private static void OnOtherStatus( object sender, NetConnection connection, string output) { Console.WriteLine(output); }
internal static void Execute(object msg, NetConnection conn) { Msg_CRC_StoryMessage _msg = msg as Msg_CRC_StoryMessage; if (null == _msg) return; try { string msgId = _msg.m_MsgId; ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < _msg.m_Args.Count; i++) { switch (_msg.m_Args[i].val_type) { case ArgType.NULL://null args.Add(null); break; case ArgType.INT://int args.Add(int.Parse(_msg.m_Args[i].str_val)); break; case ArgType.FLOAT://float args.Add(float.Parse(_msg.m_Args[i].str_val)); break; default://string args.Add(_msg.m_Args[i].str_val); break; } } object[] objArgs = args.ToArray(); GfxStorySystem.Instance.SendMessage(msgId, objArgs); } catch (Exception ex) { LogSystem.Error("Msg_CRC_StoryMessage throw exception:{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
public void DropClient(NetConnection connection, string message, params object[] args) { message = string.Format(message, args); Log(message); connection.Disconnect(message); }
public NetReliableOrderedReceiver(NetConnection connection, int windowSize) : base(connection) { m_windowSize = windowSize; m_withheldMessages = new NetIncomingMessage[windowSize]; m_earlyReceived = new NetBitVector(windowSize); }
private static void OnDisconnected( object sender, NetConnection connection, string output) { Console.WriteLine( "Disconnected: " + connection.RemoteUniqueIdentifier); }
void spawnOn(LidgrenGameObject go, NetConnection c) { NetOutgoingMessage msg = c.Peer.CreateMessage(); msg.Write(LidgrenMessageHeaders.Spawn); msg.Write(go.Id); c.SendMessage(msg, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 1); }
public void RemoveClient(NetConnection nc) { try { Conns.Remove(nc.GetID()); Logger.Log("SrvMgr: Removed " + nc.GetID()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("SrvMgr: Failed to remove " + nc.GetID() + " (Already removed from collection?)"); } }
internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize) { m_connection = connection; m_windowSize = windowSize; m_windowStart = 0; m_sendStart = 0; m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers); m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8); }
internal void Reset() { m_incomingMessageType = NetIncomingMessageType.Error; m_readPosition = 0; m_receivedMessageType = NetMessageType.LibraryError; m_senderConnection = null; m_bitLength = 0; m_isFragment = false; }
internal static void Execute(object msg, NetConnection conn) { Msg_Pong pong_msg = msg as Msg_Pong; if (pong_msg == null) { return; } long time = TimeUtility.GetLocalMilliseconds(); NetworkSystem.Instance.OnPong(time, pong_msg.send_ping_time, pong_msg.send_pong_time); }
void LoggedIn(NetConnection connection, LoginServer.Account account) { if (!database.HasKey(account.Id + "_chars")) socket.Send("OpenCreator", connection); else { string[] charNames; if (!TryGetCharacterNames(account.Id, out charNames)) { Debug.Log("Get char names failed."); return; } socket.Send("OpenCharacterList", connection, (string[])charNames, true); } }
public static LidgrenGameObject Spawn(int myId, int id, NetConnection con) { GameObject go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Player"), new Vector3(45, 10, 45), Quaternion.identity); LidgrenGameObject lgo = go.GetComponent<LidgrenGameObject>(); lgo.Id = id; lgo.IsMine = myId == id; lgo.Connection = con; return lgo; }
internal NetReliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize) { m_connection = connection; m_windowSize = windowSize; m_windowStart = 0; m_sendStart = 0; m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers); m_storedMessages = new NetStoredReliableMessage[m_windowSize]; m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8); m_resendDelay = m_connection.GetResendDelay(); }
public PlayerObject(int id, NetConnection connection, string name, int curBeat) { Connection = connection; Id = id; X = 0; Y = 0; VelocityX = 0; VelocityY = 0; Ready = false; Name = name; LastBeat = curBeat; }
internal static void Execute(object msg, NetConnection conn) { Msg_RC_ShakeHands_Ret ret_msg = msg as Msg_RC_ShakeHands_Ret; if (msg == null) { return; } NetworkSystem.Instance.WaitShakeHands = false; if (ret_msg.auth_result == Msg_RC_ShakeHands_Ret.RetType.SUCCESS) { LogSystem.Info("auth ok !!!"); NetworkSystem.Instance.CanSendMessage = true; ClientModule.Instance.QueueAction(ClientModule.Instance.OnRoomServerConnected); } else { LogSystem.Info("auth failed !!!"); } }
static NetworkPlayer FindPlayerByNetConnection(NetConnection con) { for (int i = 0; i < maxPlayers; i++ ) { if(connectedPlayers[i] != null) { if(connectedPlayers[i].netConnection == con) { return connectedPlayers[i]; } } } return null; }
