public ActionResult Index(string codingLanguage = null, string noteType = null) { List <CodingLanguage> codingLanguages = cContext.Collections().OrderBy(o => o.Name).ToList(); List <NoteType> noteTypes = typeContext.Collections().OrderBy(o => o.Name).ToList(); List <Note> notes; if (codingLanguage == null && noteType == null) { notes = noteContext.Collections().OrderBy(o => o.dateModified).ToList(); } else if (noteType == null) { notes = noteContext.Collections().Where(n => n.CodingLanguage == codingLanguage).OrderBy(o => o.dateModified).ToList(); } else if (codingLanguage == null) { notes = noteContext.Collections().Where(n => n.NoteType == noteType).OrderBy(o => o.dateModified).ToList(); } else { notes = noteContext.Collections().Where(n => n.NoteType == noteType).Where(n => n.CodingLanguage == codingLanguage).OrderBy(o => o.dateModified).ToList(); } NoteListViewModel viewModel = new NoteListViewModel(); viewModel.notes = notes; viewModel.codingLanguages = codingLanguages; viewModel.noteTypes = noteTypes; return(View(viewModel)); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = new NoteListViewModel(); LoadNotes(); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); ViewModel = new NoteListViewModel(); BindingContext = ViewModel; }
public NoteListPage() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new NoteListViewModel() { Navigation = this.Navigation }; }
public MainViewModel(IApi api, UIHost uiHost, FolderListViewModel folderList, NoteListViewModel noteList) { Api = api; UIHost = uiHost; FolderList = folderList; NoteList = noteList; ShowSettingsCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowSettings); }
public ActionResult Index(FetchOptions options) { var user = userRepository.GetCurrentUser(User); var notes = noteRepository.GetAllByUser(user, options); var model = new NoteListViewModel { Notes = notes }; return(View(model)); }
ViewModelBase createModel(int productId) { var model = new NoteListViewModel(); var product = ProductService.FindProductModel(productId, 0, CurrentCompany); PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrCompliance + (productId == 0 ? "" : " - " + product.ItemName), productId, MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, 0, 0, 0, productId)); model.ParentId = productId; return(model); }
ViewModelBase createModel(int saleId) // Id of temp table POH { var model = new NoteListViewModel(); var soht = SalesService.FindSalesOrderHeaderTempModel(saleId, CurrentCompany); PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrSaleNotes + (soht == null ? "" : " - Order Number: " + soht.OrderNumber), saleId, MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, 0, 0, soht.OriginalRowId)); model.ParentId = saleId; return(model); }
ViewModelBase createModel(int purchaseId) // Id of temp table POH { var model = new NoteListViewModel(); var poht = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(purchaseId, CurrentCompany); PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrPurchaseNotes + (poht == null ? "" : " - Order Number: " + poht.OrderNumber), purchaseId, MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, poht.OriginalRowId)); model.ParentId = purchaseId; return(model); }
ViewModelBase createModel(int customerId) { var model = new NoteListViewModel(); var customer = CustomerService.FindCustomerModel(customerId, CurrentCompany); PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrCustomerNotes + (customer == null ? "" : " - " + customer.Name), customerId, MakeMenuOptionFlags(customerId, 0)); model.ParentId = customerId; return(model); }
public ActionResult GetNoteListByOrderId(int id, string orderType, long orderid) { var pager = new Pager { PageSize = Configinfo.NotePagerCount }; pager = MyService.GetFloorNoteByOrderId(pager, id, orderid, orderType); var noteListViewModel = new NoteListViewModel { NotePagerInfo = pager }; return(PartialView("_NoteList", noteListViewModel)); }
public ActionResult NoteList(int id, string orderType, int?p) { var pageNo = (p ?? 1) > 0 ? (p ?? 1) : 1; var pager = new Pager { PageNo = pageNo, PageSize = Configinfo.NotePagerCount }; pager = MyService.GetFloorNotePaging(pager, id, orderType); var noteListViewModel = new NoteListViewModel { NotePagerInfo = pager }; return(PartialView("_NoteList", noteListViewModel)); }
public IActionResult GetAllByUser(int page = 1) { int pageSize = 30; var user = _userService.GetUserByUserName(User.Identity.Name).Data; var list = _noteService.GetByUserId(user.Id).Data; NoteListViewModel model = new NoteListViewModel { Notes = PagingListSelectBySearch.SelectList(list, null, page, pageSize), PageCount = PagingListSelectBySearch.GetPageCount(list, null, pageSize), PageSize = pageSize, CurrentPage = page }; return(View("GetAll", model)); }
public ActionResult UserNoteList(int p, int size = 20) { var pager = new Pager { PageNo = p, PageSize = size }; pager = MyService.GetArticlePaging(pager, 6, 0, user: UserInfo.userid); var noteListViewModel = new NoteListViewModel { NotePagerInfo = pager }; if (pager.Amount > 0) { var varticle = (pager.Entity as IQueryable <blog_varticle>).First(); var category = MyService.GetCategoryById(varticle.cateid); ViewBag.NoteUrl = WebUtils.GetCateUrl(category); } return(PartialView("_UserNote", noteListViewModel)); }
public MainViewModel(string filePath = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { OpenPath(filePath); } else { Notes = new ObservableCollection <BaseNoteViewModel>(); Notes.CollectionChanged += NotesOnCollectionChanged; } NoteListViewModel = new NoteListViewModel(this); OpenCommand = new RelayCommand(Open); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(Save); SaveAsCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveAs); AddNoteCommand = new RelayCommand(AddNote); DeleteCurrentNoteCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteCurrentNote); PreviousNoteCommand = new RelayCommand(PreviousNote); NextNoteCommand = new RelayCommand(NextNote); }
public IActionResult GetAll(int page = 1) { int pageSize = 30; var list = _noteService.GetAll().Data; List <UserDto> users = new List <UserDto>(); foreach (var note in list) { users.Add(_userService.GetByUserId(note.UserId).Data); } NoteListViewModel model = new NoteListViewModel { Notes = PagingListSelectBySearch.SelectList(list, null, page, pageSize), Users = users, PageCount = PagingListSelectBySearch.GetPageCount(list, null, pageSize), PageSize = pageSize, CurrentPage = page }; return(View(model)); }
public NoteList() { BindingContext = new NoteListViewModel(new PageService()); InitializeComponent(); }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); VM = DataContext as NoteListViewModel; }
public NoteListPage(Course course) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = _viewModel = new NoteListViewModel(course); }
public NoteListPage() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = _viewModel = App.Current.Services.GetService <NoteListViewModel>(); }