public override void AppendChild(Node child) { var item = child as Parameter; if (item != null) { Entities.Add(item); return; } var ns = child as Namespace; if (ns != null) { Namespaces.Add(ns); return; } var entity = child as Entity; if (entity != null) { Entities.Add(entity); return; } base.AppendChild(child); }
/// <summary> /// Opens a new namespace for current script. /// </summary> private void declareOpenNamespace(UseNode node) { if (!Namespaces.ContainsKey(node.Namespace)) { Namespaces.Add(node.Namespace, true); } }
public DefaultNamespaceManager() { var asm = typeof(Eto.Forms.Application).Assembly; DefaultNamespace = new NamespaceInfo("Eto.Forms", asm); Namespaces.Add("drawing", new NamespaceInfo("Eto.Drawing", asm)); }
public void AddNamespace(SDNamespace sdNamespace) { if (!Namespaces.ContainsKey(sdNamespace.Identifier)) { Namespaces.Add(sdNamespace.Identifier, sdNamespace); } }
private void LoadResources() { GitIgnores.Add(string.Empty, Strings.Common_ChooseAGitIgnore); SelectedGitIgnore = string.Empty; foreach (var line in _git.GetGitIgnores()) { GitIgnores.Add(line, $"{line} - .gitignore"); } Licenses.Add(string.Empty, Strings.Common_ChooseALicense); SelectedLicense = string.Empty; foreach (var line in _git.GetLicenses()) { Licenses.Add(line, line); } string defaultnamespace = _storage.GetUser().Username; foreach (var path in _web.GetNamespacesPathList()) { Namespaces.Add(, $"{} - {path.full_path}"); if (path.full_path == defaultnamespace) { SelectedNamespaces =; } } }
private void ChangeActiveTaxonomy(TaxonomyItem newTaxonomyItem) { // handle the case where no taxonomy is selected // this can happen when all taxonomies are closed if (newTaxonomyItem == null) { Namespaces.Clear(); CurrentDirectory = ""; return; } var taxonomy = newTaxonomyItem.Taxonomy.Value; Namespaces.Clear(); foreach (var ns in taxonomy.AllNamespaces()) { var namespaceItem = new NamespaceItem(ns); foreach (var tag in taxonomy.TagsInNamespace(ns)) { namespaceItem.Tags.Add(tag); } Namespaces.Add(namespaceItem); } CurrentDirectory = taxonomy.RootPath; }
static AssemblyTypes() { Namespaces.Add("UnityEngine"); Namespaces.Add("System"); Namespaces.Add("UnityEngine"); Initialize(); }
public CompilationUnit(NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration) { if (namespaceDeclaration != null) { Namespaces.Add(namespaceDeclaration); } }
/// <summary> /// Parses an XML document for its namespaces. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigator">The navigator.</param> public void ParseNamespaces(XPathNavigator navigator) { if (navigator == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("navigator"); } if (Namespaces == null) { Namespaces = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultPrefix)) { DefaultPrefix = "d"; } DefaultNamespaces.Clear(); navigator.MoveToRoot(); RrecursiveParse(navigator); //add default namespaces int defaultIndex = 0; foreach (string name in DefaultNamespaces) { string key = GetDefaultKey(defaultIndex++); Namespaces.Add(key, name); } }
private void RrecursiveParse(XPathNavigator navigator) { var namespaces = navigator.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.Local); foreach (var map in namespaces) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Key)) { DefaultNamespaces.Add(map.Value); } else if (!Namespaces.ContainsKey(map.Key)) { Namespaces.Add(map.Key, map.Value); } } // process child element nodes if (navigator.HasChildren && (ParseChildren || navigator.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Root) && navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) { do { RrecursiveParse(navigator); }while (navigator.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element)); // move back to the original parent node navigator.MoveToParent(); } }
public override void AppendChild(Node child) { var item = child as Attribute; if (item != null) { Attributes.Add(item); return; } var entity = child as Entity; if (entity != null) { DocumentElement = entity; entity.InitializeParent(this); Entities.Add(entity); return; } var ns = child as Namespace; if (ns != null) { Namespaces.Add(ns); return; } base.AppendChild(child); }
