public static Move MoveFromUciNotation(string uciMoveNotation) { if (uciMoveNotation.Length < 4) { throw new ArgumentException($"Long algebraic notation expected. '{uciMoveNotation}' is too short!"); } if (uciMoveNotation.Length > 5) { throw new ArgumentException($"Long algebraic notation expected. '{uciMoveNotation}' is too long!"); } //expected format is the long algebraic notation without piece names https: // //Examples: e2e4, e7e5, e1g1(white short castling), e7e8q(for promotion) string fromSquare = uciMoveNotation.Substring(0, 2); string toSquare = uciMoveNotation.Substring(2, 2); int fromIndex = Notation.ToSquareIndex(fromSquare); int toIndex = Notation.ToSquareIndex(toSquare); int flags = 0; //the presence of a 5th character should mean promotion if (uciMoveNotation.Length == 5) { //promotion flags char promotion = uciMoveNotation[4]; flags = promotion switch { 'N' => Flag.PromoteToKnight, 'B' => Flag.PromoteToBishop, 'R' => Flag.PromoteToRook, 'Q' => Flag.PromoteToQueen, 'n' => Flag.PromoteToKnight, 'b' => Flag.PromoteToBishop, 'r' => Flag.PromoteToRook, 'q' => Flag.PromoteToQueen, _ => throw new NotImplementedException() }; } return(new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, flags)); }