Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies edge mask (edgeEntry) on parentTile, result is stored in bit
        /// </summary>
        public void ApplyEdgeMask(Bitmap bit, int edgeID, int coverID)
            FileEntry edgeEntry = Entries[edgeID]; FileEntry coverTile = Entries[coverID];
            // prepare cover

            Section sect = coverTile.BaseSection;

            byte[] sectionUncompressedData = sectionCache.LookupCache(sect);
            if (sectionUncompressedData == null)
                videoBagStream.BaseStream.Seek(sect.VideoBagOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] sectionCompressedData = videoBagStream.ReadBytes((int)sect.SizeCompressed);
                sectionUncompressedData = new byte[sect.SizeUncompressed];
                NoxLzCompression.Decompress(sectionCompressedData, sectionUncompressedData);
                // add data in cache
                sectionCache.AddToCache(sect, sectionUncompressedData);
            int[] coverColorData = ReadType0Image(coverTile, sectionUncompressedData);
            // prepare edge
            sect = edgeEntry.BaseSection;
            sectionUncompressedData = sectionCache.LookupCache(sect);
            if (sectionUncompressedData == null)
                videoBagStream.BaseStream.Seek(sect.VideoBagOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] sectionCompressedData = videoBagStream.ReadBytes((int)sect.SizeCompressed);
                sectionUncompressedData = new byte[sect.SizeUncompressed];
                NoxLzCompression.Decompress(sectionCompressedData, sectionUncompressedData);
                // add data in cache
                sectionCache.AddToCache(sect, sectionUncompressedData);
            // build up
            TileEdgeMixer edge = new TileEdgeMixer(bit, coverColorData, sectionUncompressedData, Palette8Bit, (int)edgeEntry.SectionOffset, (int)edgeEntry.SizeUncompressed);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns ready-to-go Bitmap and offset values for given Entry
        /// </summary>
        public unsafe Bitmap GetBitmap(FileEntry fe, out int offsX, out int offsY)
            int[]       bitmap = null;
            PixelFormat format = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
            Bitmap      result = null;
            Section     sect   = fe.BaseSection;

            // look up uncompressed data in cache
            byte[] sectionUncompressedData = sectionCache.LookupCache(sect);
            if (sectionUncompressedData == null)
                videoBagStream.BaseStream.Seek(sect.VideoBagOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] sectionCompressedData = videoBagStream.ReadBytes((int)sect.SizeCompressed);
                sectionUncompressedData = new byte[sect.SizeUncompressed];
                NoxLzCompression.Decompress(sectionCompressedData, sectionUncompressedData);
                // add data in cache
                sectionCache.AddToCache(sect, sectionUncompressedData);

            int width = 0, height = 0; uint moff;

            offsX = 0; offsY = 0;

            fixed(byte *imgSectionPtr = sectionUncompressedData)
                switch (fe.EntryType)
                case 0:
                    // Tiles
                    width  = 46; height = 46;
                    bitmap = ReadType0Image(fe, imgSectionPtr);

                case 1:
                    // // Tile edges
                    width = 46; height = 46;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Use ApplyEdgeMask() instead");

                case 3:
                    // kinda PCX
                    moff   = fe.SectionOffset;
                    width  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    height = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    offsX  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    offsY  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff));
                    bitmap = ReadType3Image(fe, imgSectionPtr);

                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                    // Same as 3 but with dynamic colors
                    moff   = fe.SectionOffset;
                    width  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    height = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    offsX  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff)); moff += 4;
                    offsY  = *((int *)(imgSectionPtr + moff));
                    bitmap = ReadType456Image(fe, imgSectionPtr);

            if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                result = new Bitmap(width, height, format);
                int stride = 4 * width;
                // copy bitmap
                BitmapData bd = result.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, format);
                Marshal.Copy(bitmap, 0, bd.Scan0, bitmap.Length);
