/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private int DownloadImage(NNStorage storage, NamenodeProtocol proxy) { // Load the newly formatted image, using all of the directories // (including shared edits) long imageTxId = proxy.GetMostRecentCheckpointTxId(); long curTxId = proxy.GetTransactionID(); FSImage image = new FSImage(conf); try { image.GetStorage().SetStorageInfo(storage); image.InitEditLog(HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption.Regular); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(image.GetEditLog().IsOpenForRead(), "Expected edit log to be open for read" ); // Ensure that we have enough edits already in the shared directory to // start up from the last checkpoint on the active. if (!skipSharedEditsCheck && !CheckLogsAvailableForRead(image, imageTxId, curTxId )) { return(ErrCodeLogsUnavailable); } image.GetStorage().WriteTransactionIdFileToStorage(curTxId); // Download that checkpoint into our storage directories. MD5Hash hash = TransferFsImage.DownloadImageToStorage(otherHttpAddr, imageTxId, storage , true); image.SaveDigestAndRenameCheckpointImage(NNStorage.NameNodeFile.Image, imageTxId, hash); } catch (IOException ioe) { image.Close(); throw; } return(0); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> public KeyManager(string blockpoolID, NamenodeProtocol namenode, bool encryptDataTransfer , Configuration conf) { this.namenode = namenode; this.encryptDataTransfer = encryptDataTransfer; ExportedBlockKeys keys = namenode.GetBlockKeys(); this.isBlockTokenEnabled = keys.IsBlockTokenEnabled(); if (isBlockTokenEnabled) { long updateInterval = keys.GetKeyUpdateInterval(); long tokenLifetime = keys.GetTokenLifetime(); Log.Info("Block token params received from NN: update interval=" + StringUtils.FormatTime (updateInterval) + ", token lifetime=" + StringUtils.FormatTime(tokenLifetime)); string encryptionAlgorithm = conf.Get(DFSConfigKeys.DfsDataEncryptionAlgorithmKey ); this.blockTokenSecretManager = new BlockTokenSecretManager(updateInterval, tokenLifetime , blockpoolID, encryptionAlgorithm); this.blockTokenSecretManager.AddKeys(keys); // sync block keys with NN more frequently than NN updates its block keys this.blockKeyUpdater = new KeyManager.BlockKeyUpdater(this, updateInterval / 4); this.shouldRun = true; } else { this.blockTokenSecretManager = null; this.blockKeyUpdater = null; } }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> public NameNodeConnector(string name, URI nameNodeUri, Path idPath, IList <Path> targetPaths , Configuration conf, int maxNotChangedIterations) { this.nameNodeUri = nameNodeUri; this.idPath = idPath; this.targetPaths = targetPaths == null || targetPaths.IsEmpty() ? Arrays.AsList(new Path("/")) : targetPaths; this.maxNotChangedIterations = maxNotChangedIterations; this.namenode = NameNodeProxies.CreateProxy <NamenodeProtocol>(conf, nameNodeUri). GetProxy(); this.client = NameNodeProxies.CreateProxy <ClientProtocol>(conf, nameNodeUri, fallbackToSimpleAuth ).GetProxy(); this.fs = (DistributedFileSystem)FileSystem.Get(nameNodeUri, conf); NamespaceInfo namespaceinfo = namenode.VersionRequest(); this.blockpoolID = namespaceinfo.GetBlockPoolID(); FsServerDefaults defaults = fs.GetServerDefaults(new Path("/")); this.keyManager = new KeyManager(blockpoolID, namenode, defaults.GetEncryptDataTransfer (), conf); // if it is for test, we do not create the id file @out = CheckAndMarkRunning(); if (@out == null) { // Exit if there is another one running. throw new IOException("Another " + name + " is running."); } }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private NamenodeProtocol GetActiveNodeProxy() { if (cachedActiveProxy == null) { int rpcTimeout = conf.GetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsHaLogrollRpcTimeoutKey, DFSConfigKeys .DfsHaLogrollRpcTimeoutDefault); NamenodeProtocolPB proxy = RPC.WaitForProxy <NamenodeProtocolPB>(RPC.GetProtocolVersion (typeof(NamenodeProtocolPB)), activeAddr, conf, rpcTimeout, long.MaxValue); cachedActiveProxy = new NamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB(proxy); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cachedActiveProxy != null); return(cachedActiveProxy); }
