Esempio n. 1
        protected void bCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Instance that populates the properties in that instance from the text in the textboxes.
            NewPropertyJobInsertModel newNewPropertyJobInsert = new NewPropertyJobInsertModel();

            // Calls the NewPropertyJobInsert function in the NewPropertyJobInsertController.
            NewPropertyJobInsertController con = new NewPropertyJobInsertController(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBInformation"].ToString());

            newNewPropertyJobInsert.AssignJobNumber        = tbNewJob.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyName     = tbNewName.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyAddress  = tbNewAddress.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyCity     = tbNewCity.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyState    = tbNewState.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyZIP      = tbNewZip.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyTownship = tbNewTownship.Text;
            newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyPIN      = tbNewPin.Text;


            //string sql = "INSERT into NewPropertyJobInsertID (FisrtName, LastName, Email, Password, PhoneNumber";

            //CreateUserController dbs = new CreateUserController(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBInformation"].ToString());

            // dbs.InsertUser(newUser);

            // Causes the Default page to load.
            Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false);
Esempio n. 2
        public void InsertNewPropertyJobInsert(NewPropertyJobInsertModel newNewPropertyJobInsert)
            // Calls the NewPropertyJobInsertDataAccess 'InsertNewPropertyJobInsert' function.
            NewPropertyJobInsertDataAccess da = new NewPropertyJobInsertDataAccess(SqlConConnectionString);

Esempio n. 3
        // A function that inserts a User into the database.
        public void InsertNewPropertyJobInsert(NewPropertyJobInsertModel newNewPropertyJobInsert)
            // Declare a new variable. Variable name is ‘sSQL’. Datatype is ‘string’.
            string sSQL = "";

            // Define the value for the ‘sSQL’ string variable.
            // Notice that this text is a SQL Query.
            sSQL += " INSERT INTO [NewPropertyJobInsert] ";

            // More columns will need to be added, depending on how many columns you have in your User table.
            // In this line, you need ALL the columns from your User table.

            // The word ‘Password’ is in brackets because it is a reserved word in SQL.
            // We are hijacking that word and using it for our own purposes, so we need to put it in brackets.
            // Normally, SQL would try to interpret the word 'Password' differently than how we're using it.

            sSQL += " (AssignJobNumber, InsertPropertyName, InsertPropertyAddress, InsertPropertyCity, InsertPropertyState, InsertPropertyZIp, InsertPropertyTownship, InsertPropertyCounty, InsertPropertyPIN)";
            sSQL += " Values ";
            // The ‘@’ sign is a SQL Variable. It is connected to a SqlParameter (below).
            // This line needs to exactly match the list of columns in the User table.
            sSQL += " (@AssignJobNumber, @InsertPropertyName, @InsertPropertyAddress, @InsertPropertyCity, @InsertPropertyState, @InsertPropertyZIp, @InsertPropertyTownship, @InsertPropertyCounty, @InsertPropertyPIN) ";

            // Declare a new variable. Variable name is ‘sqlcomm’. Datatype is ‘SqlCommand’.
            SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand();

            // Assign a value to the CommandText property.
            sqlcomm.CommandText = sSQL;

            // This SqlParameter constructor takes two arguments as input values.
            // Argument One: SQL Variable Name
            // Argument Two: Variable Value
            // The SqlParameter handles the declaration of the actual SQL Parameter in the T-SQL.
            SqlParameter sqlparam = new SqlParameter("AssignJobNumber", newNewPropertyJobInsert.AssignJobNumber);


            // Notice that there is one ‘SqlParameter’ variable for each variable used in the SQL Query
            // More SqlParameter variables will need to be added for additional SQL variables.
            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyName", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyName);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyAddress", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyAddress);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyCity", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyCity);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyState", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyState);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyZIP", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyZIP);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyTownship", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyTownship);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyCounty", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyCounty);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("InsertPropertyPIN", newNewPropertyJobInsert.InsertPropertyPIN);

            // Execute the query.