Esempio n. 1
        public void GetRegistryEntriesCreatedInDateRange(string seriesId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            List <Journalpost> registryEntries = new List <Journalpost>();

            bool hasMoreResults = true;
            int  pageSize       = 30;
            int  offset         = 0;

            while (hasMoreResults)
                QueryResponse <Journalpost> queryResponse =
                    client.Query <Journalpost>(" && opprettetDato=[@from:@to]",
                    .AddQueryParam("@seriesId", seriesId)
                    .AddQueryParam("@from", fromDate)
                    .AddQueryParam("@to", toDate)

                offset        += pageSize;
                hasMoreResults = queryResponse.HasMore;

            foreach (Journalpost registryEntry in registryEntries)
                Console.WriteLine($"Registry entry: Id: {registryEntry.Id}. Title: {registryEntry.Tittel}");
Esempio n. 2
        public void GetCaseFileBySecondaryClass(string seriesId, string secondaryClassId, string secondaryClassTitle)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //Note that folders, basic records and registry entries might also be linked to a secondary class.

            List <Saksmappe> caseFiles = new List <Saksmappe>();

            bool hasMoreResults = true;
            int  pageSize       = 30;
            int  offset         = 0;

            while (hasMoreResults)
                QueryResponse <Saksmappe> queryResponse = client
                                                          .Query <Saksmappe>(
                    " && refSekundaerKlasse.klasseIdent=@classId && refSekundaerKlasse.tittel=@title",
                                                          .AddQueryParam("@seriesId", seriesId)
                                                          .AddQueryParam("@classId", secondaryClassId)
                                                          .AddQueryParam("@title", secondaryClassTitle)

                hasMoreResults = queryResponse.HasMore;
                offset        += pageSize;

            foreach (Saksmappe caseFile in caseFiles)
                Console.WriteLine($"Case file: Id: {caseFile.Id}. Title: {caseFile.Tittel}");
Esempio n. 3
        public void Search()
             * Search for a free text string in index documents with the specified doctype.
             * An index document is a set of fields and their corresponding values stored in a search index.
             * Each index document has a doctype which corresponds to a set of Noark 5 fields stored in the index document.
             * The supported doctypes are Tekst, Arkivdel, Mappe, Registrering and Korrespondansepart.
             * Search fields are specific to each object type (eg. tittel in Arkivdel, klasseIdent and tittel in Klass etc.)

            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            int  offset         = 0;
            bool hasMoreResults = true;
            int  pageSize       = 30;
            int  resultsCount   = 0;

            List <SearchResponse> searchResults = new List <SearchResponse>();

            while (hasMoreResults)
                //Search for the string "Test"

                SearchResponse searchResponse = client.Search(Doctype.Tekst, "Test")

                resultsCount  += searchResponse.Results.Count;
                offset        += pageSize;
                hasMoreResults = resultsCount < searchResponse.Total;

            foreach (SearchResponse searchResponse in searchResults)
                // Each search result includes the IDs of the Noark 5 objects whose fields are included in the index document
                // as well as highlighted snippets from matching fields.

                foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResponse.Results)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Object Ids: {string.Join(", ", searchResult.Ids.ToArray())}");
                    foreach (string matchingField in searchResult.Highlights.Keys)
                            $"Highlights for field {matchingField}: {string.Join(", ", searchResult.Highlights[matchingField].ToArray())}");

                foreach (Facet facet in searchResponse.Facets)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Facet field: {facet.Field}");
                    foreach (string facetValue in facet.Values.Keys)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Facet value: {facetValue}. Number of index documents with that value: {facet.Values[facetValue]}.");
Esempio n. 4
        public string CreateFonds()
            Console.WriteLine($"Create Fonds");

            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Arkivskaper fondsCreator = new Arkivskaper("B7-23-W5", "John Smith");
            Arkiv       fonds        = new Arkiv("Arkiv");

            // Execute transaction
            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Arkiv       savedFonds        = transactionResponse.Saved[fonds.Id] as Arkiv;
            Arkivskaper savedFondsCreator = transactionResponse.Saved[fondsCreator.Id] as Arkivskaper;