public async void Login(string accountName, string password, NetConnection recipient) { //Ask validation from SQL. SqlCommand loginCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT [Account_Password], [Account_Name] FROM [dbo].[Accounts] WHERE [Account_Name]='" + accountName + "'", m_SQLConnection); try { using (SqlDataReader reader = await loginCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync()) { NetOutgoingMessage newMsg = m_server.CreateMessage(); if (!reader.HasRows) { F3NetMessageLoginResult.ToNetMsg(NetErrorCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND, ref newMsg); } else { while (reader.Read()) { string dbAccountName = reader["Account_Name"].ToString(); string dbAccountPassword = reader["Account_Password"].ToString(); if (dbAccountName == accountName && dbAccountPassword == password) { F3NetMessageLoginResult.ToNetMsg(NetErrorCode.OK, ref newMsg); } else if (dbAccountName == accountName && dbAccountPassword != password) { F3NetMessageLoginResult.ToNetMsg(NetErrorCode.INVALID_PASSWORD, ref newMsg); } else { F3NetMessageLoginResult.ToNetMsg(NetErrorCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND, ref newMsg); } } } m_server.SendMessage(newMsg, recipient, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered); } } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("SQL ERROR :" + ex.Message + " ( " + ex.Number + ")."); } }
/// <summary> /// Send a message to all connections except one /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The message to send</param> /// <param name="method">How to deliver the message</param> /// <param name="except">Don't send to this particular connection</param> /// <param name="sequenceChannel">Which sequence channel to use for the message</param> public void SendToAll(NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetConnection except, NetDeliveryMethod method, int sequenceChannel) { var all = this.Connections; if (all.Count <= 0) return; if (except == null) { SendMessage(msg, all, method, sequenceChannel); return; } List<NetConnection> recipients = new List<NetConnection>(all.Count - 1); foreach (var conn in all) if (conn != except) recipients.Add(conn); if (recipients.Count > 0) SendMessage(msg, recipients, method, sequenceChannel); }
/// <summary> /// Send a message to a specific connection /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The message to send</param> /// <param name="recipient">The recipient connection</param> /// <param name="method">How to deliver the message</param> /// <param name="sequenceChannel">Sequence channel within the delivery method</param> public NetSendResult SendMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetConnection recipient, NetDeliveryMethod method, int sequenceChannel) { if (msg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("msg"); if (recipient == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("recipient"); if (sequenceChannel >= NetConstants.NetChannelsPerDeliveryMethod) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sequenceChannel"); NetException.Assert( ((method != NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable && method != NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered) || ((method == NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable || method == NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered) && sequenceChannel == 0)), "Delivery method " + method + " cannot use sequence channels other than 0!" ); NetException.Assert(method != NetDeliveryMethod.Unknown, "Bad delivery method!"); if (msg.m_isSent) throw new NetException("This message has already been sent! Use NetPeer.SendMessage() to send to multiple recipients efficiently"); msg.m_isSent = true; int len = NetConstants.UnfragmentedMessageHeaderSize + msg.LengthBytes; // headers + length, faster than calling msg.GetEncodedSize if (len <= recipient.m_currentMTU) { Interlocked.Increment(ref msg.m_recyclingCount); return recipient.EnqueueMessage(msg, method, sequenceChannel); } else { // message must be fragmented! if (recipient.m_status != NetConnectionStatus.Connected) return NetSendResult.FailedNotConnected; SendFragmentedMessage(msg, new NetConnection[] { recipient }, method, sequenceChannel); return NetSendResult.Queued; // could be different for each connection; Queued is "most true" } }
void CreateCharacter(string playerName, NetConnection connection) { if (!InputValidator.LowercaseOnly(playerName)) return; LoginServer.Account account; if (!loginServer.TryGetAccount(connection, out account)) return; if (database.HasKey(playerName)) { socket.Send("NameTakenResponse", connection); return; } NetStream playerData = NetStream.New(); playerData.WriteString(playerName); playerData.WriteInt(100); playerData.WriteVector3(; ulong key; if (!database.TryAdd(playerName, playerData, out key)) return; if (!AddCharacterNameKey(key, account.Id)) { database.TryDelete(key); playerData.Release(); return; } playerData.Position = 0; viewManager.CreateView(connection, "Player", playerData); }
public void OnPeerDisconnected(NetConnection conn) { OnDisconnected?.Invoke(conn.RemoteUniqueIdentifier); RemovePeerIfExist(conn.RemoteUniqueIdentifier); //Log.Debug(this, "[Server] Peer disconnected: " + conn.RemoteEndPoint); }
