public override ObjectData GetData(NodeFactory factory, bool relocsOnly = false)
            // Dependencies for this node are tracked by the method code nodes
            if (relocsOnly)
                return(new ObjectData(Array.Empty <byte>(), Array.Empty <Relocation>(), 1, new ISymbolDefinitionNode[] { this }));

            // Ensure the native layout data has been saved, in order to get valid Vertex offsets for the signature Vertices

            NativeWriter    nativeWriter  = new NativeWriter();
            VertexHashtable hashtable     = new VertexHashtable();
            Section         nativeSection = nativeWriter.NewSection();


            foreach (MethodDesc method in factory.MetadataManager.GetCompiledMethods())
                if (!IsMethodEligibleForTracking(method))

                // Get the method pointer vertex

                bool        getUnboxingStub      = method.OwningType.IsValueType && !method.Signature.IsStatic;
                IMethodNode methodEntryPointNode = factory.MethodEntrypoint(method, getUnboxingStub);
                Vertex      methodPointer        = nativeWriter.GetUnsignedConstant(_externalReferences.GetIndex(methodEntryPointNode));

                // Get native layout vertices for the declaring type

                ISymbolNode declaringTypeNode = factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(method.OwningType);
                Vertex      declaringType     = nativeWriter.GetUnsignedConstant(_externalReferences.GetIndex(declaringTypeNode));

                // Get a vertex sequence for the method instantiation args if any

                VertexSequence arguments = new VertexSequence();
                foreach (var arg in method.Instantiation)
                    ISymbolNode argNode = factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(arg);

                // Get the name and sig of the method.
                // Note: the method name and signature are stored in the NativeLayoutInfo blob, not in the hashtable we build here.

                NativeLayoutMethodNameAndSignatureVertexNode nameAndSig       = factory.NativeLayout.MethodNameAndSignatureVertex(method.GetTypicalMethodDefinition());
                NativeLayoutPlacedSignatureVertexNode        placedNameAndSig = factory.NativeLayout.PlacedSignatureVertex(nameAndSig);
                Debug.Assert(placedNameAndSig.SavedVertex != null);
                Vertex placedNameAndSigOffsetSig = nativeWriter.GetOffsetSignature(placedNameAndSig.SavedVertex);

                // Get the vertex for the completed method signature

                Vertex methodSignature = nativeWriter.GetTuple(declaringType, placedNameAndSigOffsetSig, arguments);

                // Make the generic method entry vertex

                Vertex entry = nativeWriter.GetTuple(methodSignature, methodPointer);

                // Add to the hash table, hashed by the containing type's hashcode
                uint hashCode = (uint)method.OwningType.GetHashCode();
                hashtable.Append(hashCode, nativeSection.Place(entry));

            byte[] streamBytes = nativeWriter.Save();


            return(new ObjectData(streamBytes, Array.Empty <Relocation>(), 1, new ISymbolDefinitionNode[] { this, _endSymbol }));