Esempio n. 1
        public void CleanUpExistingRecords()
            using (NemeStatsDbContext dbContext = new NemeStatsDbContext())
                using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext(dbContext, new SecuredEntityValidatorFactory()))
                    var games = dataContext.GetQueryable <GameDefinition>()
                                .Where(game => game.BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId == null)

                    var bggSearcher = new BoardGameGeekClient(new ApiDownloaderService());
                    int updateCount = 0;

                    foreach (GameDefinition game in games)
                        var bggResults = bggSearcher.SearchBoardGames(game.Name.Trim(), true);

                        if (bggResults.Count() == 1)
                            game.BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId = bggResults.First().BoardGameId;
                            ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser
                                CurrentGamingGroupId = game.GamingGroupId
                            dataContext.Save(game, user);
                            Console.WriteLine(game.Name + " had exactly one match and was updated.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Updated " + updateCount + " records.");
        public void CleanUpExistingRecords()
            using (NemeStatsDbContext dbContext = new NemeStatsDbContext())
                using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext(dbContext, new SecuredEntityValidatorFactory()))
                    var games = dataContext.GetQueryable<GameDefinition>()
                                                            .Where(game => game.BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId == null)

                    var bggSearcher = new BoardGameGeekClient(new ApiDownloaderService(), new RollbarClient());
                    int updateCount = 0;

                    foreach (GameDefinition game in games)
                        var bggResults = bggSearcher.SearchBoardGames(game.Name.Trim(), true);

                        if (bggResults.Count() == 1)
                            game.BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId = bggResults.First().BoardGameId;
                            ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser
                                CurrentGamingGroupId = game.GamingGroupId
                            dataContext.Save(game, user);
                            Console.WriteLine(game.Name + " had exactly one match and was updated.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Updated " + updateCount + " records.");
 private static void Cleanup(
     NemeStatsDataContext dbContext, 
     GamingGroup gamingGroup, 
     ApplicationUser currentUser)
     GamingGroup gamingGroupToDelete = dbContext.GetQueryable<GamingGroup>()
         .Where(game => game.Name == gamingGroup.Name).FirstOrDefault();
     if (gamingGroupToDelete != null)
         dbContext.Delete(gamingGroupToDelete, currentUser);
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual ActionResult Delete(int?id, ApplicationUser currentUser)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            var playedgame = _dataContext.GetQueryable <PlayedGame>().FirstOrDefault(playedGame => playedGame.Id == id.Value);

            if (playedgame == null)
        private static void Cleanup(
            NemeStatsDataContext dbContext,
            GamingGroup gamingGroup,
            ApplicationUser currentUser)
            GamingGroup gamingGroupToDelete = dbContext.GetQueryable <GamingGroup>()
                                              .Where(game => game.Name == gamingGroup.Name).FirstOrDefault();

            if (gamingGroupToDelete != null)
                dbContext.Delete(gamingGroupToDelete, currentUser);
        public void EagerLoadTest()
            using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext())
                var result = (from gameDefinition in dataContext.GetQueryable<GameDefinition>()
                                                                .Include(game => game.Champion.Player)
                              where gameDefinition.Id == 2004
                              select gameDefinition
                    /*select new {
                        Champion = gameDefinition.Champion

                Assert.That(result.Champion, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result.Champion.Player, Is.Not.Null);
Esempio n. 7
        public void EagerLoadTest()
            using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext())
                var result = (from gameDefinition in dataContext.GetQueryable <GameDefinition>()
                              .Include(game => game.Champion.Player)
                              where gameDefinition.Id == 2004
                              select gameDefinition

                              /*select new {
                               *  Champion = gameDefinition.Champion
                               *  }*/).First();