public virtual void TestNamenodeProtocol() { NamenodeProtocol np = NameNodeProxies.CreateNonHAProxy <NamenodeProtocol>(conf, nnAddress , UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), true).GetProxy(); bool exists = RpcClientUtil.IsMethodSupported(np, typeof(NamenodeProtocolPB), RPC.RpcKind .RpcProtocolBuffer, RPC.GetProtocolVersion(typeof(NamenodeProtocolPB)), "rollEditLog" ); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(exists); exists = RpcClientUtil.IsMethodSupported(np, typeof(NamenodeProtocolPB), RPC.RpcKind .RpcProtocolBuffer, RPC.GetProtocolVersion(typeof(NamenodeProtocolPB)), "bogusMethod" ); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(exists); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private void GetBlocksWithException(NamenodeProtocol namenode, DatanodeInfo datanode , long size) { bool getException = false; try { namenode.GetBlocks(DFSTestUtil.GetLocalDatanodeInfo(), 2); } catch (RemoteException e) { getException = true; NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(e.GetClassName().Contains("HadoopIllegalArgumentException" )); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(getException); }
public override void Stop() { // NameNode if (checkpointManager != null) { // Prevent from starting a new checkpoint. // Checkpoints that has already been started may proceed until // the error reporting to the name-node is complete. // Checkpoint manager should not be interrupted yet because it will // close storage file channels and the checkpoint may fail with // ClosedByInterruptException. checkpointManager.shouldRun = false; } if (namenode != null && GetRegistration() != null) { // Exclude this node from the list of backup streams on the name-node try { namenode.ErrorReport(GetRegistration(), NamenodeProtocol.Fatal, "Shutting down."); } catch (IOException e) { Log.Error("Failed to report to name-node.", e); } } // Stop the RPC client if (namenode != null) { RPC.StopProxy(namenode); } namenode = null; // Stop the checkpoint manager if (checkpointManager != null) { checkpointManager.Interrupt(); checkpointManager = null; } // Abort current log segment - otherwise the NN shutdown code // will close it gracefully, which is incorrect. GetFSImage().GetEditLog().AbortCurrentLogSegment(); // Stop name-node threads base.Stop(); }
// TODO: move to a common with DataNode util class /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> /// <exception cref="Sharpen.SocketTimeoutException"/> private static NamespaceInfo Handshake(NamenodeProtocol namenode) { NamespaceInfo nsInfo; nsInfo = namenode.VersionRequest(); // throws SocketTimeoutException string errorMsg = null; // verify build version if (!nsInfo.GetBuildVersion().Equals(Storage.GetBuildVersion())) { errorMsg = "Incompatible build versions: active name-node BV = " + nsInfo.GetBuildVersion () + "; backup node BV = " + Storage.GetBuildVersion(); Log.Error(errorMsg); throw new IOException(errorMsg); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HdfsConstants.NamenodeLayoutVersion == nsInfo.GetLayoutVersion (), "Active and backup node layout versions must be the same. Expected: " + HdfsConstants .NamenodeLayoutVersion + " actual " + nsInfo.GetLayoutVersion()); return(nsInfo); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private NamespaceInfo Handshake(Configuration conf) { // connect to name node IPEndPoint nnAddress = NameNode.GetServiceAddress(conf, true); this.namenode = NameNodeProxies.CreateNonHAProxy <NamenodeProtocol>(conf, nnAddress , UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), true).GetProxy(); this.nnRpcAddress = NetUtils.GetHostPortString(nnAddress); this.nnHttpAddress = DFSUtil.GetInfoServer(nnAddress, conf, DFSUtil.GetHttpClientScheme (conf)).ToURL(); // get version and id info from the name-node NamespaceInfo nsInfo = null; while (!IsStopRequested()) { try { nsInfo = Handshake(namenode); break; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // name-node is busy Log.Info("Problem connecting to server: " + nnAddress); try { Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception) { Log.Warn("Encountered exception ", e); } } } return(nsInfo); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private int DoRun() { NamenodeProtocol proxy = CreateNNProtocolProxy(); NamespaceInfo nsInfo; bool isUpgradeFinalized; try { nsInfo = proxy.VersionRequest(); isUpgradeFinalized = proxy.IsUpgradeFinalized(); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.Fatal("Unable to fetch namespace