public void Disconnect(string reason) { client.Shutdown(reason); connection = null; Players = null; }
public static void AddNetConnection(this GameUser user, NetConnection con) { Console.WriteLine(user == null); userConnections[user] = con; }
public void SendMessage(NetOutgoingMessage message, NetConnection recipient, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void HandleClientMessages() { NetIncomingMessage msg; while ((msg = client.ReadMessage()) != null) { switch (msg.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: byte status = msg.ReadByte(); switch (status) { case (byte)NetConnectionStatus.Connected: { Debug.Log("Approved"); approvedConnection = true; } break; case (byte)NetConnectionStatus.InitiatedConnect: case (byte)NetConnectionStatus.RespondedConnect: Debug.Log("Connection: " + status.ToString()); break; case (byte)NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: case (byte)NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting: Debug.Log("Disconnecting: " + status.ToString()); break; } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryResponse: var success = msg.ReadBoolean(); Debug.Log("Discovery Response: " + success); MyPlayerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); if (success) { ServerConnection = client.Connect(msg.SenderEndPoint); Debug.Log(ServerConnection); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: var type = msg.ReadUInt16(); switch (type) { //case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.Approved: // { // Debug.Log("Approved"); // approvedConnection = true; // } // break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.CreatePlayer: { Debug.Log("Create Player"); ushort playerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); float x = msg.ReadFloat(); float y = msg.ReadFloat(); float z = msg.ReadFloat(); var player = GameObject.Instantiate(PlayerPrefab); player.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); var controller = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); controller.PlayerId = playerId; controller.singlePlayer = false; //These dam settings were subburn so I put them here instead of using the prefab values controller.bulletSpawnDistance = 2f; controller.Ammo = 100; PlayerList.Add(controller); if (playerId == MyPlayerId) { controller.ParentController = this; playerCreated = true; } } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.AuthoritativeUpdatePlayer: { ushort playerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); float x = msg.ReadFloat(); float y = msg.ReadFloat(); float z = msg.ReadFloat(); float rx = msg.ReadFloat(); float ry = msg.ReadFloat(); float rz = msg.ReadFloat(); var player = PlayerList.FirstOrDefault(w => w.PlayerId == playerId); if (player != null) { player.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3 { x = x, y = y, z = z }, new Vector3 { x = rx, y = ry, z = rz }); //player.transform.position = new Vector3 { x = x, y = y, z = z }; //player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3 { x = rx, y = ry, z = rz }); } } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.UpdatePlayer: { ushort playerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); float x = msg.ReadFloat(); float y = msg.ReadFloat(); float z = msg.ReadFloat(); float rx = msg.ReadFloat(); float ry = msg.ReadFloat(); float rz = msg.ReadFloat(); var player = PlayerList.FirstOrDefault(w => w.PlayerId == playerId); if (player != null) { player.UpdatePositionAndRotation(new Vector3 { x = x, y = y, z = z }, new Vector3 { x = rx, y = ry, z = rz }); } } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.CreateBullet: { ushort playerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); ushort bulletId = msg.ReadUInt16(); float x = msg.ReadFloat(); float y = msg.ReadFloat(); float z = msg.ReadFloat(); float vx = msg.ReadFloat(); float vy = msg.ReadFloat(); float vz = msg.ReadFloat(); float rx = msg.ReadFloat(); float ry = msg.ReadFloat(); float rz = msg.ReadFloat(); var bullet = GameObject.Instantiate(BulletPrefab); bullet.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); var controller = bullet.GetComponent <BulletController>(); controller.PlayerId = playerId; controller.BulletId = bulletId; controller.singlePlayer = false; controller.LifeTime = 5f; controller.Vector = new Vector3 { x = vx, y = vy, z = vz }; controller.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3 { x = rx, y = ry, z = rz }); if (MyPlayerId == playerId) { controller.UpdateBullet = true; controller.ParentController = this; } BulletList.Add(controller); } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.UpdateBullet: { ushort bulletId = msg.ReadUInt16(); float x = msg.ReadFloat(); float y = msg.ReadFloat(); float z = msg.ReadFloat(); var target = BulletList.FirstOrDefault(w => w.BulletId == bulletId); if (target != null) { target.transform.position += new Vector3(x, y, z); } } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.DestroyBullet: { ushort bulletId = msg.ReadUInt16(); var target = BulletList.FirstOrDefault(w => w.BulletId == bulletId); if (target != null) { BulletList.Remove(target); GameObject.Destroy(target.gameObject); } } break; case (ushort)SpoopyMessageType.DestroyPlayer: { ushort playerId = msg.ReadUInt16(); var target = PlayerList.FirstOrDefault(w => w.PlayerId == playerId); if (target != null) { PlayerList.Remove(target); GameObject.Destroy(target.gameObject); } } break; } break; } client.Recycle(msg); } }
