public void ShouldChangeExtension(string extension, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("temp/hello.txt");

                // When
                path = path.ChangeExtension(extension);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.ToString());
        public async Task <string> TryImportAsync(string requestedFile, string parentPath)
            // Modify the requested file if we have an import path function
            string modifiedParentPath = null;

            if (_importPathFunc != null)
                requestedFile      = _importPathFunc(requestedFile);
                modifiedParentPath = _importPathFunc(parentPath);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestedFile))

            // Get the input relative path to the parent file
            // Make sure to try checking for a previously processed parent post-modification
            NormalizedPath parentFilePath    = new NormalizedPath(parentPath);
            NormalizedPath requestedFilePath = new NormalizedPath(requestedFile);

            if (parentFilePath.IsRelative &&
                !_parentAbsolutePaths.TryGetValue(parentFilePath, out parentFilePath) &&
                (modifiedParentPath == null || !_parentAbsolutePaths.TryGetValue(modifiedParentPath, out parentFilePath)))
                // Relative parent path and no available absolute path, try with the relative path
                parentFilePath = new NormalizedPath(parentPath);

            // Try to get the relative path to the parent file from inside the input virtual file system
            // But if the parent file isn't under an input path, just use it directly
            NormalizedPath containingInputPath = _fileSystem.GetContainingInputPath(parentFilePath);
            NormalizedPath parentRelativePath  = containingInputPath.IsNull
                ? parentFilePath
                : containingInputPath.GetRelativePath(parentFilePath);

            // Find the requested file by first combining with the parent
            NormalizedPath filePath = parentRelativePath.ChangeFileName(requestedFilePath);
            string         scss     = await GetFileVariationsAsync(filePath, requestedFilePath);

            if (scss != null)

            // That didn't work so try it again as a relative path from the input folder
            scss = await GetFileVariationsAsync(requestedFilePath, requestedFilePath);

            if (!requestedFilePath.IsAbsolute && scss != null)

            public void CanGetDirectoryForFilePath()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("temp/hello.txt");

                // When
                NormalizedPath directory = path.Parent;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("temp", directory.FullPath);
            public void ShouldReturnRootRelativePath(string fullPath, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath rootRelative = path.RootRelative;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, rootRelative.FullPath);
            public void ShouldReturnRootPath(string fullPath, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath root = path.Root;

                // Then
            public void EmptyPath()
                // Given, When
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(string.Empty);

                // Then
            public void ShouldReturnFilenameWithoutExtensionFromPath(string fullPath, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.FileNameWithoutExtension;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result.FullPath);
            public void ShouldThrowIfPathIsNull()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("assets");

                // When
                TestDelegate test = () => path.Combine(null);

                // Then
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(test);
            public void CanGetFilenameFromPath()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("/input/test.txt");

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.FileName;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", result.FullPath);
            public void GetsFileNameIfJustFileName()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("test.txt");

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.FileName;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", result.FullPath);
            public void CanInsertPrefixToPath(string path, string prefix, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath filePath = new NormalizedPath(path);

                // When
                filePath = filePath.InsertPrefix(prefix);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, filePath.FullPath);
            public void ShouldThrowIfPRefixIsNull()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("temp/hello.txt");

                // When
                TestDelegate test = () => path.InsertPrefix(null);

                // Then
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(test);
            public void CanAppendExtensionToPath(string extension, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("temp/hello.txt");

                // When
                path = path.AppendExtension(extension);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, path.ToString());
            public void ShouldThrowIfExtensionIsNull()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("temp/hello.txt");

                // When
                TestDelegate test = () => path.AppendExtension(null);

                // Then
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(test);
            public void ShouldReturnNullIfOnlyExtension(string fullPath)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.FileNameWithoutExtension;

                // Then
            public void ShouldCombinePaths(string first, string second, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(first);

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.Combine(new NormalizedPath(second));

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result.FullPath);
            public void ShouldChangeFileName(string fullPath, string fileName, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.ChangeFileName(fileName);

                // Then
            public void OptimizesInstance()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("a/b/c/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_~:?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=.html");

                // When
                NormalizedPath result = path.OptimizeFileName();

                // Then
            public void ShouldReturnDirectoryName(string directoryPath, string name)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(directoryPath);

                // When
                string result = path.Name;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(name, result);
            public void ShouldReturnEmptyRootForExplicitRelativePath(string fullPath)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath, PathKind.Relative);

                // When
                NormalizedPath root = path.Root;

                // Then
            public void ReturnsParent(string directoryPath, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(directoryPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath parent = path.Parent;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, parent.FullPath);
            public void CanGetExtension(string fullPath, string expected)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath result = new NormalizedPath(fullPath);

                // When
                string extension = result.Extension;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, extension);
            public void RelativeRootDirectoryReturnsEmptyParent(string directoryPath)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(directoryPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath parent = path.Parent;

                // Then
            public void CanGetDirectoryForFilePathInRoot()
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath("hello.txt");

                // When
                NormalizedPath directory = path.Parent;

                // Then
            public void AbsoluteRootDirectoryReturnsNull(string directoryPath)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(directoryPath);

                // When
                NormalizedPath parent = path.Parent;

                // Then
            public void ShouldReturnSelfForExplicitRelativePath(string fullPath)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = new NormalizedPath(fullPath, PathKind.Relative);

                // When
                NormalizedPath rootRelative = path.RootRelative;

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(path.FullPath, rootRelative.FullPath);
Esempio n. 27
 NormalizedPath WriteProjectFolder(NormalizedPath folder, ICodeProject project)
     folder = folder.AppendPart(project.ProjectName);
     project.CreateRootElement().Save(folder.AppendPart(project.ProjectName + ".csproj"));
     using (var source = new StreamWriter(folder.AppendPart("Program.cs")))
            public void AddsExtensionToEmptyPath(string extension)
                // Given
                NormalizedPath path = NormalizedPath.Empty;

                // When
                path = path.ChangeExtension(extension);

                // Then
        public LocalDirectory(NormalizedPath path)

            if (path.IsRelative)
                throw new ArgumentException("Path must be absolute", nameof(path));

            Path       = path;
            _directory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.FullPath);
Esempio n. 30
 public UserHost(IBasicApplicationLifetime lifetime, NormalizedPath userHostPath)
     ApplicationLifetime  = lifetime;
     CommandRegister      = new CommandRegister();
     _xTypedObjectfactory = new XTypedFactory();
     UserKeyVault         = new UserKeyVault(userHostPath);
     _worldMapping        = new SimpleWorldLocalMapping(userHostPath.AppendPart("WorldLocalMapping.txt"));
     _store        = new GitWorldStore(userHostPath, _worldMapping, UserKeyVault.KeyStore, CommandRegister);
     WorldSelector = new WorldSelector(_store, CommandRegister, _xTypedObjectfactory, UserKeyVault.KeyStore, lifetime);