                $"Fonds creator '{savedFondsCreator.ArkivskaperNavn}' created. Temporary Id: {fondsCreator.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedFondsCreator.Id}.");
                $"Fonds '{savedFonds.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {fonds.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedFonds.Id}.");

            // Return the id of the new fonds
Esempio n. 5
        public string CreateSeriesWithClassificationSystem(string fondsId)
            Console.WriteLine($"Create a Series with a classification system and one class.");
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Klassifikasjonssystem classificationSystem = new Klassifikasjonssystem("Oppkvest");
            Klasse   klass  = new Klasse("01", "Tilbud");
            Arkivdel series = new Arkivdel("Barnehage");

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Klassifikasjonssystem savedClassificationSystem =
                transactionResponse.Saved[classificationSystem.Id] as Klassifikasjonssystem;
            Klasse   savedClass  = transactionResponse.Saved[klass.Id] as Klasse;
            Arkivdel savedSeries = transactionResponse.Saved[series.Id] as Arkivdel;

                $"New classification system '{savedClassificationSystem.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {classificationSystem.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedClassificationSystem.Id}.");
                $"New class '{savedClass.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {klass.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedClass.Id}.");
                $"New series '{savedSeries.Tittel}' created. Temporary Id: {series.Id}. Permanent Id: {savedSeries.Id}.");

Esempio n. 6
        public void GetCaseFilesByExternalId(string seriesId, string externalId, string externalSystem)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //Note that folders, basic records, registry entries and document descriptions might also have an external id attached.

            List <Saksmappe> caseFiles = new List <Saksmappe>();

            bool hasMoreResults = true;
            int  pageSize       = 30;
            int  offset         = 0;

            while (hasMoreResults)
                QueryResponse <Saksmappe> queryResponse =
                    client.Query <Saksmappe>(
                        " && refEksternId.eksternID=@externalId && refEksternId.eksterntSystem=@externalSystem",
                    .AddQueryParam("@seriesId", seriesId)
                    .AddQueryParam("@externalId", externalId)
                    .AddQueryParam("@externalSystem", externalSystem)

                hasMoreResults = queryResponse.HasMore;
                offset        += pageSize;

            foreach (Saksmappe caseFile in caseFiles)
                Console.WriteLine($"Case file: Id: {caseFile.Id}. Title: {caseFile.Tittel}");
Esempio n. 7
        public void GetCodeLists()
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            Console.WriteLine("Get all available code lists");
            List <CodeList> allLists = client.CodeLists();

            foreach (CodeList codeList in allLists)
                Console.WriteLine($"Field: {codeList.Field}. Type: {codeList.Type}. Values:");
                foreach (CodeValue codeValue in codeList.Values)
                    Console.WriteLine($"===== Code: {codeValue.Code}. Value: {codeValue.Name}");

            Console.WriteLine("Get a code list by field and/or type");
            CodeList documentTypeList = client.CodeLists("Dokument", "dokumenttype").First();

            foreach (CodeValue codeValue in documentTypeList.Values)
                Console.WriteLine($"===== Code: {codeValue.Code}. Value: {codeValue.Name}");
Esempio n. 8
        private CodeValue GetDocumentTypeByName(string name)
            NoarkClient noarkClient = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            CodeList documentTypeCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists("Dokument", "dokumenttype").First();

            return(documentTypeCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name)));
Esempio n. 9
        private CodeValue GetAdministrativeUnitByName(string name)
            NoarkClient noarkClient = documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            CodeList administrativeUnitCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists("Saksmappe", "administrativEnhet").First();

            return(administrativeUnitCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name)));
Esempio n. 10
        private CodeValue GetScreeningCodeByName(string name)
            NoarkClient noarkClient = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            CodeList screeningCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists(null, "skjerming").First();

            return(screeningCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name)));
        private T GetNoarkEntityById <T>(string id) where T : INoarkEntity
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            QueryResponse <T> queryResponse = client.Query <T>("id=@id", 1)
                                              .AddQueryParam("@id", id)

            if (queryResponse.Results.Any())

            throw new Exception($"Object of type '{typeof(T).Name}' with id '{id}' was not found!");
Esempio n. 12
        private Klassifikasjonssystem GetSecondaryClassificationSystem(string seriesId)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            QueryResponse <Klassifikasjonssystem> queryResponse = client
                                                                  .Query <Klassifikasjonssystem>("", 1)
                                                                  .AddQueryParam("@seriesId", seriesId)

            if (!queryResponse.Results.Any())

