Esempio n. 1
        private PointGeometry[] GetPositions(Ntx.Line line)
            PointGeometry[] pts = new PointGeometry[line.NumPosition];
            for (int i = 0; i < line.NumPosition; i++)
                Ntx.Position xp = line.Position(i);
                pts[i] = new PointGeometry(xp.Easting, xp.Northing);

Esempio n. 2
        private Feature ImportLine(ILength tol, Ntx.Line line, Operation creator)
            // Circular arcs are handled elsewhere
            if (line.IsCurve)

            IEntity what = GetEntityType(line, SpatialType.Line);

            PointGeometry[] pts = GetPositions(line);

            // Ignore zero-length lines
            if (HasZeroLength(pts))

            // Ensure point features exist at both ends of the line.
            PointFeature ps = EnsurePointExists(pts[0], tol, creator);
            PointFeature pe = EnsurePointExists(pts[pts.Length - 1], tol, creator);

            // Force end positions to match
            pts[0] = ps.PointGeometry;
            pts[pts.Length - 1] = pe.PointGeometry;

            // It's possible we've now produced a zero-length line
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(ps, pe) && HasZeroLength(pts))

            // If we're dealing with a multi-segment, I have occasionally seen tiny glitches
            // at the end of the incoming lines (whether this is a real data problem, or an
            // imperfection in the import software is unknown). So double check now.

            // In the longer term, the import software should also check for more complex
            // issues, like missing intersections. In the meantime, I assume that incoming
            // topological data is generally clean.

            if (pts.Length > 2 && line.IsTopologicalArc)
                pts = CheckMultiSegmentEnds(pts);

            LineFeature     result;
            InternalIdValue id = CadastralMapModel.Current.WorkingSession.AllocateNextId();

            if (pts.Length == 2)
                result = new LineFeature(creator, id, what, ps, pe);
                result = new LineFeature(creator, id, what, ps, pe, pts);

            // The toological status of the incoming arc may override the status that the
            // constructor derived from the entity type

Esempio n. 3
        private ArcFeature ImportArc(Ntx.Line line, Operation creator, ILength tol)
            IEntity what = GetEntityType(line, SpatialType.Line);

            // Get positions defining the arc
            PointGeometry[] pts = GetPositions(line);

            // Ignore zero-length lines
            if (HasZeroLength(pts))

            // Add a point at the center of the circle
            Ntx.Position  pos    = line.Center;
            PointGeometry pc     = new PointGeometry(pos.Easting, pos.Northing);
            PointFeature  center = EnsurePointExists(pc, tol, creator);

            // Calculate exact positions for the arc endpoints
            double          radius = line.Radius;
            ICircleGeometry cg     = new CircleGeometry(pc, radius);
            IPosition       bc     = CircleGeometry.GetClosestPosition(cg, pts[0]);
            IPosition       ec     = CircleGeometry.GetClosestPosition(cg, pts[pts.Length - 1]);

            // Round off to nearest micron
            PointGeometry bcg = PointGeometry.Create(bc);
            PointGeometry ecg = PointGeometry.Create(ec);

            // Ensure point features exist at both ends of the line.
            PointFeature ps = GetArcEndPoint(bcg, tol, creator);
            PointFeature pe = GetArcEndPoint(ecg, tol, creator);

            // Try to find a circle that's already been added by this import.
            Circle c = EnsureCircleExists(center, radius, tol, creator);

            // Determine which way the arc is directed
            bool iscw = LineStringGeometry.IsClockwise(pts, center);

            InternalIdValue id  = CadastralMapModel.Current.WorkingSession.AllocateNextId();
            ArcFeature      arc = new ArcFeature(creator, id, what, c, ps, pe, iscw);

            // The toological status of the incoming arc may override the status that the
            // constructor derived from the entity type

            #if DEBUG
            // Confirm the NTX data was valid (ensure it's consistent with what we've imported)...

            double readRad = c.Radius;
            double calcRad = BasicGeom.Distance(c.Center, ps);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(readRad - calcRad) < tol.Meters);

            foreach (IPointGeometry pg in pts)
                ILength check = arc.Geometry.Distance(pg);
                Debug.Assert(check.Meters < tol.Meters);
