Esempio n. 1
    //Entering Detection Sphere - switch to Physics.overlapshpere?
    void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        // Timer for additional optisation?
        if (other.gameObject.tag == typeOfTarget.ToString() && ai.currentState != NpcAi.State.Init)
            if (ai.currentState == NpcAi.State.Idle || ai.currentState == NpcAi.State.Patrol || ai.currentState == NpcAi.State.Chase || ai.currentState == NpcAi.State.Investigate || ai.currentState == NpcAi.State.Attack)
                targetInSight = false;

                Vector3 direction = other.transform.position - transform.position;
                float   angle     = Vector3.Angle(direction, transform.forward);

                if (angle < fieldOfView * 0.5f)
                    RaycastHit hit;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position + transform.up, direction.normalized, out hit, col.radius, detectionMask))
                        if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == typeOfTarget.ToString())
                            targetInSight = true;
                            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.transform.position,, 0.1f, true);

                            if (ai.myTarget == null)
                                senseTarget = hit.transform.gameObject;
                                //Debug.Log ("Target Aquired!");
                            if (senseTarget != null && targetInSight == false)
                                //Line of sight has been broken!
//				if(ai.currentState != NpcAi.State.Chase && ai.currentState != NpcAi.State.Attack)//they are effectivly deaf when engaging an enemy
//				{
//					if(CalculatePathLength(other.transform.position) <= col.radius /2) //back here later
//					{
//						//ai.GoInvestigate(other.transform.position);
//						//Debug.Log ("Heard the Player!!"); //Carefull here, requires externa critera for solid logic gate
//					}
//				}
            }            //State Logic gate end