Esempio n. 1
        public References()
            _screenSafeUi       = ScreenSafeUI.fetch;
            _flightUiController = _screenSafeUi.GetComponent <FlightUIController>();

            GameObject navballGameObject = GameObject.Find("NavBall");

            _navball               = navballGameObject.GetComponent <NavBall>();
            _navBallTexture        = _navball.navBall.renderer.sharedMaterial;
            _vectorsPivotTransform = navballGameObject.transform.FindChild("vectorsPivot");

            _antiNormalVector = _navball.antiNormalVector.gameObject;
            _normalVector     = _navball.normalVector.gameObject;
            _radialInVector   = _navball.radialInVector.gameObject;
            _radialOutVector  = _navball.radialOutVector.gameObject;

            ManeuverGizmo maneuverGizmo = MapView.ManeuverNodePrefab.GetComponent <ManeuverGizmo>();

            _maneuverTexture = maneuverGizmo.handleNormal.flag.renderer.sharedMaterial;

            var maneuverVector = GameObject.Find("maneuverVector");

            _navBallBurnVector = maneuverVector.GetComponent <NavBallBurnVector>();

            _manueverIndicationarrow = GameObject.Find("Indicationarrow");
Esempio n. 2
        //Draws the digital readouts to the gauge
        private void drawNumbers(ManeuverNode myNode)
            //dv = Isp * ln (m0 / m1)
            //e^(dv/ISP) = m0/m1
            //m1 = m0/e^(dv/ISP)    ...I think.
            //mass flow = thrust/isp
            deltaV    = myNode.DeltaV.magnitude;                                          //The burn's ΔV
            deltaVRem = myNode.GetBurnVector(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit).magnitude; //Remaining ΔV in the burn
            //res r = calculateThrust(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel);                    //Actually calculates thrust, mass, and Isp
            //Log.Info("Mass: " + Math.Round(r.mass, 2) + " Thrust: " + Math.Round(r.thrust, 2) + " ISP: " + Math.Round(r.isp, 2));
            //double mass = SteamShip.Mass / Math.Pow(Math.E, (deltaVRem / (SteamShip.ISP*9.82)));    //Mass after burn   Changed from 9.821
            //Log.Info("Final Mass: " + Math.Round(mass, 2)+" Burn Mass: "+Math.Round(r.mass-mass,2));
            //double rate = SteamShip.MaxThrust / (SteamShip.ISP*9.82);                                  //Mass flow rate, rounded to 5 digits
            //double burnTime = (SteamShip.Mass - mass)/rate;                                 //Mass to burn over rate should give time, but doesn't
            //burnTime += SteamShip.EngineAccel+SteamShip.EngineDecel;                        //Compensate for slow throttles
            double            burnTime = SteamShip.BurnTime;
            NavBallBurnVector bv       = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <NavBallBurnVector>()[0];
            double            bt2      = bv.estimatedBurnTime;

            if (double.IsInfinity(bt2) || double.IsNaN(bt2))
                bt2 = 0;                                              //Assume its good if not infinity or NaN
            //Draw values
            drawDigits(182, 131, deltaV);
            //If we are past the node time, time until burn is 0
            if (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() < myNode.UT)
                if (useCalculatedBurn)
                    timeToBurn = (long)((myNode.UT - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - (burnTime / 2.0));
                    drawTime(219, 198, timeToBurn);    //draw actual time to burn start
                    timeToBurn = (long)((myNode.UT - Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - (bt2 / 2));
                    drawTime(219, 198, timeToBurn);    //draw actual time to KSP's burn start
                drawTime(219, 198, 0);    //Use 0 as time to burn if past node
            if (useCalculatedBurn)
                drawTime(219, 261, burnTime);   //Draw burn time.
                drawTime(219, 261, bt2);        //Draw KSP's burn time
Esempio n. 3
        public References()
            _screenSafeUi = ScreenSafeUI.fetch;
            _flightUiController = _screenSafeUi.GetComponent<FlightUIController>();

            GameObject navballGameObject = GameObject.Find("NavBall");
            _navball = navballGameObject.GetComponent<NavBall>();
            _navBallTexture = _navball.navBall.renderer.sharedMaterial;
            _vectorsPivotTransform = navballGameObject.transform.FindChild("vectorsPivot");

            _antiNormalVector = _navball.antiNormalVector.gameObject;
            _normalVector = _navball.normalVector.gameObject;
            _radialInVector = _navball.radialInVector.gameObject;
            _radialOutVector = _navball.radialOutVector.gameObject;

            ManeuverGizmo maneuverGizmo = MapView.ManeuverNodePrefab.GetComponent<ManeuverGizmo>();
            _maneuverTexture = maneuverGizmo.handleNormal.flag.renderer.sharedMaterial;

            var maneuverVector = GameObject.Find("maneuverVector");
            _navBallBurnVector = maneuverVector.GetComponent<NavBallBurnVector>();

            _manueverIndicationarrow = GameObject.Find("Indicationarrow");
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to initialize the needed components. Returns true if initialized, false if not.
        /// If this function returns true, you're guaranteed that burn vector and the needed GUI
        /// text objects are available and non-null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AttemptInitialize()
            if (isInitialized)
                return(true);               // already initialized
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            if (lastUpdate + UPDATE_INTERVAL > now)
                return(false);                                    // too soon to try again
            lastUpdate = now;

            // Try to get the navball's burn vector.  This check is needed because it turns
            // out that the timing of when this object becomes available isn't super reliable,
            // so various MonoBehaviour implementations in the mod can't just initialize at
            // Start() time and use it.
            NavBallBurnVector theBurnVector = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <NavBallBurnVector>();

            if (theBurnVector == null)
                return(false);                       // nope, couldn't get it yet!
            // Make sure the burn vector components that we need are there
            if (theBurnVector.ebtText == null)
            if (theBurnVector.TdnText == null)

            TextMeshProUGUI theClonedDurationText = CloneBehaviour(theBurnVector.ebtText);

            if (theClonedDurationText == null)

            TextMeshProUGUI theClonedTimeUntilText = CloneBehaviour(theBurnVector.TdnText);

            if (theClonedTimeUntilText == null)

            TextMeshProUGUI theCountdownText = CloneBehaviour(theBurnVector.ebtText);

            if (theCountdownText == null)
            theCountdownText.enabled            = false;
            theCountdownText.transform.position = Interpolate(

            // Got everything we need!
            burnVector             = theBurnVector;
            originalDurationText   = SafeText.of(burnVector.ebtText);
            originalTimeUntilText  = SafeText.of(burnVector.TdnText);
            alternateDurationText  = SafeText.of(theClonedDurationText);
            alternateTimeUntilText = SafeText.of(theClonedTimeUntilText);
            countdownText          = SafeText.of(theCountdownText);
            isInitialized          = true;
