public override async void Update(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
                var dataAccess = (IDataAccess)eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IDataAccess));

                var gridContext = (NccGridContext)eventArgs.NccControlContext;
                if (gridContext == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not obtain NccGridContext to process Update. Wrong control type?");

                var model = new List <Products>();

                var ok = await eventArgs.Controller.TryUpdateModelAsync(model, gridContext.Id);

                if (!ok)
                    throw new Exception("Error binding model to object or list");

                ok = NccEventService.NccBindDataKeys(model, gridContext.DataKeysValues);
                if (!ok)
                    throw new Exception("DataKeys list is bigger than submited list. No match possible!!");

                foreach (var product in model)

                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "All grid products updated successfully!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "success";
            catch (Exception e)
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "An error occured updating products info!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "danger";
        public virtual async void Update(NccEventArgs eventArgs)
            var detailsContext = (NccDetailsContext)eventArgs.NccControlContext;

            if (detailsContext == null)

            var type = Type.GetType(detailsContext.DatabaseModelType);

            if (type == null)
                throw new Exception("The DatabaseModelType was incorrectly set. Please correct it on the Grid context.");

            dynamic model = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("The DatabaseModelType specified could not be instantiated. Is it public?");

            var ok = await eventArgs.Controller.TryUpdateModelAsync(model, detailsContext.Id);

            if (!ok)
                throw new Exception("Error binding model to object or list");

            ok = NccEventService.NccBindDataKeys(model, detailsContext.DataKeysValues, 0);

            if (!ok)
                throw new Exception("DataKeys list is bigger than submited list. No match possible!!");

            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("It was not possible to bind the forms value to model.");

            var options     = NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstanceWithDi(eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext, NccConstants.OptionsAssemblyName);
            var nccSettings = options != null ? ((IOptions <NccSettings>)options).Value : new NccSettings();

            var dbService = nccSettings.UseDependencyInjection ? NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstanceWithDi(eventArgs.Controller.HttpContext, detailsContext.DataAccessClass) : NccReflectionService.NccGetClassInstance(detailsContext.DataAccessClass, detailsContext.DataAccessParameters);

            if (dbService == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not get an instance of DataAccessClass. Wrong assembly full name?");

            var updateParameters = detailsContext.UpdateParameters?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).NccToExpando() ?? new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary <string, object>;

            updateParameters["model"] = model;

                var result = dbService.NccInvokeMethod(detailsContext.UpdateMethod, (ExpandoObject)updateParameters);

                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "Updated successfully!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "success";
            catch (Exception)
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.Message     = "An error occured!";
                eventArgs.Controller.ViewBag.MessageType = "danger";