Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Register serialization & deserialization mechanisms for transmitting the given class by ID.
        /// The given class does not need to implements its own serialization logic.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RegisterSerializerAndDeserializer(Type type)
            int id = NetworkableId <Type> .ToId(type);

            Debug.Log("Using id " + id + " for tagging of class " + type.Name + " in network messages when sending/receiving NetworkableById types");

            // Construct SerializerAndDeserializer<type>

            Type serializerAndDeserializerType            = typeof(SerializerAndDeserializer <>);
            Type serializerAndDeserializerTypeSpecialized = serializerAndDeserializerType.MakeGenericType(type);

            // Find a method Serialize(StreamBuffer, object) in SerializerAndDeserializer<type>

            MethodInfo serializeMethodInfo = serializerAndDeserializerTypeSpecialized.GetMethod("Serialize", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] { typeof(StreamBuffer), typeof(object) }, null);

            Assert.IsNotNull(serializeMethodInfo, "Unable to find virtual Serialize(StreamBuffer, object) method in " + serializerAndDeserializerTypeSpecialized.Name);
            SerializeStreamMethod serializer = (SerializeStreamMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SerializeStreamMethod), serializeMethodInfo);

            // Find a method Deserialize(StreamBuffer, short) in SerializerAndDeserializer<type>

            MethodInfo deserializeMethodInfo = serializerAndDeserializerTypeSpecialized.GetMethod("Deserialize", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] { typeof(StreamBuffer), typeof(short) }, null);

            Assert.IsNotNull(serializeMethodInfo, "Unable to find static Deserialize(StreamBuffer, short) method in " + serializerAndDeserializerTypeSpecialized.Name);
            DeserializeStreamMethod deserializer = (DeserializeStreamMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(DeserializeStreamMethod), deserializeMethodInfo);

            // Register serializer and deserializer methods for class

            bool success = PhotonPeer.RegisterType(type, (byte)id, serializer, deserializer);

            Assert.IsTrue(success, "Failed registering new serialization type for " + type.Name + " with code " + id);
Esempio n. 2
    public void DeregisterSerializer(Type type)
        // Photon 1.80 lacks a Photon.DeregisterType() function. This undoes the actions of Photon.RegisterType() as implemented in Photon 1.80.

        byte typeId = (byte)NetworkableId <Type> .ToId(type);

        // Invoke Protocol.CodeDict.Remove(typeId)
        FieldInfo codeDictField = typeof(Protocol).GetField("CodeDict", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);

        Assert.IsNotNull(codeDictField, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.CodeDict no longer exists");
        object codeDict = codeDictField.GetValue(null);

        Assert.IsNotNull(codeDict, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.CodeDict no longer exists");
        MethodInfo codeDictRemoveMethodInfo = codeDict.GetType().GetMethod("Remove");

        Assert.IsNotNull(codeDictRemoveMethodInfo, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.CodeDict is no longer a Dictionary");
        codeDictRemoveMethodInfo.Invoke(codeDict, new object[] { (byte)typeId });

        // Invoke Protocol.TypeDict.Remove(typeId)
        FieldInfo typeDictField = typeof(Protocol).GetField("TypeDict", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);

        Assert.IsNotNull(typeDictField, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.TypeDict no longer exists");
        object typeDict = typeDictField.GetValue(null);

        Assert.IsNotNull(typeDict, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.TypeDict no longer exists");
        MethodInfo typeDictRemoveMethodInfo = typeDict.GetType().GetMethod("Remove");

        Assert.IsNotNull(typeDictRemoveMethodInfo, "Photon internals have changed; Protocol.TypeDict is no longer a Dictionary");
        typeDictRemoveMethodInfo.Invoke(typeDict, new object[] { type });
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Register serialization & deserialization mechanisms for transmitting an abstract base class by value.
        /// The given class does not need to implements its own serialization logic.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RegisterSerializerAndDeserializer(Type type)
            int id = NetworkableId <Type> .ToId(type);

            Debug.Log("Using id " + id + " for tagging of class " + type.Name + " in network messages when sending/receiving NetworkableByValue types");

            bool success = PhotonPeer.RegisterType(type, (byte)id, SerializerAndDeserializer.Serialize, SerializerAndDeserializer.Deserialize);

            Assert.IsTrue(success, "Failed registering new serialization type for " + type.Name + " with code " + id);
Esempio n. 4
            public static short Serialize(StreamBuffer outBuffer, object customObject)
                int length = 0;
                T   obj    = (T)customObject;
                int id     = NetworkableId <T> .ToId(obj);

                Protocol.Serialize(id, serializationBuffer, ref length);
                outBuffer.Write(serializationBuffer, 0, length);
                Debug.Log("Serializing object of type " + typeof(T).Name + " with id " + id);