public override bool EqualsConnection(NetConnection connection) { return(peer.UserData() == ((EnetNetConnection)connection).peer.UserData()); }
public static GameUser GetGameUser(this NetConnection con) => userConnections.Where(o => o.Value == con)?.FirstOrDefault().Key;
public override void HandleNetworkMessage(IncomingEntityComponentMessage message, NetConnection sender) { switch ((ComponentMessageType)message.MessageParameters[0]) { case ComponentMessageType.SetVisible: visible = (bool)message.MessageParameters[1]; break; case ComponentMessageType.SetSpriteByKey: SetSpriteByKey((string)message.MessageParameters[1]); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of a NetChannel. /// </summary> /// <param name="manager">The server this channel belongs to.</param> /// <param name="connection">The raw NetConnection to the remote peer.</param> internal NetChannel(NetManager manager, NetConnection connection, NetSessionId sessionId) { _manager = manager; _connection = connection; SessionId = sessionId; }
public override void HandleNetworkMessage(IncomingEntityComponentMessage message, NetConnection sender) { switch ((ComponentMessageType)message.MessageParameters[0]) { case ComponentMessageType.InventoryInformation: UnpackListing(message); break; case ComponentMessageType.InventoryUpdateRequired: if (UpdateRequired != null) { UpdateRequired(this); } break; } }
public override void HandleNetworkMessage(IncomingEntityComponentMessage message, NetConnection sender) { var type = (ComponentMessageType)message.MessageParameters[0]; /*switch (type) * { * case (ComponentMessageType.HealthStatus): * Health = (float)message.MessageParameters[1]; * MaxHealth = (float)message.MessageParameters[2]; * if (GetHealth() <= 0) Die(); * break; * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// Reads user info from connection hail-message. /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string PeekHailUserInfo(this NetConnection conn) { var bytes = conn.RemoteHailMessage.PeekDataBuffer(); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 16, bytes.Length - 16)); }
/// <summary> /// Reads client GUID from connection hail-message. /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Guid PeekHailGuid(this NetConnection conn) { return(new Guid(conn.RemoteHailMessage.PeekBytes(16))); }
private void GetKeyRequest(string stringKey, NetRequest<ulong> request, NetConnection connection) { if (!connection.IsPeer && !connection.IsServer) return; ulong result; if (TryGetKey(stringKey, out result)) request.Result = result; }
public override void HandleNetworkMessage(IncomingEntityComponentMessage message, NetConnection sender) { var type = (ComponentMessageType)message.MessageParameters[0]; switch (type) { case (ComponentMessageType.AddAction): var typeName = (string)message.MessageParameters[1]; var uid = (uint)message.MessageParameters[2]; AddAction(typeName, uid); break; case (ComponentMessageType.RemoveAction): var uid2 = (uint)message.MessageParameters[1]; RemoveAction(uid2); break; case (ComponentMessageType.RequestActionList): UnpackFullListing(message); break; case (ComponentMessageType.GetActionChecksum): CheckFullUpdate((uint)message.MessageParameters[1]); break; case (ComponentMessageType.CooldownAction): var uidCd = (uint)message.MessageParameters[1]; var secCd = (uint)message.MessageParameters[2]; SetCooldown(uidCd, secCd); break; default: base.HandleNetworkMessage(message, sender); break; } }
public GameServer(int port, int maxPlayers) : base(MakeConfig(port, maxPlayers)) { server = new NetServer(base.Config); base.peer = server; base.tag = "Server"; this.MaxPlayers = maxPlayers; this.connectedPlayers = new List <Player>(); this.idToPlayer = new Dictionary <uint, Player>(); this.remoteIDToPlayer = new Dictionary <long, HumanPlayer>(); this.worldUploads = new List <ActiveWorldUpload>(); base.SetHandler(NetMessageType.Req_BasicServerInfo, (id, msg) => { // Note: this message never arrives from the client if they are a host, as they already know everything about the world. // Send a little info about the server and the map... NetOutgoingMessage first = CreateBaseMapInfo(); SendMessage(msg.SenderConnection, first, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); // Send player list. SendAllPlayerData(msg.SenderConnection); // The client should send back a response asking for full map info. (see below for response) }); base.SetHandler(NetMessageType.Req_WorldChunks, (id, msg) => { // Client has request for map/entity data to be sent. // TODO check that the client hasn't already requested this before. // Send map chunks. // Add a new world upload. TODO also upload entities. var