Esempio n. 1
        private ActionResult LoadIndexNews(string editorialUrl, string categoryUrl, string blogurl, string newsUrl, bool isPreview = false)
                // redirect where curitiba
                if (editorialUrl == "where-curitiba")
                    return(new RedirectResult("", true));

                var newsId = ToolService.GetIdByUrl(Request.Url.ToString());

                //Get the news object
                var objNoticia = null as Noticia;

                if (newsId.HasValue)
                    objNoticia = Noticia.Load(newsId.Value);

                if (objNoticia == null)
                    objNoticia = Noticia.GetByUrl(newsUrl);

                #region Validations
                //Redirect 301 to new url
                if (!isPreview)
                    #region Redirect

                    var originUrl = Request.RawUrl.Remove(Request.RawUrl.Length - 5);

                    if (objNoticia != null)
                        if (originUrl != objNoticia.UrlFull)
                            return(new RedirectResult($"{objNoticia.UrlFull}.html", true));
                        var redirectUrl = UrlRedirect.GetByUrl(originUrl);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectUrl))
                            return(new RedirectResult($"{redirectUrl}.html", true));


                if (objNoticia == null)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

                if (objNoticia.Autores != null && objNoticia.Autores.Count() > 0)
                    //19 = Estadão, 65 = Folhapress
                    var objAutorGoogleNews = objNoticia.Autores.Where(a => a.Id == 19 || a.Id == 65).FirstOrDefault();

                    ViewBag.isAutorGoogleNews = objAutorGoogleNews != null ? true : false;

                //Caso a noticia for inativa responde com redirect permanente para a home
                if ((objNoticia.StatusId == Status.Inativa.Id || !objNoticia.Categoria.Status) && !isPreview)
                    return(new RedirectResult("/", true));

                //Caso a noticia for diferente de publicada responde com 404
                if (objNoticia.StatusId != Status.Publicada.Id && !isPreview)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));


                //Recupera a origem
                var urlReferrer = Request.UrlReferrer?.AbsolutePath.TrimEnd('/') ?? string.Empty;

                //Ultimas Notícias
                var lastestNews = new List <Noticia>();

                //Get the location id
                var locationId = CookieFx.GetLocationId(Request);

                //Get the user city
                var objCidade = Cidade.Load(locationId);


                if (urlReferrer.StartsWith("/tag"))
                    var tagUrl = urlReferrer.Split('/').Last();

                    var tag = Tag.GetByUrl(tagUrl);

                    if (tag == null)

                    var isNewsWithTag = false;

                    var newsWithTag = NoticiaSrv.GetTagsByNewsIdCached(objNoticia.Id);

                    foreach (var item in newsWithTag)
                        if (item.Id == tag.Id)
                            isNewsWithTag = true;

                    if (isNewsWithTag)
                        lastestNews = GetValuesOfTag(urlReferrer, objNoticia).ToList();
                    else if (editorialUrl == "blogs")
                        lastestNews = GetValuesOfBlogCategory(objNoticia).ToList();
                    if (objNoticia.CidadeId.HasValue && objNoticia.CategoriaUrl.Equals("plantao"))
                        if (objNoticia.Cidade.MicroregiaoId == objCidade.MicroregiaoId)
                            lastestNews = GetValuesOfMyRegion(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                        else if (objNoticia.Cidade.MicroregiaoId != objCidade.MicroregiaoId)
                            lastestNews = GetValuesOfParana(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                    else if (!objNoticia.CidadeId.HasValue && objNoticia.CategoriaUrl.Equals("plantao"))
                        lastestNews = GetValuesOfParana(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                        lastestNews = GetValuesOfCategory(objNoticia).ToList();
                else if (urlReferrer.StartsWith("/fotos"))
                    lastestNews = GetValuesOfGallery().ToList();
                else if (editorialUrl == "blogs")
                    lastestNews = GetValuesOfBlogCategory(objNoticia).ToList();
                    if (objNoticia.CidadeId.HasValue)
                        //If the news has the category 'plantao'
                        if (objNoticia.CategoriaUrl.Equals("plantao"))
                            if (objNoticia.Cidade.MicroregiaoId == objCidade.MicroregiaoId)
                                //Sua Região
                                lastestNews = GetValuesOfMyRegion(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                            else if (objNoticia.Cidade.MicroregiaoId != objCidade.MicroregiaoId)
                                lastestNews = GetValuesOfParana(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                            //If the news is's category 'plantao
                            lastestNews = GetValuesOfCategory(objNoticia).ToList();
                        //If the news has the category 'plantao'
                        if (objNoticia.CategoriaUrl.Equals("plantao"))
                            lastestNews = GetValuesOfParana(objCidade.MicroregiaoId, objNoticia).ToList();
                            //If the news is's category 'plantao
                            lastestNews = GetValuesOfCategory(objNoticia).ToList();

