Esempio n. 1
        public void NodeGroupFromConstruct()
            NodeGroup ngResult = new NodeGroup();

            NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig necc = new NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig("http", "", 12058);
            NodeGroupExecutionClient       nec  = new NodeGroupExecutionClient(necc);

            String nodeGroupId    = "Logging SPARQLgraph alerts";
            String connectionInfo = "{ \"name\": \"Logging SparqlGraph\", \"domain\": \"\", \"model\": [ { \"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\"} ], \"data\": [ {\"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\" } ]}";

            JsonObject jObject = JsonObject.Parse(connectionInfo);

            JsonObject jsonLD = nec.ExecuteDispatchConstructByIdToJsonLd(nodeGroupId, jObject, null, null).Result;

            NodeGroupResultSet ngResultSet = new NodeGroupResultSet(true);


            ngResult = NodeGroup.FromConstructJson(ngResultSet.GetResultsJson());

            Debug.WriteLine("total node count =" + ngResult.GetNodeCount());

            Assert.IsTrue(ngResult.GetNodeCount() > 0);

            foreach (Node nCurr in ngResult.GetNodeList())
                // write some basic debug so we can see something is working.
                Debug.WriteLine("uri: " + nCurr.GetFullUriName() + " , instanceValue: " + nCurr.GetInstanceValue());
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestNodeGroupExecClient()
            NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig necc = new NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig("http", "", 12058);
            NodeGroupExecutionClient       nec  = new NodeGroupExecutionClient(necc);

            String nodeGroupId    = "Logging SPARQLgraph alerts";
            String connectionInfo = "{ \"name\": \"Logging SparqlGraph\", \"domain\": \"\", \"model\": [ { \"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\"} ], \"data\": [ {\"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\" } ]}";

            JsonObject jObject = JsonObject.Parse(connectionInfo);

            Table res = nec.ExecuteDispatchSelectByIdToTable(nodeGroupId, jObject, null, null).Result;

            int count = res.GetNumRows();

            Assert.IsTrue(count > 0);
Esempio n. 3
        public void NodeGroupExecutionCountTest()
            NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig necc = new NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig("http", "", 12058);
            NodeGroupExecutionClient       nec  = new NodeGroupExecutionClient(necc);

            String nodeGroupId    = "Logging SPARQLgraph alerts";
            String connectionInfo = "{ \"name\": \"Logging SparqlGraph\", \"domain\": \"\", \"model\": [ { \"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\"} ], \"data\": [ {\"type\": \"virtuoso\", \"url\": \"\", \"dataset\": \"\" } ]}";

            JsonObject jObject = JsonObject.Parse(connectionInfo);

            long count = nec.ExecuteDispatchCountByIdToLong(nodeGroupId, jObject, null, null).Result;

            Debug.WriteLine("count reported " + count + " rows as existing.");

            Assert.IsTrue(count > 0);
Esempio n. 4
        private void InitServiceClients()
            // the Ontology info client.
            RestClientConfig orcc = new RestClientConfig("http", this.oServerBox.Text, int.Parse(this.oPortBox.Text));

            this.oisc = new OntologyInfoServiceClient(orcc);

            // the Nodegroup client
            RestClientConfig ngrcc = new RestClientConfig("http", this.ngServerBox.Text, int.Parse(this.ngPortBox.Text));

            this.ngc = new NodeGroupClient(ngrcc);

            // the nodegroup execution client
            NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig ngercc = new NodeGroupExecutionClientConfig("http", eServerBox.Text, int.Parse(ePortBox.Text));

            this.ngec = new NodeGroupExecutionClient(ngercc);