upload = new ActiveWorldUpload(msg.SenderConnection, Main.Map.GetNumberOfNetChunks(), MaxChunksToUploadPerFrame); worldUploads.Add(upload); Trace($"Now starting to send {upload.TotalChunksToSend} chunks of map data..."); }); // Add status change listener. base.OnStatusChange += (conn, status, msg) => { HumanPlayer player = GetPlayer(conn); switch (status) { case NetConnectionStatus.Connected: // At this point, the HumanPlayer object has already been set up because it's connection was approved. // Nothing to do here for now. if (player == null) { Error($"Remote client has connected, but a player object is not associated with them... Did setup fail?"); break; } Log($"Client has connected: {player.Name} {(player.IsHost ? "(host)" : "")}"); Net.BroadcastConnect(player); // Notify all clients that a new player has joined (apart from the host who already knows) var newConnectMsg = CreateMessage(NetMessageType.Data_PlayerData, 32); newConnectMsg.Write((byte)1); newConnectMsg.Write(false); // IsBot player.WriteToMessage(newConnectMsg); // Other data such as IsHost, name etc. SendMessageToAll(newConnectMsg, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableSequenced, HostConnection); break; case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: // Player has left the game, bye! // Remove the player associated with them. if (player == null) { Error($"Remote client has disconnected, but a player object is not associated with them..."); break; } string text = msg.PeekString(); Log($"Client '{player.Name}' has disconnected: {text}"); Net.BroadcastDisconnect(player); // Notify all clients that a player has left (apart from the host who already knows) var disconnectMsg = CreateMessage(NetMessageType.Data_PlayerData, 32); disconnectMsg.Write((byte)2); disconnectMsg.Write(player.ID); SendMessageToAll(disconnectMsg, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableSequenced, HostConnection); RemovePlayer(player); break; } }; // Add handlers. base.SetBaseHandler(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval, (msg) => { // TODO add check for number of players currently in the game. ulong hostKey = msg.ReadUInt64(); bool isHost = false; if (hostKey != 0) { // This means that the client is claiming to be the local host. // If so, the host key should be the same as the one on this object, // which is generated when the server Start() method is called. // Otherwise, there is either a serious bug or a hacking attempt. if (hostKey != this.HostKey) { Warn($"Connecting client from {msg.SenderConnection} has claimed they are the host with host key {hostKey}, but this in the incorrect host key. Bug or impersonator?"); } else { // Correct host key, they are the real host (or 1 in 18.4 quintillion chance). isHost = true; } } // Password (or empty string). string password = msg.ReadString(); if (this.Password != null && password.Trim() != this.Password.Trim()) { msg.SenderConnection.Deny("Incorrect password"); return; } // Player name. string name = msg.ReadString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { msg.SenderConnection.Deny("Invalid name"); return; } // Create player object for them. HumanPlayer p = new HumanPlayer(); p.IsHost = isHost; p.Name = name; p.ConnectionToClient = msg.SenderConnection; // Add player to the game. (gives them an Id and stuff) AddPlayer(p); if (isHost) { // Flag them as the host connection. HostConnection = msg.SenderConnection; } // Accept the connection, everything looks good! msg.SenderConnection.Approve(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Sends a network message to a particular client connection using a particular delivery method. /// None of the parameters may be null, and the connection must be valid (connected to this server). /// </summary> /// <param name="conn">The client connection to send to, may not be null and must be connected to this server.</param> /// <param name="msg">The message to send. Should contain at least 1 byte corresponding to it's type. See <see cref="NetPeerBase.CreateMessage(byte, int)"/> and <see cref="NetMessageType"/> for more info.</param> /// <param name="delivery">The delivery method to use. Most are self explanatory, see Lidgren documentation for more info.</param> /// <param name="channel">The network channel to send the data on. See Lidgren documentation for more info. If unsure, leave as default value.</param> public void SendMessage(NetConnection conn, NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetDeliveryMethod delivery, int channel = NetChannel.Default) { server.SendMessage(msg, conn, delivery, channel); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NetStream"/> class that can be used for playing video files through the specified NetConnection object. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">A NetConnection object.</param> /// <param name="peerId">Not available.</param> public NetStream(NetConnection connection, string peerId) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(connection, "connection"); _connection = connection; _client = this; }