                //Habilita Comentários
                ViewBag.AllowComments = !isPreview;

                //Caso a notícia exista na lista é removida para evitar duplicidade
                if (lastestNews.Any(n => n.Id == objNoticia.Id))
                    lastestNews.Remove(lastestNews.Single(n => n.Id == objNoticia.Id));

                //insere noticia na lista de notícias
                lastestNews.Insert(0, objNoticia);

                ViewBag.NavItems = lastestNews.Select(n => new NoticiaNavItem(n, lastestNews.IndexOf(n).Equals(0)));

                ViewBag.Lastest4News = lastestNews.Take(4).ToList();

                //Set the list of categories
                if (objNoticia.Categoria.EditorialId == 4 && ViewBag.NavigationType == "categoria")
                    ViewBag.Categorias      = NoticiaSrv.GetCategoriasByEditorial(objNoticia.Categoria.EditorialId);
                    ViewBag.MenuCategoriaId = objNoticia.Categoria.CategoriaPaiId.HasValue ? objNoticia.Categoria.CategoriaPaiId : objNoticia.Categoria.Id;

                ViewBag.AmpLink = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/amp{objNoticia.UrlFull}.html";

                /* base model defaults */
                var model = new NoticiaModel
                    //Title = $"{objNoticia.Titulo} - Massa News {objNoticia.Cidade.Nome}",
                    Description = $"{(objNoticia.Conteudo.Length > 220 ? Text.RemoveHtmlTags(objNoticia.Conteudo.Substring(0, 220) + "... Leia mais no Massa News!") : Text.RemoveHtmlTags(objNoticia.Conteudo) + " Leia no Massa News!")}",
                    Robots      = isPreview ? "noindex, nofollow" : "index, follow",
                    Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}{objNoticia.UrlFull}.html",
                    News        = new NewsItemViewModel(objNoticia, ControllerContext)

                if (objNoticia.Cidade != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objNoticia.Cidade.Nome))
                    model.Title = $"{objNoticia.Titulo} - Massa News {objNoticia.Cidade.Nome}";
                else if (objNoticia.Blog != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objNoticia.Blog.Titulo))
                    model.Title = $"{objNoticia.Titulo} - {objNoticia.Blog.Titulo} - Massa News";
                    model.Title = $"{objNoticia.Titulo} - Massa News";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objNoticia.ImgLg))
                    model.ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlDominioEstaticoUploads}/{"noticias"}/{objNoticia.ImgLg}";
                else if (objNoticia.Blog != null)
                    model.ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/avatar/blogs/{objNoticia.Blog.Url}.jpg";

                // Página
                ViewBag.Pagina = "interna";

                // ID
                ViewBag.Id = objNoticia.Id;

                // Editoria
                ViewBag.EditoriaUrl    = objNoticia.Categoria.Editorial.Url;
                ViewBag.EditoriaTitulo = objNoticia.Categoria.Editorial.Titulo;

                // Categoria
                ViewBag.Categoria = objNoticia.CategoriaUrl;

                //Formata Noticia Site Antigo Negocio da Terra
                if (editorialUrl == "negocios-da-terra" && objNoticia.DataPublicacao < new DateTime(2017, 09, 12))
                    var aux = model.News.News.Conteudo.Split('\n');
                    model.News.News.Conteudo = "";

                    foreach (var item in aux)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
                            model.News.News.Conteudo = model.News.News.Conteudo + "<p>" + item + "</p>";

                return(View("index", model));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var vars = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Editorial", editorialUrl },
                    { "Category", categoryUrl },
                    { "NewsUrl", newsUrl }

                NewRelic.Api.Agent.NewRelic.NoticeError(ex, vars);
