public static NoIPDNSSettings LoadOptions(dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { NoIPDNSSettings settings = new NoIPDNSSettings(); try { if (File.Exists(settingsFile)) { using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Open)) { settings = (NoIPDNSSettings)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } settings.Password = GenericHelper.DecodeFrom64(settings.Password); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (dyndnsServices != null) { dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.noIPEnabled.Checked = settings.Enabled; dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.Clear(); if (settings.Hosts.Any()) { dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.AddRange(settings.Hosts.ToArray()); } dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text = settings.Login; } return(settings); }
public static string RunUpdates(NoIPDNSSettings settings, string IPAddress) { string returnStatus = ""; foreach (string host in settings.Hosts) { string url = endPointURL + host + "&myip=" + IPAddress; WebAuthentication auth = new WebAuthentication(); auth.CredCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", new NetworkCredential(settings.Login, settings.Password)); auth.Agent = "Dynamix DNS Update Client/ [email protected] -"; string response = GenericHelper.MakeHTTPGETRequest(url, auth); if (response.StartsWith("Exception")) { returnStatus += serviceName + " host " + host + " failed to update due to a system exception. " + response.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ") + Environment.NewLine; } else if (response.Trim() != ("good " + IPAddress) && !response.Trim().StartsWith("good " + IPAddress)) { returnStatus += serviceName + " host " + host + " failed to update to your current IP address. " + response + Environment.NewLine; } else { returnStatus += serviceName + " host " + host + " was successfully updated to your current IP address. " + response + Environment.NewLine; } } return(returnStatus); }
public static string SaveOptions(NoIPDNSSettings settings, dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { int errors = 0; string errorMessage = string.Empty; if (dyndnsServices != null && settings.Enabled) { // Perform validation if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text)) { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide your " + serviceName + " login email address!" + Environment.NewLine; } else { if (!GenericHelper.IsValidEmail(dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text)) { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide a valid " + serviceName + " login email address!" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text != dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text) { errors++; errorMessage += "The " + serviceName + " passwords do not match!" + Environment.NewLine; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text)) { settings.Password = dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text; } else { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide your " + serviceName + " password and confirm the password." + Environment.NewLine; } } if (dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.Count <= 0) { errors++; errorMessage += "There are no " + serviceName + " hosts to save!" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (errors == 0) { //serialize settings.Password = GenericHelper.EncodeTo64(settings.Password); using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Create)) { bformatter.Serialize(stream, settings); } } return(errorMessage); }
private void saveNoIPSettings() { NoIPDNSSettings noIPSettings = new NoIPDNSSettings(); noIPSettings.Enabled = noIPEnabled.Checked; noIPSettings.Hosts = noIPHosts.Items.Cast <String>().ToList(); noIPSettings.Login = noIPLogin.Text; string result = NoIPHelper.SaveOptions(noIPSettings, this); if (result != string.Empty) { customError err = new customError("You have the following problems with your " + NoIPHelper.serviceName + " settings!", result); err.intervalForTimer = 30000; err.Show(); errorCount++; } else { successCount++; saveSuccess += "Your " + NoIPHelper.serviceName + " settings were successfully saved! \n"; } }
private void getSavedOptions() { appSettings = AppHelper.LoadOptions(); // Reading Saved Options: switch (appSettings.TimeIntervalMode) { default: case 1: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000; break; case 2: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000 * 60; break; case 3: timer1.Interval = appSettings.TimeInterval * 1000 * 3600; break; } if (appSettings.AutoStart) { timer1.Enabled = true; timer2.Enabled = true; scanButton.Visible = false; stopScanButton.Visible = true; } else { timer1.Enabled = false; timer2.Enabled = false; scanButton.Visible = true; stopScanButton.Visible = false; } switch (appSettings.IPService) { case 1: urlForIPCheck = ""; break; case 3: urlForIPCheck = ""; break; case 2: urlForIPCheck = ""; break; default: urlForIPCheck = ""; break; } if (File.Exists(phpPathFile)) { phpPath = File.ReadAllText(phpPathFile); } if (appSettings.RunDynamicServices) { XpertDNSSettings = XpertDNSHelper.LoadOptions(); dynamixSettings = DynamixHelper.LoadOptions(); afraidDNSSettings = AfraidDNSHelper.LoadOptions(); noIPDNSSettings = NoIPHelper.LoadOptions(); } }
private void getNoIPSettings() { noIPSettings = NoIPHelper.LoadOptions(this); }