public void AddNamespace(String ns) { if (!Namespaces.ContainsKey(ns)) { Namespaces.Add(ns, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Merge with another DefaultStyle. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Other DefaultStyle to merge.</param> private void Merge(DefaultStyle other) { // Merge or lower namespaces foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> ns in other.Namespaces) { string value = null; if (!Namespaces.TryGetValue(ns.Key, out value)) { Namespaces.Add(ns.Key, ns.Value); } else if (value != ns.Value) { other.LowerNamespace(ns.Key); } } // Merge the resources foreach (KeyValuePair <string, XElement> resource in other.Resources) { if (Resources.ContainsKey(resource.Key)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Resource \"{0}\" is used by both {1} and {2}!", resource.Key, MergeHistory[resource.Key], other.DefaultStylePath)); } Resources[resource.Key] = resource.Value; MergeHistory[resource.Key] = other.DefaultStylePath; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvgDocument"/> class. /// </summary> public SvgDocument() { Ppi = PointsPerInch; Namespaces.Add(string.Empty, SvgNamespaces.SvgNamespace); Namespaces.Add(SvgNamespaces.XLinkPrefix, SvgNamespaces.XLinkNamespace); Namespaces.Add(SvgNamespaces.XmlPrefix, SvgNamespaces.XmlNamespace); }
protected OutputFile() { var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); Namespaces.Add("System"); Namespaces.Add("System.CodeDom.Compiler"); ClassAttributes.Add($"[GeneratedCode(\"{executingAssembly.Name}\", \"{executingAssembly.Version}\")]"); }
public void AddNamespace(string unityNamespace) { if (Namespaces.All(x => != unityNamespace)) { Namespaces.Add(new UnityNamespace { name = unityNamespace }); } }
/// <summary> /// Ajouter un namespace à la liste. /// </summary> /// <param name="nmspace">Le namespace à ajouter.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Si nmspace est null.</exception> public void AddNamespace(ModelNamespace nmspace) { if (nmspace == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nmspace"); } Namespaces.Add(nmspace.Name, nmspace); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a namespace to this project. "@" represents the root namespace. /// </summary> public void AddNamespace(string name) { if (Namespaces.ContainsKey(name)) { throw new Exception("A namespace already exists with this name."); } Namespaces.Add(name, new List <ClassModule>()); }
public void LoadFile(string filename) { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(filename); XmlNode compositeNode = document.SelectSingleNode(CompositeXPath); string rootNamespace = GetNodeValue(compositeNode, "@rootNamespace"); RootNamespace = rootNamespace; XmlNodeList types = document.SelectNodes(TypesXPath); foreach (XmlNode typeNode in types) { string typeName = GetNodeValue(typeNode, "@name"); string className = GetNodeValue(typeNode, "@className"); string theNamespace = GetNodeValue(typeNode, "@namespace"); if (!Namespaces.Contains(theNamespace)) { Namespaces.Add(theNamespace); } CompositeType compositeType = new CompositeType(typeName, className, theNamespace); Type foundType = FindType(className, theNamespace); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in foundType.GetProperties()) { if (pi.CanRead && pi.CanWrite) { CompositeProperty property = new CompositeProperty(typeName, pi.Name, pi.PropertyType); compositeType.Properties.Add(property); } } XmlNodeList hiddenNodes = typeNode.SelectNodes(PropertiesXPath); foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in hiddenNodes) { string propertyName = GetNodeValue(propertyNode, "@name"); string alias = GetNodeValue(propertyNode, "@alias"); bool isReadOnly = GetBooleanNodeValue(propertyNode, "@isReadOnly"); bool isHidden = GetBooleanNodeValue(propertyNode, "@isHidden"); CompositeProperty property = compositeType.Properties.FindCompositeProperty(typeName, propertyName); if (property != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)) { property.Alias = alias; } property.IsReadOnly = isReadOnly; property.IsHidden = isHidden; } } } }
public void AddNamespace(string @namespace) { OdcmNamespace ns; if (!TryResolveNamespace(@namespace, out ns)) { Namespaces.Add(new OdcmNamespace(@namespace)); } }
public void ImportNamespaces(params string[] namespaces) { Guard.AgainstNullArgument("namespaces", namespaces); foreach (var @namespace in namespaces) { Namespaces.Add(@namespace); } }
