public void BuildTurretOn(NodeScript node) { if (TD_Stats.Experience < turretTobuild.cost) { Debug.Log("Not enough Experience"); return; } TD_Stats.Experience -= turretTobuild.cost; GameObject turret = Instantiate(turretTobuild.prefab, node.GetBuildPos(), Quaternion.identity); node.WBCTurret = turret; GameObject Effect = Instantiate(BuildEffect, node.GetBuildPos(), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(Effect, 4f); Debug.Log("WBC Placed! " + "Experience Left" + TD_Stats.Experience); }
public void BuildTurretHere(NodeScript node) { if (PlayerStats.resources < BuildThisTurret.buildCost) { //TODO: POPUP on UI! Debug.Log("We require more minerals"); return; } PlayerStats.resources -= BuildThisTurret.buildCost; GameObject turret = Instantiate(BuildThisTurret.prefab, node.GetBuildPos(), Quaternion.identity); node.turret = turret; //TODO: Show resources in UI! Debug.Log("Very Well. this turret will be conjured..... You have " + PlayerStats.resources + " left"); }
public void SetTarget(NodeScript _target) { target = _target; transform.position = target.GetBuildPos(); if (!target.isMaxxed) { upgradeID = target.UpgradeID; upgradeCost.text = "$" + target.turretBlueprint.cost[upgradeID]; upgradeButton.interactable = true; } else { upgradeCost.text = "Max lvl"; upgradeButton.interactable = false; } sellAmt.text = "$" + target.turretBlueprint.GetSellAmount(upgradeID); UI.SetActive(true); }