// Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //noteManager = transform.root.GetComponent<Note_Tracker>();
        noteManager = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <Note_Tracker>();

        // if no note manager stop
        if (noteManager == null)
            Debug.Log("No Ref to noteManager on: " + transform.name); return;

        // check each child for the value slider
        foreach (Transform child in transform.GetChild(0))
            // if the name is the same as the categories dropdown || assign it and stop looking
            if (child.name == ("Dropdown_Types"))
                categories = child.GetComponent <Dropdown>(); break;
            // if not then log it
                Debug.Log("No Ref to categories/types dropdown on: " + transform.name); return;
        }// end of for each child

        // check each child for the value slider
        foreach (Transform child in transform.GetChild(0))
            // if the name is the same as the value slider || assign it / assign the value to our variable and stop looking
            if (child.name == ("Slider_Value_Important"))
                valueSlider = child.GetComponent <Slider>(); myValue = valueSlider.value; break;
        }// end of for each child

        // set can drag this to false so we cannot drag the item yet
        canDragThis = false;
        // we are not dragging
        amDragging = false;
        // set color picker to off
        colorPickerOpen = false;
        // we do want to use this note
        useThisNote = true;
        // assign main canvas
        mainCanvas = transform.parent.GetComponent <Canvas>();

        // for each option we have in categories (ie gain, pain, jobs...)
        foreach (string option1 in noteManager.noteCategories)
            // create a list to convert the string
            List <string> SomeName = new List <string>();
            // add the list to the string
            // add everything in the list to the options in dropdown
        }// end of for each option
    }    // end of start
 // start
 private void Start()
     // get the reference to the script
     myNoteScript  = GetComponent <myNote>();
     myNoteTracker = transform.root.GetComponent <Note_Tracker>();
 }// end of start