// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        instance = this;

        net = new NeuralNetwork(numInput, numHidden, numOutput);

        errorEpoch = new float[2];
        totalEpoch = 0;
        public static void Serialize(FileStream stream, NeuralNetworkImage image)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image));

            byte[] buffer;

            // 1: new version signal
            buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(SectionType.SECTION_START_SIGNAL); // 2-bytes
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // 2: serialize section type
            buffer = new byte[] { SECTION_TYPE }; // 1-bytes
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // 3: serialize version
            buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(VERSION); // 2-bytes
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // 2: serializer layers
            LayerSerializer.Serialize(stream, image.layers);

            // functions serializer
            var function = new FunctionSerializerCore(stream);

            // 3: serialize error function

            // 4: serialize regularization function

            // 5: serialize data input convertor

            // 6: serialize data output convertor
        public static void Serialize(string path, NeuralNetworkImage image)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image));

            using var stream = File.Create(path);

            // serialize file signature
            // end of file signature
            stream.Write(new byte[1], 0, 1);

            Serialize(stream, image);