Esempio n. 13
        public void CreateListValues()
            Console.WriteLine($"Create list values");
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //Create a new administrative unit
            AdministrativEnhet administrativeUnit      = new AdministrativEnhet("TK", "Test Kommune");
            AdministrativEnhet savedAdministrativeUnit = client.PutCodeListValue(administrativeUnit);

            //Create a new screening code
            Skjerming screeningCode      = new Skjerming("N1", "Name", "Description", "Authority");
            Skjerming savedScreeningCode = client.PutCodeListValue(screeningCode);

            //Create a new  document type
            Dokumenttype documentType    = new Dokumenttype("Tilbud", "Name");
            Dokumenttype newDocumentType = client.PutCodeListValue(documentType);
Esempio n. 14
        private Klasse CreateClass(string classificationSystemId, string classId, string title)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            //When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            Klasse klass = new Klasse(classId, title);

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            //transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permament id's
            Klasse savedClass = transactionResponse.Saved[klass.Id] as Klasse;

            Console.WriteLine($"Created a new class '{savedClass.Tittel}'. Permanent Id: {savedClass.Id}.");

Esempio n. 15
        public void SignOffRegistryEntry(string registryEntryId, List <string> associatedRegistryEntryIds = null)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            Avskrivning signOff = new Avskrivning(Avskrivningsmaate.TATT_TIL_ETTERRETNING);

            Transaction transaction = client.Transaction()

            if (associatedRegistryEntryIds != null)
                foreach (string associatedRegistryEntryId in associatedRegistryEntryIds)

Esempio n. 16
        private Arkivdel GetSeriesByTitle(string title)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            QueryResponse <Arkivdel> queryResponse = client.Query <Arkivdel>("tittel=@title", 1)
                                                     .AddQueryParam("@title", title)

            IEnumerable <Arkivdel> results = queryResponse.Results;

            if (!results.Any())

            if (queryResponse.HasMore)
                Console.WriteLine($"Found more than two series with title {title}!");

        public void FinalizeObjectsInArchive(string seriesId,
                                             string folderId,
                                             string basicRecordId,
                                             string documentDescriptionId
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            // Note that currently finalizing objects will not finalize child objects!
            // We first finalize the objects in the bottom of the hierarchy, and then finalize parent objects up to Series.

            // Finalize series by setting changing the series status to Closed Period (P).
            Arkivdel series = GetNoarkEntityById <Arkivdel>(seriesId);

            series.Arkivdelstatus = Arkivdelstatus.AVSLUTTET_PERIODE;

            // Finalize folder by setting the finalized date field.
            Mappe folder = GetNoarkEntityById <Mappe>(folderId);

            folder.AvsluttetDato = DateTime.Now;

            // Finalize basic record by setting the finalized date field.
            Basisregistrering basicRecord = GetNoarkEntityById <Basisregistrering>(basicRecordId);

            basicRecord.AvsluttetDato = DateTime.Now;

            // Finalize document description by changing the document status to Finalized (F).
            Dokument documentDescription = GetNoarkEntityById <Dokument>(documentDescriptionId);

            documentDescription.Dokumentstatus = Dokumentstatus.DOKUMENTET_ER_FERDIGSTILT;

        public void FinalizeObjectsInJournal(string seriesId,
                                             string caseFileId,
                                             string registryEntryId,
                                             string documentDescriptionId
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            // Note that currently finalizing objects will not finalize child objects!
            // We first finalize the objects in the bottom of the hierarchy, and then finalize parent objects up to Series.

