public void LoadlongTermMermory(String file) { NeaReader reader = new NeaReader(new StreamReader(file + ".MQ")); while (reader.Peek() != -1) { List <VirusMemory> memories = new List <VirusMemory>(); VirusBoard startState = new VirusBoard(); VirusBoard endState = new VirusBoard(); Move action = new Move(); double reward; double significance; string data; data = reader.ReadLine(); NeaReader r = new NeaReader(data); significance = double.Parse(r.ReadUntil(":")); while (r.Peek() != -1) { startState.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); endState.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); action.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); reward = double.Parse(r.ReadUntil(":")); memories.Add(new VirusMemory(startState, action, endState, reward)); } //memory = new VirusMemory(startState, action, endState, reward); LongTermMemory.Add(new VirusMemoryEpisode(memories.ToArray(), significance)); //new VirusLongTermMemory(memory, significance)); } reader.Close(); }
private void ProcessEntry(NeaReader reader) { String[] fields = new String[fieldcount]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldcount; i++) { fields[i] = reader.ReadUntilAny(";"); if (reader.Peek() == -1) { return; } } int month; int year; try { String smonth = fields[datefield].Substring(3, 2); String syear = fields[datefield].Substring(6, 2); month = int.Parse(smonth) - 1; year = int.Parse(syear) + 2000; if (month < 4) { year--; } //make month 0 be May, and month 11 be April month -= 4; if (month < 0) { month += 12; } } catch (Exception e) { return; } YearInfo y = GetYear(year); if (y == null) { y = new YearInfo(year); years.Add(y); } y.AddEntry(month, fields); }
public void LoadFile(string file, StartUpWindow startwindow) { bool success = true; try { NeaReader reader = new NeaReader(new StreamReader(file)); reader.ReadLine(); while (reader.Peek() != -1 && !shouldstop) { ProcessEntry(reader); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; } if (!shouldstop) { startwindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { startwindow.FinishedLoading(success); })); } }
public static bool TryParseStartGameMessage(string message, out string[] sequence) { sequence = new string[0]; bool success = InitialMessageCheck(message, MessageType.StartGame, out message); if (!success) { return(false); } NeaReader reader = new NeaReader(message); try { List <string> list = new List <string>(); reader.SkipWhiteSpace(); while (reader.Peek() != -1) { list.Add(reader.ReadWord()); } sequence = list.ToArray(); } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
private void LoadDefaultFiles() { string[] filePaths = null; string file = "config.ini"; //config data try { NeaReader r = new NeaReader(new StreamReader(file)); ReadState state = ReadState.FindNextEntry; string group = "ERROR"; List <string> list = new List <string>(); while (r.Peek() != -1) { NeaReader line = new NeaReader(r.ReadLine()); string temp; line.SkipWhiteSpace(); if ((char)line.Peek() == '#') // comment { continue; } switch (state) { case ReadState.FindNextEntry: temp = line.ReadWord(); if (temp == "Group:") { line.SkipWhiteSpace(); group = line.ReadToEnd(); state = ReadState.FindNextKGM; } else if (temp == "Ratio:") { string[] ratio = new string[2]; ratio[0] = line.ReadSection('[', ']'); ratio[1] = line.ReadSection('[', ']'); ratios.Add(ratio); } break; case ReadState.FindNextKGM: line.SkipWhiteSpace(); if (line.Peek() != -1) { list.Add(line.ReadWord()); } else { groups.Add(group, list.ToArray()); list.Clear(); state = ReadState.FindNextEntry; } break; } } r.Close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("config.ini"); w.Write("Fill this with data"); w.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { } filePaths = null; file = null; //ranking data try { filePaths = Directory.GetFiles("rankingdata//", "*.csv"); } catch (Exception e) { } if (filePaths != null) { if (filePaths.Length == 1) { file = filePaths[0]; } } if (file == null) { SetText(StatusText, "Ingen fil fundet.\nVælg venligst en at indlæse."); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { LoadButton.IsEnabled = true; })); } else { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { LoadingProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = true; })); SetText(StatusText, "Indlæser filen:\n" + file); dataHandler = new DataHandler(); Thread thread = new Thread(() => { dataHandler.LoadFile(file, this); }); thread.Start(); } }
private void LoadDepFiles() { //string[] filePaths = null; string file = null; departments = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(); //config data try { file = "Personale liste Know How.txt"; NeaReader r = new NeaReader(new StreamReader(file)); while (r.Peek() != -1) { char next = (char)r.Peek(); while (char.IsWhiteSpace(next)) { r.ReadLine(); next = (char)r.Peek(); } string departmentname = "ERROR"; List <string> strings = new List <string>(); while (r.Peek() != -1) { next = (char)r.Peek(); if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(next)) { if (departmentname != "ERROR") { departments.Add(departmentname, strings.ToArray()); strings.Clear(); } departmentname = r.ReadWord().ToUpper(); r.ReadLine(); } else { r.SkipWhiteSpace(); r.ReadUntil('\t'); //løn nr r.SkipWhiteSpace(); r.ReadUntil('\t'); // efternavn r.SkipWhiteSpace(); r.ReadUntil('\t'); // fornavn r.SkipWhiteSpace(); r.ReadUntil('\t'); // afdeling if (r.Peek() == -1) { break; } r.SkipWhiteSpace(); brugernavn = r.ReadWord(); // brugernavn strings.Add(brugernavn.ToUpper()); r.ReadLine(); } } departments.Add(departmentname, strings.ToArray()); } r.Close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("Personale liste Know How.txt"); w.Write("Fill this with data"); w.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { } foreach (string afdeling in departments.Keys) { combobox_Afd.Items.Add(afdeling); } combobox_Afd.Items.Add("ALLE AFDELINGER"); }
public static bool TryParseStartGameMessage(string message, out string[] sequence) { sequence = new string[0]; bool success = InitialMessageCheck(message, MessageType.StartGame, out message); if (!success) return false; NeaReader reader = new NeaReader(message); try { List<string> list = new List<string>(); reader.SkipWhiteSpace(); while (reader.Peek() != -1) { list.Add(reader.ReadWord()); } sequence = list.ToArray(); } catch { return false; } return true; }
public void LoadlongTermMermory(String file) { NeaReader reader = new NeaReader(new StreamReader(file + ".MQ")); while (reader.Peek() != -1) { List<VirusMemory> memories = new List<VirusMemory>(); VirusBoard startState = new VirusBoard(); VirusBoard endState = new VirusBoard(); Move action = new Move(); double reward; double significance; string data; data = reader.ReadLine(); NeaReader r = new NeaReader(data); significance = double.Parse(r.ReadUntil(":")); while (r.Peek() != -1) { startState.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); endState.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); action.Load(r.ReadUntil(":")); reward = double.Parse(r.ReadUntil(":")); memories.Add(new VirusMemory(startState, action, endState, reward)); } //memory = new VirusMemory(startState, action, endState, reward); LongTermMemory.Add(new VirusMemoryEpisode(memories.ToArray(), significance));//new VirusLongTermMemory(memory, significance)); } reader.Close(); }