public VisualDynamicEntity(ICharacterEntity dynEntity, VoxelModelManager manager) : base(dynEntity, manager) { DynamicEntity = dynEntity; //Will be used to update the bounding box with world coordinate when the entity is moving LocalBBox.Minimum = new Vector3(-(DynamicEntity.DefaultSize.X / 2.0f), 0, -(DynamicEntity.DefaultSize.Z / 2.0f)); LocalBBox.Maximum = new Vector3(+(DynamicEntity.DefaultSize.X / 2.0f), DynamicEntity.DefaultSize.Y, +(DynamicEntity.DefaultSize.Z / 2.0f)); //Set Position //Set the entity world position following the position received from server WorldPosition.Value = DynamicEntity.Position; WorldPosition.ValuePrev = DynamicEntity.Position; //Compute the initial Player world bounding box RefreshWorldBoundingBox(ref WorldPosition.Value); //Set LookAt LookAtDirection.Value = DynamicEntity.HeadRotation; LookAtDirection.ValuePrev = LookAtDirection.Value; //Set Move direction = to LookAtDirection MoveDirection.Value = LookAtDirection.Value; //Change the default value when Player => The player message arrive much more faster ! if (DynamicEntity is PlayerCharacter) { _interpolationRate = 0.1; } _netLocation = new NetworkValue <Vector3D> { Value = WorldPosition.Value, Interpolated = WorldPosition.Value }; WithNetworkInterpolation = true; }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (NetworkUpdateButton != null) { NetworkUpdateButton.Dispose(); NetworkUpdateButton = null; } if (Authentication != null) { Authentication.Dispose(); Authentication = null; } if (BootFileLabel != null) { BootFileLabel.Dispose(); BootFileLabel = null; } if (ConfigFileLabel != null) { ConfigFileLabel.Dispose(); ConfigFileLabel = null; } if (DefaultGateway != null) { DefaultGateway.Dispose(); DefaultGateway = null; } if (DeployButton != null) { DeployButton.Dispose(); DeployButton = null; } if (DeviceType != null) { DeviceType.Dispose(); DeviceType = null; } if (EnableDHCP != null) { EnableDHCP.Dispose(); EnableDHCP = null; } if (EncryptConfig != null) { EncryptConfig.Dispose(); EncryptConfig = null; } if (Encryption != null) { Encryption.Dispose(); Encryption = null; } if (FirmwareStatus != null) { FirmwareStatus.Dispose(); FirmwareStatus = null; } if (FlashFileLabel != null) { FlashFileLabel.Dispose(); FlashFileLabel = null; } if (FreeSlots != null) { FreeSlots.Dispose(); FreeSlots = null; } if (MacAddress != null) { MacAddress.Dispose(); MacAddress = null; } if (NetworkKey != null) { NetworkKey.Dispose(); NetworkKey = null; } if (NetworkMacAddress != null) { NetworkMacAddress.Dispose(); NetworkMacAddress = null; } if (NetworkValue != null) { NetworkValue.Dispose(); NetworkValue = null; } if (Output != null) { Output.Dispose(); Output = null; } if (Passphrase != null) { Passphrase.Dispose(); Passphrase = null; } if (PrimaryDNS != null) { PrimaryDNS.Dispose(); PrimaryDNS = null; } if (RadioA != null) { RadioA.Dispose(); RadioA = null; } if (RadioB != null) { RadioB.Dispose(); RadioB = null; } if (RadioG != null) { RadioG.Dispose(); RadioG = null; } if (RadioN != null) { RadioN.Dispose(); RadioN = null; } if (ReKeyInternal != null) { ReKeyInternal.Dispose(); ReKeyInternal = null; } if (SaveConfigurationButton != null) { SaveConfigurationButton.Dispose(); SaveConfigurationButton = null; } if (SecondaryDNS != null) { SecondaryDNS.Dispose(); SecondaryDNS = null; } if (SSID != null) { SSID.Dispose(); SSID = null; } if (StaticIPAddress != null) { StaticIPAddress.Dispose(); StaticIPAddress = null; } if (SubnetMask != null) { SubnetMask.Dispose(); SubnetMask = null; } if (UpdateFirmwareButton != null) { UpdateFirmwareButton.Dispose(); UpdateFirmwareButton = null; } }
public void WriteUInt32BE(uint v) { int nextpos = this.tailpos + 4; if (nextpos < this.maxLength || this.Extend()) { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nv.HTONUI(v)), 0, accessor, this.tailpos, 4); this.tailpos = nextpos; this.length += 4; } }
/** * 情報を書き込みます (Int16/UInt16) * Big Endian (Network Byte Order) を使用します。 */ public void WriteInt16BE(short v) { int nextpos = this.tailpos + 2; if (nextpos < this.maxLength || this.Extend()) { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nv.HTONS(v)), 0, accessor, this.tailpos, 2); this.tailpos = nextpos; this.length += 2; } }
/** * 情報を書き込みます (Double) * Big Endian (Network Byte Order) を使用します。 */ public void WriteDoubleBE(double v) { int nextpos = this.tailpos + 8; if (nextpos < this.maxLength || this.Extend()) { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nv.HTOND(v)), 0, accessor, this.tailpos, 8); this.tailpos = nextpos; this.length += 8; } }
public uint ReadUInt32BE() { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); nv.NTOHUI(BitConverter.ToUInt32(accessor, this.tailpos)); this.tailpos += 4; return nv.ui; }
public ushort ReadUInt16BE() { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); nv.NTOHUS(BitConverter.ToUInt16(accessor, this.tailpos)); this.tailpos += 2; return; }
/** * 情報を読み込みます (Float) * Big Endian (Network Byte Order) を使用します。 */ public float ReadFloatBE() { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); nv.NTOHF(BitConverter.ToSingle(accessor, this.tailpos)); this.tailpos += 4; return nv.f; }
/** * 情報を読み込みます (Double) * Big Endian (Network Byte Order) を使用します。 */ public double ReadDoubleBE() { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); nv.NTOHD(BitConverter.ToDouble(accessor, this.tailpos)); this.tailpos += 8; return nv.d; }
public void PrependUInt32BE(uint v) { int nextpos = this.headpos - 4; if (nextpos >= 0) { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nv.HTONUI(v)), 0, accessor, nextpos, 4); this.headpos = nextpos; this.length += 4; } }
public void PrependUInt16BE(ushort v) { int nextpos = this.headpos - 2; if (nextpos >= 0) { NetworkValue nv = new NetworkValue(); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nv.HTONUS(v)), 0, accessor, nextpos, 2); this.headpos = nextpos; this.length += 2; } }
public NetworkEntry(Symbol symbol, NetworkValue value) { this.symbol = symbol; this.value = value; }