Esempio n. 1
        public async Task SaveNpcPreset(NpcPreset npcPreset)
            if (npcPreset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("npcPreset");

            await _presetRepository.SaveAsync(npcPreset);
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task ViewPresetInfo(string name)
            var dmChannel = await Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            NpcPreset preset = await _presetService.GetNpcPreset(name);

            if (preset == null)
                await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format(Messages.ERR_NPC_PRESET_NOT_FOUND, name));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var stat in preset.Statistics)
                sb.Append($"{stat.Statistic.Name}: {stat.Value}\n");

            await dmChannel.SendMessageAsync(Context.User.Mention, embed : EmbedHelper.BuildBasicEmbed($"Preset info for {preset.Name}:", sb.ToString()));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <bool> CreateNpcPresetAsync(string name)
            // NPC preset with name exists
            if (await GetNpcPreset(name) != null)
                throw new Exception(Exceptions.NPC_PRESET_EXISTS);

            NpcPreset preset = new NpcPreset
                Name       = name,
                Statistics = new List <StatisticValue>()


            await _presetRepository.AddAsync(preset);

Esempio n. 4
        public Character CreateNpc(string name, NpcPreset preset)
            if (FindNpc(name) != null)
                throw new Exception(Exceptions.NPC_CHAR_EXISTS);

            if (preset == null)
                throw new Exception(Exceptions.NPC_INVALID_PRESET);
            if (preset.Enabled == false)
                throw new Exception(Exceptions.NPC_INVALID_PRESET_DISABLED);

            Character newNpc = new Character {
                Name = name, Statistics = preset.Statistics

            // Trying to keep this OOP as possible...


            var timer = new Timer();

            timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => OnDurationElasped(sender, e, newNpc);
            timer.Interval = NPC_ACTIVE_DURATION.TotalMilliseconds;
            timer.Enabled  = true;

            NpcTimers.Add(newNpc, timer);