/// <summary> Add a new namespace definition to this object </summary> /// <param name="Prefix"> Prefix used for this namespace throughout the object </param> /// <param name="URI"> URI for the schema/namespace referred to by the prefix </param> public void Add_Namespace(string Prefix, string URI) { if (Namespaces == null) { Namespaces = new List <BriefItem_Namespace>(); } Namespaces.Add(new BriefItem_Namespace(Prefix, URI)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a namespace to the referenced namespaces /// used at compile time. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameSpace"></param> public void AddNamespace(string nameSpace) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameSpace)) { Namespaces.Clear(); return; } Namespaces.Add(nameSpace); }
public void Read(RecursionCounter counter, IImageStream stream, uint scopeEnd) { if (!counter.Increment()) { throw new PdbException("Scopes too deep"); } while (stream.Position < scopeEnd) { var size = stream.ReadUInt16(); var begin = stream.Position; var end = begin + size; var type = (SymbolType)stream.ReadUInt16(); DbiScope child = null; uint? childEnd = null; switch (type) { case SymbolType.S_BLOCK32: { stream.Position += 4; childEnd = stream.ReadUInt32(); var len = stream.ReadUInt32(); var addr = PdbAddress.ReadAddress(stream); var name = PdbReader.ReadCString(stream); child = new DbiScope(name, addr.Offset, len); break; } case SymbolType.S_UNAMESPACE: Namespaces.Add(new DbiNamespace(PdbReader.ReadCString(stream))); break; case SymbolType.S_MANSLOT: { var variable = new DbiVariable(); variable.Read(stream); Variables.Add(variable); break; } } stream.Position = end; if (child != null) { child.Read(counter, stream, childEnd.Value); Children.Add(child); child = null; } } counter.Decrement(); if (stream.Position != scopeEnd) { Debugger.Break(); } }
public void AddNamespace(string nameSpace) { if (Namespaces.BinarySearch(nameSpace) < 0) { Namespaces.Add(nameSpace); Namespaces.Sort(); IsDirty = true; Events.RaiseDataChangedEvent(GetType(), (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), null, nameSpace); } }
private static void LoadFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, string rootNamespace) { var types = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsPublic && !t.IsGenericType && !t.IsInterface && !t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DbContext))).OrderBy(t => t.Namespace); var ns = CreateNamespace(rootNamespace, types); if (ns != null) { Namespaces.Add(ns); } }
private static void LoadFromAssembly(AssemblyMappingConfiguration assembly) { var types = assembly.Types.Select(t => t.UnderlineType).OrderBy(t => t.Namespace).AsEnumerable(); var ns = CreateNamespace(assembly.RootNamespace, types, assembly); if (ns != null) { Namespaces.Add(ns); } }
TypeSyntax GetReturnType() { if (Method.Returns == null) { return(SF.ParseTypeName("void")); } Namespaces.Add(Method.Returns.Type); return(Symbols.GetTypeSyntax(Method.Returns.Type, Method.Returns.IsOptional)); }
protected override MemberDeclarationSyntax CreateType() { return(SF.ClassDeclaration ( CreateAttributes(), SF.TokenList( SF.Token(SyntaxKind.InternalKeyword), SF.Token(SyntaxKind.SealedKeyword)), GetProxyTypeNameSyntax(), null, CreateBaseList(), SF.List <TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax>(), SF.List(CreateMembers()) )); SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> CreateAttributes() { var typeOfExpression = SF.TypeOfExpression(Symbols.GetNameSyntax(Type)); var fullyQualifiedNameLiteral = SF.Literal(Type.FullyQualifiedName); return(SF.List(new[] { SF.AttributeList(SF.SeparatedList(new[] { SF.Attribute( SF.ParseName("JsiiTypeProxy"), SF.ParseAttributeArgumentList($"({typeOfExpression}, {fullyQualifiedNameLiteral})") ) })) })); } BaseListSyntax CreateBaseList() { return(SF.BaseList(SF.SeparatedList(GetBaseTypes()))); IEnumerable <BaseTypeSyntax> GetBaseTypes() { if (Type is InterfaceType) { yield return(SF.SimpleBaseType(SF.ParseTypeName("DeputyBase"))); } Namespaces.Add(Type); yield return(SF.SimpleBaseType(Symbols.GetNameSyntax(Type, disambiguate: true))); } } IEnumerable <MemberDeclarationSyntax> CreateMembers() { return(CreateConstructors() .Concat(CreateProperties()) .Concat(CreateMethods())); } }
public NamespaceModel AddNamespace(string name) { var ns = Namespaces.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == name); if (ns == null) { ns = new NamespaceModel(this, name); Namespaces.Add(ns); } return(ns); }