            // Finalize series by setting changing the series status to Closed Period (P).
            Arkivdel series = GetNoarkEntityById <Arkivdel>(seriesId);

            series.Arkivdelstatus = Arkivdelstatus.AVSLUTTET_PERIODE;

            // Finalize case file by changing the case file status to Finalized (A).
            Saksmappe caseFile = GetNoarkEntityById <Saksmappe>(caseFileId);

            caseFile.Saksstatus = Saksstatus.AVSLUTTET;

            // Finalized registry entry by changing the record status to Archived (A).
            Journalpost registryEntry = GetNoarkEntityById <Journalpost>(registryEntryId);

            registryEntry.Journalstatus = Journalstatus.ARKIVERT;

            // Finalize document description by changing the document status to Finalized (F).
            Dokument documentDescription = GetNoarkEntityById <Dokument>(documentDescriptionId);

            documentDescription.Dokumentstatus = Dokumentstatus.DOKUMENTET_ER_FERDIGSTILT;

Esempio n. 19
        private Klasse GetClassByTitle(string classificationSystemId, string title)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            QueryResponse <Klasse> queryResponse = client
                                                   .Query <Klasse>(" && tittel=@title", 1)
                                                   .AddQueryParam("@ksId", classificationSystemId)
                                                   .AddQueryParam("@title", title)

            IEnumerable <Klasse> results = queryResponse.Results;

            if (!results.Any())

            if (queryResponse.HasMore)
                Console.WriteLine($"Found more than two classes with title {title}!");

Esempio n. 20
 private void InitNoarkClient(Options options)
     //ServerAddress is in the format
     this.noarkClient = new NoarkClient(options.ServerAddress, true);
Esempio n. 21
        public void CreateBusinessSpecificMetaDataGroupsAndFields()
            Console.WriteLine($"Create business-specific metadata structure");
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            string GROUP_ID        = "gr-1";
            string STRING_FIELD_ID = "f-string";
            string DOUBLE_FIELD_ID = "f-double";
            string LONG_FIELD_ID   = "f-long";

            //Create a business-specific metadata group
            MetadataGroupInfo group      = new MetadataGroupInfo(GROUP_ID, "BSM Group Name", "BSM Group Description");
            MetadataGroupInfo savedGroup = client.PutBsmGroup(group);

                $"New group: GroupId={savedGroup.GroupId}, GroupDescription={savedGroup.GroupDescription}, GroupName={savedGroup.GroupName}");

            //Create a new string field with predefined values "value 1", "value 2" and "value 3"
            MetadataFieldInfo fieldStr = new MetadataFieldInfo(STRING_FIELD_ID, "BSM Field String",
                                                               "BSM Field Description", FieldType.String, new List <object>()
                "value 1", "value 2", "value 3"
            MetadataFieldInfo savedFieldStr = client.PutBsmField(GROUP_ID, fieldStr);

                $"Created new field: FieldId={savedFieldStr.FieldId}, FieldType={savedFieldStr.FieldType}, FieldName={savedFieldStr.FieldName}, FieldValues={string.Join(",", savedFieldStr.FieldValues)}");

            //Create a new long field with predefined values 1 and 2
            MetadataFieldInfo fieldLong = new MetadataFieldInfo(LONG_FIELD_ID, "BSM Field Long",
                                                                "BSM Field Description", FieldType.Long, new List <object>()
                1L, 2L
            MetadataFieldInfo savedFieldLong = client.PutBsmField(GROUP_ID, fieldLong);

                $"Created new field: FieldId={savedFieldLong.FieldId}, FieldType={savedFieldLong.FieldType}, FieldName={savedFieldLong.FieldName}, FieldValues={string.Join(",", savedFieldLong.FieldValues)}");

            //Create a new double field with no predefined values
            MetadataFieldInfo fieldDouble = new MetadataFieldInfo(DOUBLE_FIELD_ID, "BSM Field Double",
                                                                  "BSM Field Description", FieldType.Double);
            MetadataFieldInfo savedFielDouble = client.PutBsmField(GROUP_ID, fieldDouble);

                $"Created new field: FieldId={fieldDouble.FieldId}, FieldType={fieldDouble.FieldType}, FieldName={fieldDouble.FieldName}");