public void SendDirectedComponentNetworkMessage(IEntity sendingEntity, uint netID, NetDeliveryMethod method, NetConnection recipient, params object[] messageParams) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static ClientState GetState(this NetConnection conn) { return(conn.Tag as ClientState); }
public static bool GameUserExist(this NetConnection con) => userConnections.Where(o => o.Value == con).Count() > 0;
public override void HandleNetworkMessage(IncomingEntityComponentMessage message, NetConnection sender) { switch ((ComponentMessageType)message.MessageParameters[0]) { case ComponentMessageType.GetSVars: HandleGetSVars(message); break; } }
private void ReadClientSteamAuthRequest(NetIncomingMessage inc, NetConnection senderConnection, out ulong clientSteamID) { clientSteamID = 0; if (!Steam.SteamManager.USE_STEAM) { DebugConsole.Log("Received a Steam auth request from " + senderConnection.RemoteEndPoint + ". Steam authentication not required, handling auth normally."); //not using steam, handle auth normally HandleClientAuthRequest(senderConnection, 0); return; } if (senderConnection == OwnerConnection) { //the client is the owner of the server, no need for authentication //(it would fail with a "duplicate request" error anyway) HandleClientAuthRequest(senderConnection, 0); return; } clientSteamID = inc.ReadUInt64(); int authTicketLength = inc.ReadInt32(); inc.ReadBytes(authTicketLength, out byte[] authTicketData); DebugConsole.Log("Received a Steam auth request"); DebugConsole.Log(" Steam ID: " + clientSteamID); DebugConsole.Log(" Auth ticket length: " + authTicketLength); DebugConsole.Log(" Auth ticket data: " + ((authTicketData == null) ? "null" : ToolBox.LimitString(string.Concat(authTicketData.Select(b => b.ToString("X2"))), 16))); if (senderConnection != OwnerConnection && serverSettings.BanList.IsBanned(senderConnection.RemoteEndPoint.Address, clientSteamID)) { return; } ulong steamID = clientSteamID; if (unauthenticatedClients.Any(uc => uc.Connection == inc.SenderConnection)) { var steamAuthedClient = unauthenticatedClients.Find(uc => uc.Connection == inc.SenderConnection && uc.SteamID == steamID && uc.SteamAuthStatus == Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.Status.OK); if (steamAuthedClient != null) { DebugConsole.Log("Client already authenticated, sending AUTH_RESPONSE again..."); HandleClientAuthRequest(inc.SenderConnection, steamID); } DebugConsole.Log("Steam authentication already pending..."); return; } if (authTicketData == null) { DebugConsole.Log("Invalid request"); return; } unauthenticatedClients.RemoveAll(uc => uc.Connection == senderConnection); int nonce = CryptoRandom.Instance.Next(); var unauthClient = new UnauthenticatedClient(senderConnection, nonce, clientSteamID) { AuthTimer = 20 }; unauthenticatedClients.Add(unauthClient); if (!Steam.SteamManager.StartAuthSession(authTicketData, clientSteamID)) { unauthenticatedClients.Remove(unauthClient); if (GameMain.Config.RequireSteamAuthentication) { unauthClient.Connection.Disconnect(DisconnectReason.SteamAuthenticationFailed.ToString()); Log("Disconnected unauthenticated client (Steam ID: " + steamID + "). Steam authentication failed.", ServerLog.MessageType.ServerMessage); } else { DebugConsole.Log("Steam authentication failed, skipping to basic auth..."); HandleClientAuthRequest(senderConnection); return; } } return; }
public ActiveWorldUpload(NetConnection client, int toSendCount, int maxChunksPerFrame) { this.targetClient = client; this.maxChunksPerFrame = maxChunksPerFrame; this.TotalChunksToSend = toSendCount; }
public void Connect(string host, int port) { client.Start(); NetOutgoingMessage msg = client.CreateMessage(); msg.Write(PlayerIdentityGenerator.PlayerIDToName(client.UniqueIdentifier)); connection = client.Connect(host, port, msg); Players = new RemotePlayerSet(); }
/// <summary> /// Sends a network message to all connected clients, with an optional excluded client. /// The message may not be null but <paramref name="except"/> may be null to send to all. /// See <see cref="HostConnection"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The message to send. Should contain at least 1 byte corresponding to it's type. See <see cref="NetPeerBase.CreateMessage(byte, int)"/> and <see cref="NetMessageType"/> for more info.</param> /// <param name="delivery">The delivery method to use. Most are self explanatory, see Lidgren documentation for more info.</param> /// <param name="except">The (optional) client to exclude. All clients apart from the excluded client will receive the message. Often used with <see cref="HostConnection"/>.</param> /// <param name="channel">The network channel to send the data on. See Lidgren documentation for more info. If unsure, leave as default value.</param> public void SendMessageToAll(NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetDeliveryMethod delivery, NetConnection except = null, int channel = NetChannel.Default) { server.SendToAll(msg, except, delivery, 0); }
