api" ._(() => { projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"); craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir); }); "And I have packaged the nuget spec" ._(() => { var buildOutputPath = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output"); craneApi.NugetPack(solutionContext, buildOutputPath, Path.Combine(buildOutputPath, "nuGet"), "").First().Should().BeErrorFree(); }); "When I publish to nuGet using the api" ._( () => craneApi.NugetPublish(solutionContext, Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output", "nuGet"), "", nuGetServer.Source.ToString(), nuGetServer.ApiKey).First().Should().BeErrorFree()); "It should push the package to the nuGet server" ._(() => nuGetServer.PackageExists("ServiceStack", "").Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => { nuGetServer.TearDown(); craneTestContext.TearDown(); }); }
public void build_a_project_and_publish_to_nuget( NuGetServerContext nuGetServer, ICraneTestContext craneTestContext, CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result) { // .\src\packages\xunit.runners.1.9.2\tools\xunit.console.clr4.exe .\build-output\Crane.Integration.Tests.dll /trait "Debug=nuGet" "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have a nuGet server running" ._(() => { nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext); nuGetServer.PackageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(-1); }); "And I have a project with a nuGet spec file (which is the default behaviour of crane init)" ._(() => craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init SallyFx").ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty()); "When I build the project supplying the nuGet details" ._(() => { result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "SallyFx"), "@('BuildSolution', 'NugetPublish')", "-nuget_api_key", nuGetServer.ApiKey, "-nuget_api_url", nuGetServer.Source.ToString()); result.Should().BeBuiltSuccessfulyWithAllTestsPassing().And.BeErrorFree(); }); "It should push the package to the nuGet server" ._(() => nuGetServer.PackageExists("SallyFx", "").Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => { nuGetServer.TearDown(); craneTestContext.TearDown(); }); }
public void invoking_command_packages_nuget_spec_file_correctly( CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult buildResult, RunResult commandResult, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, NuGetServerContext nuGetServer, string projectDir, ICraneApi craneApi, PowerShellApiRunner apiRunner) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have a crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => buildResult = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have build the project" ._(() => { buildResult = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); buildResult.Should().BeBuiltSuccessfulyWithAllTestsPassing().And.BeErrorFree(); projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"); }); "And I have my powershell api runner" ._(() => apiRunner = new PowerShellApiRunner(craneTestContext, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15))); "And I have a nuGet server running" ._(() => { nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext); nuGetServer.PackageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(-1); }); "And I have packed the nuget spec files" ._(() => apiRunner.Run( @"$context = Get-CraneSolutionContext -Path '{0}'; " + "Invoke-CraneNugetPackAllProjects -SolutionContext $context -BuildOutputPath '{1}' -NugetOutputPath '{2}' -Version {3}" + "| % {{ $_.StandardOutput }}", projectDir, Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output"), Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output", "nuGet"), "").Should().BeErrorFree()); "When I call invoke all nuget publish" ._(() => commandResult = apiRunner.Run( @"$context = Get-CraneSolutionContext -Path '{0}'; " + "Invoke-CraneNugetPublishAllProjects -SolutionContext $context -NugetOutputPath '{1}' -Version '{2}' -Source '{3}' -ApiKey '{4}'" + "| % {{ $_.StandardOutput }}", projectDir, Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output", "nuGet"), "", nuGetServer.Source, nuGetServer.ApiKey)); "Then there should be no error" ._(() => commandResult.Should().BeErrorFree()); "And the nuget package should have been created" ._(() => File.Exists(Path.Combine(projectDir, "build-output", "nuGet", "ServiceStack.")).Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => { nuGetServer.TearDown(); craneTestContext.TearDown(); }); }