public void Load(bool async = false)

            // var graphItems = new List<GraphItemViewModel>();
            //// var time = DateTime.Now;
            // foreach (var item in CurrentNodes)
            // {

            //     // Get the ViewModel for the data
            //     //InvertApplication.Log("B-A" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(time).TotalSeconds.ToString());
            //     var mapping = InvertApplication.Container.RelationshipMappings[item.GetType(), typeof(ViewModel)];
            //     if (mapping == null) continue;
            //     var vm = Activator.CreateInstance(mapping, item, this) as GraphItemViewModel;
            //     //var vm =
            //     //    InvertApplication.Container.ResolveRelation<ViewModel>(item.GetType(), item, this) as
            //     //        GraphItemViewModel;
            //     //InvertApplication.Log("B-B" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(time).TotalSeconds.ToString());
            //     if (vm == null)
            //     {
            //         if (InvertGraphEditor.Platform.MessageBox("Node Error", string.Format("Couldn't find view-model for {0} would you like to remove this item?", item.GetType()), "Yes", "No"))
            //         {
            //             CurrentRepository.Remove(item);
            //         }
            //         continue;
            //     }
            //     vm.DiagramViewModel = this;
            //     GraphItems.Add(vm);
            //     // Clear the connections on the view-model
            //     vm.Connectors.Clear();
            //     vm.GetConnectors(vm.Connectors);
            //     connectors.AddRange(vm.Connectors);
            // }
            CurrentNodes = GraphData.CurrentFilter.FilterNodes.Distinct().ToArray();
            //if (async)
            //InvertApplication.SignalEvent<ITaskHandler>(_ => _.BeginBackgroundTask(AddGraphItems(CurrentNodes)));
            // FIXME: fore asynchronous loading to avoid scroll position reset
            IEnumerator addGraphItems = AddGraphItems(CurrentNodes);

            while (addGraphItems.MoveNext())
            //var e = AddGraphItems();
            //while (e.MoveNext())