            //Get the business-specific metadata registry for a specific group
            BusinessSpecificMetadataInfo metadataInfo = client.BsmRegistry(GROUP_ID);

            //Print the registry for this group
            foreach (MetadataGroupInfo groupInfo in metadataInfo.Groups)
                    $"GroupInfo: GroupId={groupInfo.GroupId}, GroupName={groupInfo.GroupName}");
                foreach (MetadataFieldInfo fieldInfo in groupInfo.Fields)
                        $" ---- FieldInfo: FieldId={fieldInfo.FieldId}, FieldType={fieldInfo.FieldType}, FieldName={fieldInfo.FieldName}");
Esempio n. 22
 private static void InitClientWithoutClientCertificate(Options options)
     client = new NoarkClient(options.ServerAddress, true);
Esempio n. 23
 private static void InitClient(Options options)
     client = new NoarkClient(options.ServerAddress, options.CertificatePath, options.CertificatePass, true);
Esempio n. 24
        private Dokumentfil UploadDocument(string filePath)
            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

Esempio n. 25
        private void SubmitData(
            Arkivdel series,
            Klasse primaryClass,
            Klasse secondaryClass,
            AdministrativEnhet administrativeUnit,
            Skjerming screeningCode,
            Dokumenttype documentType,
            string caseFileTitle,
            string caseFileExternalId,
            string caseResponsibleName,
            string caseResponsibleId,
            string registryEntryTitle,
            string registryEntryExternalId)
            #region Case file

            Saksmappe caseFile = new Saksmappe(caseFileTitle, administrativeUnit)
                Saksansvarlig            = caseResponsibleName,
                SaksansvarligBrukerIdent = caseResponsibleId

            EksternId caseFileExternalIdObj = new EksternId(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM, caseFileExternalId);

            #endregion Case file

            #region Registry entry

            Journalpost registryEntry = new Journalpost(registryEntryTitle, Journalposttype.UTGAAENDE_DOKUMENT)
                Skjerming = screeningCode

            registryEntry.VirksomhetsspesifikkeMetadata.AddBsmFieldValues("gr-1", "f-string", "value 1");

            EksternId registryEntryExternalIdObj = new EksternId(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM, registryEntryExternalId);

            Korrespondansepart correspondenceParty =
                new Korrespondansepart(Korrespondanseparttype.AVSENDER, "John Smith");

            #endregion Registry entry

            #region Documents

            //Upload two files

            Dokumentfil mainFile       = UploadDocument(this.testFile1);
            Dokumentfil attachmentFile = UploadDocument(this.testFile2);

            //Link the first document description to the registry entry as main document (HOVEDDOKUMENT).
            //Subsequent document descriptions will be linked as attachments (VEDLEGG).

            Dokument mainDocumentDescription =
                new Dokument("Main Document", TilknyttetRegistreringSom.HOVEDDOKUMENT)
                Dokumenttype = documentType,

            Dokumentversjon mainDocumentVersion =
                new Dokumentversjon(Variantformat.ARKIVFORMAT, ".pdf", mainFile);

            Dokument attachmentDocumentDescription =
                new Dokument("Attachment", TilknyttetRegistreringSom.VEDLEGG)
                Dokumenttype = documentType     //here might as well be used another type

            Dokumentversjon attachmentDocumentVersion =
                new Dokumentversjon(Variantformat.ARKIVFORMAT, ".pdf", attachmentFile);

            #endregion Documents

            NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient();

            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.Transaction()

            // When new objects are initialized, a temporary Id is assigned to them.
            // transactionResponse.Saved contains a mapping between the temporary id's and the saved objects with their permanent id's
            Dictionary <string, INoarkEntity> savedObjects = transactionResponse.Saved;

            string template = "{0}: Temporary Id: {1} Permanent Id: {2}";

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Case file", caseFile.Id, savedObjects[caseFile.Id].Id));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Registry entry", registryEntry.Id,
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Main document description", mainDocumentDescription.Id,
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(template, "Attachment document description",
                                            attachmentDocumentDescription.Id, savedObjects[attachmentDocumentDescription.Id].Id));