Esempio n. 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs an AST that represents a root namespace with a single class, Test, containing a single
            /// method, Main, which contains a single statement that writes "hello" to the console.
            /// </summary>
            private RootNamespaceDeclaration ConstructRootNamespace()
                //Normally this routine will use a parser to parse the contents of this.SourceLocation.
                //However, this sample just illustrates how an AST can be constructed and then compiled to a PE file,
                //so parsing is not necessary.

                var nameTable = this.Helper.Compilation.NameTable;

                //Note that this is top down constrution, exploiting the mutability of the member lists.
                //Some parsers may need to do bottom up construction, which is also supported.

                var namespaceMembers = new List <INamespaceDeclarationMember>(1);
                var result           = new RootNamespaceDeclaration(this, null, namespaceMembers, this.sourceLocation);

                var typeName            = nameTable.GetNameFor("Test");
                var typeNameDeclaration = new NameDeclaration(typeName, this.sourceLocation);
                var baseTypes           = new List <TypeExpression>(0);
                var typeMembers         = new List <ITypeDeclarationMember>(1);
                var classDeclaration    = new NamespaceClassDeclaration(null, TypeDeclaration.Flags.None, typeNameDeclaration, null,
                                                                        baseTypes, typeMembers, this.sourceLocation);


                var voidExpr              = TypeExpression.For(this.Helper.Compilation.PlatformType.SystemVoid);
                var methodName            = nameTable.GetNameFor("Main");
                var methodNameDeclaration = new NameDeclaration(methodName, this.sourceLocation);
                var statements            = new List <Statement>(1);
                var body = new BlockStatement(statements, this.sourceLocation);
                var methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration(null, MethodDeclaration.Flags.Static, TypeMemberVisibility.Public, voidExpr, null,
                                                              methodNameDeclaration, null, null, null, body, this.sourceLocation);


                var system        = new SimpleName(nameTable.GetNameFor("System"), this.sourceLocation, false);
                var console       = new SimpleName(nameTable.GetNameFor("Console"), this.sourceLocation, false);
                var systemConsole = new QualifiedName(system, console, this.sourceLocation);
                var writeLine     = new SimpleName(nameTable.GetNameFor("WriteLine"), this.sourceLocation, false);
                var methodToCall  = new QualifiedName(systemConsole, writeLine, this.sourceLocation);
                var arguments     = new List <Expression>(1);

                arguments.Add(new CompileTimeConstant("hello", this.sourceLocation));
                var methodCall    = new MethodCall(methodToCall, arguments, this.sourceLocation);
                var callStatement = new ExpressionStatement(methodCall, this.sourceLocation.SourceDocument.GetSourceLocation(0, 5));


                //The statements above do only the first phase initialization of the AST. The second phase
                //occurs as the AST is traversed from the top down.
Esempio n. 2
 private void ParseNamespaceClassDeclaration(List<INamespaceDeclarationMember> namespaceMembers, List<SourceCustomAttribute>/*?*/ attributes, TypeDeclaration.Flags flags, SourceLocationBuilder sctx, TokenSet followers)
   //^ requires this.currentToken == Token.Class;
   //^ ensures followers[this.currentToken] || this.currentToken == Token.EndOfFile;
   if (!Parser.IdentifierOrNonReservedKeyword[this.currentToken])
   NameDeclaration name = this.ParseNameDeclaration();
   List<Ast.GenericTypeParameterDeclaration> genericParameters = new List<Ast.GenericTypeParameterDeclaration>(); 
   List<TypeExpression> baseTypes = new List<TypeExpression>();
   List<ITypeDeclarationMember> members = new List<ITypeDeclarationMember>();
   NamespaceClassDeclaration type = new NamespaceClassDeclaration(attributes, flags, name, genericParameters, baseTypes, members, sctx);
   this.ParseRestOfTypeDeclaration(sctx, type, genericParameters, baseTypes, members, followers);