Esempio n. 1
        private void btnZipCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpWebRequest    myHttpWebRequest  = null; //Declare an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.
            HttpWebResponse   myHttpWebResponse = null; //Declare an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class
            XmlTextReader     myXMLReader       = null; //Declare XMLReader
            XPathNavigator    nav;
            XPathDocument     docNav;
            XPathNodeIterator NodeIterTitle;
            XPathNodeIterator NodeIterForeCast;

            String zip = txtZip.Text;

            //Create Request
            String WeatherURL = "" + zip + "&maxRows=10&username=ajf1130";

            myHttpWebRequest             = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(WeatherURL);
            myHttpWebRequest.Method      = "GET";
            myHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'";
            //Get Response
            myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();

            //Load response stream into XMLReader
            myXMLReader = new XmlTextReader(myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

            docNav = new XPathDocument(myXMLReader);
            // Create a navigator to query with XPath.
            nav = docNav.CreateNavigator();

            NodeIterTitle    = nav.Select("//postalcode");
            NodeIterForeCast = nav.Select("//name");

            while (NodeIterTitle.MoveNext() && NodeIterForeCast.MoveNext())
                rtZipResults.Text += NodeIterTitle.Current.Value + Environment.NewLine +
                                     NodeIterForeCast.Current.Value + " " + Environment.NewLine
                                     + Environment.NewLine;
Esempio n. 2
        private void btnGetForeCast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpWebRequest    myHttpWebRequest  = null; //Declare an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.
            HttpWebResponse   myHttpWebResponse = null; //Declare an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class
            XmlTextReader     myXMLReader       = null; //Declare XMLReader
            XPathNavigator    nav;
            XPathDocument     docNav;
            XPathNodeIterator NodeIterTitle;
            XPathNodeIterator NodeIterForeCast;

            //Create Request
            String WeatherURL = "";

            myHttpWebRequest             = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(WeatherURL);
            myHttpWebRequest.Method      = "GET";
            myHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'";
            //Get Response
            myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();

            //Load response stream into XMLReader
            myXMLReader = new XmlTextReader(myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

            docNav = new XPathDocument(myXMLReader);
            // Create a navigator to query with XPath.
            nav = docNav.CreateNavigator();

            NodeIterTitle    = nav.Select("//forecastday/title");
            NodeIterForeCast = nav.Select("//forecastday/fcttext");

            while (NodeIterTitle.MoveNext() && NodeIterForeCast.MoveNext())
                rtForeCast.Text += NodeIterTitle.Current.Value + Environment.NewLine +
                                   NodeIterForeCast.Current.Value + " " + Environment.NewLine
                                   + Environment.NewLine;