                Assert.That(result.Champion, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result.Champion.Player, Is.Not.Null);
Esempio n. 8
 public void ItReturnsGamesInDescendingOrderByDatePlayed()
     using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext())
         PlayedGameRetriever retriever = new PlayedGameRetriever(dataContext);
         int five = 5;
         List <PlayedGame> playedGames    = retriever.GetRecentGames(five, testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId);
         List <PlayedGame> allPlayedGames = dataContext.GetQueryable <PlayedGame>()
                                            .Where(game => game.GamingGroupId == testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId)
                                            .OrderByDescending(playedGame => playedGame.DatePlayed)
         for (int i = 0; i < five; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(allPlayedGames[i].Id, playedGames[i].Id);
        public void TestIncludeMethod()
            using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext(
                       new NemeStatsDbContext(),
                       new SecuredEntityValidatorFactory()))
                List <Player> players = dataContext.GetQueryable <Player>()
                                        .Where(player => player.Active && player.GamingGroupId == 1)
                                        .Include(player => player.Nemesis)
                                        .Include(player => player.Nemesis.NemesisPlayer)

                                        .OrderBy(player => player.Name)

                List <Player> playersWithNemesisid = players.Where(player => player.NemesisId != null).ToList();

                Assert.Greater(playersWithNemesisid.Count, 0);
        public void TestIncludeMethod()
            using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext(
                            new NemeStatsDbContext(),
                            new SecuredEntityValidatorFactory()))
                List<Player> players = dataContext.GetQueryable<Player>()
                                        .Where(player => player.Active && player.GamingGroupId == 1)
                                        .Include(player => player.Nemesis)
                                        .Include(player => player.Nemesis.NemesisPlayer)

                                        .OrderBy(player => player.Name)

                List<Player> playersWithNemesisid = players.Where(player => player.NemesisId != null).ToList();

                Assert.Greater(playersWithNemesisid.Count, 0);
 public void ItReturnsGamesInDescendingOrderByDatePlayed()
     using (var dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext())
         var dateRangeFilter           = new BasicDateRangeFilter();
         var five                      = 5;
         List <PlayedGame> playedGames = _retriever.GetRecentGames(five, testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId.Value, dateRangeFilter);
         var allPlayedGames            = dataContext.GetQueryable <PlayedGame>()
                                         .Where(game => game.GamingGroupId == testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId &&
                                                game.DatePlayed <= dateRangeFilter.ToDate)
                                         .OrderByDescending(playedGame => playedGame.DatePlayed)
         for (var i = 0; i < five; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(allPlayedGames[i].Id, playedGames[i].Id);
Esempio n. 12
        public void It_Wraps_Updates_In_A_Transaction_Implicitly()
            var dataContext               = new NemeStatsDataContext(new NemeStatsDbContext(), new SecuredEntityValidatorFactory());
            var firstPlayedGame           = dataContext.GetQueryable <PlayedGame>().First();
            var applicationUserWhoCanSave = new ApplicationUser
                CurrentGamingGroupId = firstPlayedGame.GamingGroupId

            firstPlayedGame.Notes = "Integration test note: " + DateTime.UtcNow;
            dataContext.Save(firstPlayedGame, applicationUserWhoCanSave);

            var firstGameDefinition           = dataContext.GetQueryable <GameDefinition>().First(x => x.GamingGroupId == applicationUserWhoCanSave.CurrentGamingGroupId);
            int numberOfCharactersToSubstring = firstGameDefinition.Name.Length > 100 ? 100 : firstGameDefinition.Name.Length;

            firstGameDefinition.Name = (Guid.NewGuid() + firstGameDefinition.Name).Substring(0, numberOfCharactersToSubstring);
            dataContext.Save(firstGameDefinition, applicationUserWhoCanSave);