private void AddRequest(NetStream stream, NetRequest<ulong> request, NetConnection connection) { if (!connection.IsPeer && !connection.IsServer) return; request.Result = Add(stream); }
public void OnPeerConnected(NetConnection conn) { InsertOrUpdatePeer(conn.RemoteUniqueIdentifier, conn); OnConnected?.Invoke(conn.RemoteUniqueIdentifier); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NetStream"/> class that can be used for playing video files through the specified NetConnection object. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">A NetConnection object.</param> public NetStream(NetConnection connection) : this(connection, "connectToFMS") { }
public override bool EqualsConnection(NetConnection connection) { return(peer.UserData() == platform.CastToEnetNetConnection(connection).peer.UserData()); }
internal NetChannelUnreliable(NetConnection connection) { Connection = connection; WriteUnreliableHeader(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes client state for given connection. /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> public static void InitClientState(this NetConnection conn) { conn.Tag = new ClientState(PeekHailGuid(conn), PeekHailUserInfo(conn)); }
private void GetStringRequest(string stringKey, NetRequest<NetStream> request, NetConnection connection) { if (!connection.IsPeer && !connection.IsServer) return; NetStream stream; if (TryGet(stringKey, out stream)) { stream.Position = stream.Size; request.Result = stream; } }
private static async Task QueryJavaServerAsync(string hostname, ushort port, PingServerDelegate pingCallback, ServerStatusDelegate statusCallBack) { IPEndPoint endPoint = null; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); string jsonResponse = null; try { var result = await ResolveHostnameAsync(hostname); if (!result.Success) { statusCallBack?.Invoke(new ServerQueryResponse(false, "multiplayer.status.cannot_resolve", new ServerQueryStatus() { Delay = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, Success = false, EndPoint = null, Address = hostname, Port = port })); return; } bool waitingOnPing = true; using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient()) { await client.ConnectAsync(result.Result, port); endPoint = client.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; if (client.Connected) { //conn = new NetConnection(Direction.ClientBound, client.Client); //conn.LogExceptions = false; using (var conn = new NetConnection(Direction.ClientBound, client.Client) { LogExceptions = true }) { long pingId = Rnd.NextUInt(); EventWaitHandle ar = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); conn.OnPacketReceived += (sender, args) => { if (args.Packet is ResponsePacket responsePacket) { jsonResponse = responsePacket.ResponseMsg; ar.Set(); } else if (args.Packet is PingPacket pong) { if (pong.Payload == pingId) { waitingOnPing = false; pingCallback?.Invoke(new ServerPingResponse(true, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } else { waitingOnPing = false; pingCallback?.Invoke(new ServerPingResponse(true, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } } }; bool connectionClosed = false; conn.OnConnectionClosed += (sender, args) => { connectionClosed = true; ar.Set(); }; conn.Initialize(); conn.SendPacket(new HandshakePacket() { NextState = ConnectionState.Status, ServerAddress = hostname, ServerPort = port, ProtocolVersion = JavaProtocol.ProtocolVersion }); conn.ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Status; conn.SendPacket(new RequestPacket()); if (await WaitHandleHelpers.FromWaitHandle(ar, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000)) && !connectionClosed && jsonResponse != null) { long timeElapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; // Log.Debug($"Server json: " + jsonResponse); var query = ServerQuery.FromJson(jsonResponse); if (pingCallback != null) { conn.SendPacket(new PingPacket() { Payload = pingId, }); sw.Restart(); } var r = new ServerQueryStatus() { Delay = timeElapsed, Success = true, WaitingOnPing = pingCallback != null && !waitingOnPing, EndPoint = endPoint, Address = hostname, Port = port, Query = query }; statusCallBack?.Invoke(new ServerQueryResponse(true, r)); } else { statusCallBack?.Invoke(new ServerQueryResponse(false, "multiplayer.status.cannot_connect", new ServerQueryStatus() { EndPoint = endPoint, Delay = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, Success = false, /* Motd = motd.MOTD, * ProtocolVersion = motd.ProtocolVersion, * MaxNumberOfPlayers = motd.MaxPlayers, * Version = motd.ClientVersion, * NumberOfPlayers = motd.Players,*/ Address = hostname, Port = port, WaitingOnPing = false })); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (sw.IsRunning) { sw.Stop(); } Log.Error($"Could not get server query result! Exception: {ex.ToString()}"); string msg = ex.Message; if (ex is SocketException) { msg = $"multiplayer.status.cannot_connect"; } statusCallBack?.Invoke(new ServerQueryResponse(false, msg, new ServerQueryStatus() { Delay = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, Success = false, EndPoint = endPoint, Address = hostname, Port = port })); } finally { //conn?.Stop(); //conn?.Dispose(); //conn?.Dispose(); // client?.Close(); } }