information from active NN at " + otherIpcAddr + ": " + ioe.Message); if (Log.IsDebugEnabled()) { Log.Debug("Full exception trace", ioe); } return(ErrCodeFailedConnect); } if (!CheckLayoutVersion(nsInfo)) { Log.Fatal("Layout version on remote node (" + nsInfo.GetLayoutVersion() + ") does not match " + "this node's layout version (" + HdfsConstants.NamenodeLayoutVersion + ")"); return(ErrCodeInvalidVersion); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine("=====================================================\n" + "About to bootstrap Standby ID " + nnId + " from:\n" + " Nameservice ID: " + nsId + "\n" + " Other Namenode ID: " + otherNNId + "\n" + " Other NN's HTTP address: " + otherHttpAddr + "\n" + " Other NN's IPC address: " + otherIpcAddr + "\n" + " Namespace ID: " + nsInfo.GetNamespaceID() + "\n" + " Block pool ID: " + nsInfo.GetBlockPoolID() + "\n" + " Cluster ID: " + nsInfo.GetClusterID () + "\n" + " Layout version: " + nsInfo.GetLayoutVersion() + "\n" + " isUpgradeFinalized: " + isUpgradeFinalized + "\n" + "=====================================================" ); NNStorage storage = new NNStorage(conf, dirsToFormat, editUrisToFormat); if (!isUpgradeFinalized) { // the remote NameNode is in upgrade state, this NameNode should also // create the previous directory. First prepare the upgrade and rename // the current dir to previous.tmp. Log.Info("The active NameNode is in Upgrade. " + "Prepare the upgrade for the standby NameNode as well." ); if (!DoPreUpgrade(storage, nsInfo)) { return(ErrCodeAlreadyFormatted); } } else { if (!Format(storage, nsInfo)) { // prompt the user to format storage return(ErrCodeAlreadyFormatted); } } // download the fsimage from active namenode int download = DownloadImage(storage, proxy); if (download != 0) { return(download); } // finish the upgrade: rename previous.tmp to previous if (!isUpgradeFinalized) { DoUpgrade(storage); } return(0); }
public NamenodeProtocolServerSideTranslatorPB(NamenodeProtocol impl) { this.impl = impl; }
public virtual void TestGetBlocks() { Configuration Conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); short ReplicationFactor = (short)2; int DefaultBlockSize = 1024; Random r = new Random(); Conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, DefaultBlockSize); MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(Conf).NumDataNodes(ReplicationFactor ).Build(); try { cluster.WaitActive(); // create a file with two blocks FileSystem fs = cluster.GetFileSystem(); FSDataOutputStream @out = fs.Create(new Path("/tmp.txt"), ReplicationFactor); byte[] data = new byte[1024]; long fileLen = 2 * DefaultBlockSize; long bytesToWrite = fileLen; while (bytesToWrite > 0) { r.NextBytes(data); int bytesToWriteNext = (1024 < bytesToWrite) ? 1024 : (int)bytesToWrite; @out.Write(data, 0, bytesToWriteNext); bytesToWrite -= bytesToWriteNext; } @out.Close(); // get blocks & data nodes IList <LocatedBlock> locatedBlocks; DatanodeInfo[] dataNodes = null; bool notWritten; do { DFSClient dfsclient = new DFSClient(NameNode.GetAddress(Conf), Conf); locatedBlocks = dfsclient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations("/tmp.txt", 0, fileLen) .GetLocatedBlocks(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, locatedBlocks.Count); notWritten = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dataNodes = locatedBlocks[i].GetLocations(); if (dataNodes.Length != ReplicationFactor) { notWritten = true; try { Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(10); } catch (Exception) { } break; } } }while (notWritten); // get RPC client to namenode IPEndPoint addr = new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()); NamenodeProtocol namenode = NameNodeProxies.CreateProxy <NamenodeProtocol>(Conf, NameNode .GetUri(addr)).GetProxy(); // get blocks of size fileLen from dataNodes[0] BlocksWithLocations.BlockWithLocations[] locs; locs = namenode.GetBlocks(dataNodes[0], fileLen).GetBlocks(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs.Length, 2); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs[0].GetStorageIDs().Length, 2); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs[1].GetStorageIDs().Length, 2); // get blocks of size BlockSize from dataNodes[0] locs = namenode.GetBlocks(dataNodes[0], DefaultBlockSize).GetBlocks(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs.Length, 1); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs[0].GetStorageIDs().Length, 2); // get blocks of size 1 from dataNodes[0] locs = namenode.GetBlocks(dataNodes[0], 1).GetBlocks(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs.Length, 1); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(locs[0].GetStorageIDs().Length, 2); // get blocks of size 0 from dataNodes[0] GetBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], 0); // get blocks of size -1 from dataNodes[0] GetBlocksWithException(namenode, dataNodes[0], -1); // get blocks of size BlockSize from a non-existent datanode DatanodeInfo info = DFSTestUtil.GetDatanodeInfo(""); GetBlocksWithException(namenode, info, 2); } finally { cluster.Shutdown(); } }
/// <summary>Initialize SecondaryNameNode.</summary> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private void Initialize(Configuration conf, SecondaryNameNode.CommandLineOpts commandLineOpts ) { IPEndPoint infoSocAddr = GetHttpAddress(conf); string infoBindAddress = infoSocAddr.GetHostName(); UserGroupInformation.SetConfiguration(conf); if (UserGroupInformation.IsSecurityEnabled()) { SecurityUtil.Login(conf, DFSConfigKeys.DfsSecondaryNamenodeKeytabFileKey, DFSConfigKeys .DfsSecondaryNamenodeKerberosPrincipalKey, infoBindAddress); } // initiate Java VM metrics DefaultMetricsSystem.Initialize("SecondaryNameNode"); JvmMetrics.Create("SecondaryNameNode", conf.Get(DFSConfigKeys.DfsMetricsSessionIdKey ), DefaultMetricsSystem.Instance()); // Create connection to the namenode. shouldRun = true; nameNodeAddr = NameNode.GetServiceAddress(conf, true); this.conf = conf; this.namenode = NameNodeProxies.CreateNonHAProxy <NamenodeProtocol>(conf, nameNodeAddr , UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), true).GetProxy(); // initialize checkpoint directories fsName = GetInfoServer(); checkpointDirs = FSImage.GetCheckpointDirs(conf, "/tmp/hadoop/dfs/namesecondary"); checkpointEditsDirs = FSImage.GetCheckpointEditsDirs(conf, "/tmp/hadoop/dfs/namesecondary" ); checkpointImage = new SecondaryNameNode.CheckpointStorage(conf, checkpointDirs, checkpointEditsDirs ); checkpointImage.RecoverCreate(commandLineOpts.ShouldFormat()); checkpointImage.DeleteTempEdits(); namesystem = new FSNamesystem(conf, checkpointImage, true); // Disable quota checks namesystem.dir.DisableQuotaChecks(); // Initialize other scheduling parameters from the configuration checkpointConf = new CheckpointConf(conf); IPEndPoint httpAddr = infoSocAddr; string httpsAddrString = conf.GetTrimmed(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeSecondaryHttpsAddressKey , DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeSecondaryHttpsAddressDefault); IPEndPoint httpsAddr = NetUtils.CreateSocketAddr(httpsAddrString); HttpServer2.Builder builder = DFSUtil.HttpServerTemplateForNNAndJN(conf, httpAddr , httpsAddr, "secondary", DFSConfigKeys.DfsSecondaryNamenodeKerberosInternalSpnegoPrincipalKey , DFSConfigKeys.DfsSecondaryNamenodeKeytabFileKey); nameNodeStatusBeanName = MBeans.Register("SecondaryNameNode", "SecondaryNameNodeInfo" , this); infoServer = builder.Build(); infoServer.SetAttribute("secondary.name.node", this); infoServer.SetAttribute("name.system.image", checkpointImage); infoServer.SetAttribute(JspHelper.CurrentConf, conf); infoServer.AddInternalServlet("imagetransfer", ImageServlet.PathSpec, typeof(ImageServlet ), true); infoServer.Start(); Log.Info("Web server init done"); HttpConfig.Policy policy = DFSUtil.GetHttpPolicy(conf); int connIdx = 0; if (policy.IsHttpEnabled()) { IPEndPoint httpAddress = infoServer.GetConnectorAddress(connIdx++); conf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeSecondaryHttpAddressKey, NetUtils.GetHostPortString (httpAddress)); } if (policy.IsHttpsEnabled()) { IPEndPoint httpsAddress = infoServer.GetConnectorAddress(connIdx); conf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeSecondaryHttpsAddressKey, NetUtils.GetHostPortString (httpsAddress)); } legacyOivImageDir = conf.Get(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeLegacyOivImageDirKey); Log.Info("Checkpoint Period :" + checkpointConf.GetPeriod() + " secs " + "(" + checkpointConf.GetPeriod() / 60 + " min)"); Log.Info("Log Size Trigger :" + checkpointConf.GetTxnCount() + " txns"); }
internal virtual void SetNameNode(NamenodeProtocol namenode) { this.namenode = namenode; }