            #region See The Sql

             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:07 PM -04:00
             * SELECT TOP (1)
             *  [c].[Id] AS [Id],
             *  [c].[GamingGroupId] AS [GamingGroupId],
             *  [c].[GameDefinitionId] AS [GameDefinitionId],
             *  [c].[WinnerType] AS [WinnerType],
             *  [c].[NumberOfPlayers] AS [NumberOfPlayers],
             *  [c].[DatePlayed] AS [DatePlayed],
             *  [c].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated],
             *  [c].[DateUpdated] AS [DateUpdated],
             *  [c].[CreatedByApplicationUserId] AS [CreatedByApplicationUserId],
             *  [c].[Notes] AS [Notes]
             *  FROM [dbo].[PlayedGame] AS [c]
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:07 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 0 ms with result: SqlDataReader
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:07 PM -04:00
             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * SELECT TOP (2)
             *  [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
             *  [Extent1].[GamingGroupId] AS [GamingGroupId],
             *  [Extent1].[GameDefinitionId] AS [GameDefinitionId],
             *  [Extent1].[WinnerType] AS [WinnerType],
             *  [Extent1].[NumberOfPlayers] AS [NumberOfPlayers],
             *  [Extent1].[DatePlayed] AS [DatePlayed],
             *  [Extent1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated],
             *  [Extent1].[DateUpdated] AS [DateUpdated],
             *  [Extent1].[CreatedByApplicationUserId] AS [CreatedByApplicationUserId],
             *  [Extent1].[Notes] AS [Notes]
             *  FROM [dbo].[PlayedGame] AS [Extent1]
             *  WHERE 4 = [Extent1].[Id]
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 0 ms with result: SqlDataReader
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * Started transaction at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * UPDATE [dbo].[PlayedGame]
             * SET [Notes] = @0
             * WHERE ([Id] = @1)
             * -- @0: 'Integration test note: 3/24/2017 4:46:09 PM' (Type = String, Size = -1)
             * -- @1: '4' (Type = Int32)
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 5 ms with result: 1
             * Committed transaction at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:10 PM -04:00
             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:11 PM -04:00
             * SELECT TOP (1)
             *  [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
             *  [Extent1].[GamingGroupId] AS [GamingGroupId],
             *  [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
             *  [Extent1].[Description] AS [Description],
             *  [Extent1].[Active] AS [Active],
             *  [Extent1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated],
             *  [Extent1].[ChampionId] AS [ChampionId],
             *  [Extent1].[PreviousChampionId] AS [PreviousChampionId],
             *  [Extent1].[BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId] AS [BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId]
             *  FROM [dbo].[GameDefinition] AS [Extent1]
             *  WHERE [Extent1].[GamingGroupId] = @p__linq__0
             * -- p__linq__0: '1' (Type = Int32, IsNullable = false)
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:11 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 0 ms with result: SqlDataReader
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:11 PM -04:00
             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * SELECT TOP (2)
             *  [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
             *  [Extent1].[GamingGroupId] AS [GamingGroupId],
             *  [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
             *  [Extent1].[Description] AS [Description],
             *  [Extent1].[Active] AS [Active],
             *  [Extent1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated],
             *  [Extent1].[ChampionId] AS [ChampionId],
             *  [Extent1].[PreviousChampionId] AS [PreviousChampionId],
             *  [Extent1].[BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId] AS [BoardGameGeekGameDefinitionId]
             *  FROM [dbo].[GameDefinition] AS [Extent1]
             *  WHERE 27458 = [Extent1].[Id]
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 1 ms with result: SqlDataReader
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * Opened connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * Started transaction at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * UPDATE [dbo].[GameDefinition]
             * SET [Name] = @0
             * WHERE ([Id] = @1)
             * -- @0: '01b16aaa-faf1-4c9a-9798-161bddf9dde' (Type = String, Size = 255)
             * -- @1: '27458' (Type = Int32)
             * -- Executing at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * -- Completed in 1 ms with result: 1
             * Committed transaction at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00
             * Closed connection at 3/24/2017 12:46:13 PM -04:00

 public void ItReturnsGamesInDescendingOrderByDatePlayed()
     using (NemeStatsDataContext dataContext = new NemeStatsDataContext())
         PlayedGameRetriever retriever = new PlayedGameRetriever(dataContext);
         int five = 5;
         List<PlayedGame> playedGames = retriever.GetRecentGames(five, testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId);
         List<PlayedGame> allPlayedGames = dataContext.GetQueryable<PlayedGame>()
             .Where(game => game.GamingGroupId == testUserWithDefaultGamingGroup.CurrentGamingGroupId)
             .OrderByDescending(playedGame => playedGame.DatePlayed)
         for(int i = 0; i<five; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(allPlayedGames[i].Id, playedGames[i].Id);