private void TryAddRequest(string stringKey, NetStream stream, NetRequest<ulong> request, NetConnection connection) { if (!connection.IsPeer && !connection.IsServer) return; ulong result; if (TryAdd(stringKey, stream, out result)) request.Result = result; }
public void SendMessage(NetOutgoingMessage message, NetConnection recipient, NetDeliveryMethod method = NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered) { m_netServer.SendMessage(message, recipient, method); }
/// <summary> /// Send a message to a specific connection /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The message to send</param> /// <param name="recipient">The recipient connection</param> /// <param name="method">How to deliver the message</param> public NetSendResult SendMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg, NetConnection recipient, NetDeliveryMethod method) { return SendMessage(msg, recipient, method, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Allows a component owned by this entity to send a message to a counterpart component on the /// counterpart entities on all clients. /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingEntity">Entity sending the message (also entity to send to)</param> /// <param name="family">Family of the component sending the message</param> /// <param name="method">Net delivery method -- if null, defaults to NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered</param> /// <param name="recipient">Client connection to send to. If null, send to all.</param> /// <param name="messageParams">Parameters of the message</param> public void SendDirectedComponentNetworkMessage(Entity sendingEntity, ComponentFamily family, NetDeliveryMethod method, NetConnection recipient, params object[] messageParams) { NetOutgoingMessage message = CreateEntityMessage(); message.Write((byte)EntityMessage.ComponentMessage); message.Write(sendingEntity.Uid); //Write this entity's UID message.Write((byte)family); //Loop through the params and write them as is proper foreach (object messageParam in messageParams) { if (messageParam.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Enum))) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_enum); message.Write((int)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is bool) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_bool); message.Write((bool)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is byte) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_byte); message.Write((byte)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is sbyte) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_sbyte); message.Write((sbyte)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is ushort) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_ushort); message.Write((ushort)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is short) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_short); message.Write((short)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is int) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_int); message.Write((int)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is uint) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_uint); message.Write((uint)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is ulong) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_ulong); message.Write((ulong)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is long) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_long); message.Write((long)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is float) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_float); message.Write((float)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is double) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_double); message.Write((double)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is string) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_string); message.Write((string)messageParam); } else if (messageParam is byte[]) { message.Write((byte)NetworkDataType.d_byteArray); message.Write(((byte[])messageParam).Length); message.Write((byte[])messageParam); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot write specified type."); } } //Send the message if (recipient == null) { m_netServer.SendToAll(message, method); } else { m_netServer.SendMessage(message, recipient, method); } if (_messageProfiling) { var logger = IoCManager.Resolve <IMessageLogger>(); logger.LogOutgoingComponentNetMessage( (recipient == null) ? 0 : recipient.RemoteUniqueIdentifier, sendingEntity.Uid, family, PackParamsForLog(messageParams)); } }
public RemotePacketClient(NetConnection client, NetServer server) { Client = client; Server = server; }
public PlayerAndConnection(Player player, NetConnection connection) { Player = player; Connection = connection; }