// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Deletes the generate code files.
        /// @param iStorage The VS storage to convert to code.
        public void DeleteGeneratedFilesFor(iCS_IStorage iStorage)
            var fileName = NameUtility.ToTypeName(iStorage.TypeName);
            var folder   = CodeGenerationUtility.GetCodeGenerationFolder(iStorage);

            CSharpFileUtils.DeleteCSharpFile(folder, fileName);
Esempio n. 2
        // ========================================================================
        /// Extracts the engine namespace from the project name.
        public string GetEngineNamespace()
            // -- Translate '-' to '_' for the namespace. --
            var formattedProjectName = NameUtility.ToTypeName(myPackageName.Replace('-', '_'));

            if (myParentPackage == null)
            return(myParentPackage.EngineNamespace + "." + formattedProjectName);
Esempio n. 3
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Builds a code context to share among all CodeBase of the same
        /// visual script.
        /// @param vsObjects A visual script object from which to extract the
        ///                  visual script storage.
        /// @return The newly created code context.
        public CodeContext(iCS_EditorObject vsObject)
            // Allocate conversion tables.
            var iStorage = vsObject.IStorage;


            // Clear any pending code generation error.
            myVisualScript = iStorage.VisualScript;
            myServiceKey   = "C# Code Generation: " + NameUtility.ToTypeName(vsObject.CodeName);
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Display port value type information
        protected void EditPortValueType()
            var typeName = NameUtility.ToTypeName(iCS_Types.TypeName(vsObject.RuntimeType));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))
                var label = "Port is a";
                if (iCS_TextUtility.StartsWithAVowel(typeName))
                    label += "n";
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label, typeName);
Esempio n. 5
        // =================================================================================
        /// Saves the visual script.
        /// @param The IStorage to save.
        public static void Save(iCS_IStorage iStorage)
            if (iStorage == null)
            var package = iStorage.Package;
            var folder  = iStorage.IsEditorScript ?
                          package.GetEditorVisualScriptFolder(true) :
            var path = folder + "/" + NameUtility.ToTypeName(iStorage.TypeName) + ".ics2";

            iCS_VisualScriptImportExport.Export(iStorage.Storage, path);
Esempio n. 6
        // ========================================================================
        /// Parse project name.
        /// @param projectName The full name of the project.
        /// @return An array of the project name constituents.
        static string[] SplitPackageName(string projectName)
            // -- Convert file path to namespace format. --
            projectName = projectName.Replace('/', '.');
            // -- Remove all illegal characters. --
            var cleanName = new StringBuilder(64);
            var len       = projectName.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                char c = projectName[i];
                if (cleanName.Length == 0)
                    if (ParsingUtility.IsFirstIdent(c))
                else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || c == '.' || ParsingUtility.IsIdent(c))
                    cleanName.Append(' ');
            // -- Split the name into its parts. --
            var splitName = cleanName.ToString().Split(new Char[] { '.' });

            // -- Convert each part to a type format. --
            for (int i = 0; i < splitName.Length; ++i)
                splitName[i] = NameUtility.ToTypeName(splitName[i]);
        FileDefinition myCodeRoot = null;     ///< Code global definition.

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Builds global scope code definition.
        /// @param iStorage The VS storage to convert to code.
        /// @return The complete visual script code.
        public void GenerateCodeFor(iCS_IStorage iStorage)
            // -- Nothing to do if no or empty Visual Script. --
            if (iStorage == null || iStorage.EditorObjects.Count == 0)

            // -- Build code global scope. --
            var typeName      = NameUtility.ToTypeName(iStorage.TypeName);
            var namespaceName = CodeGenerationUtility.GetNamespace(iStorage);
            var baseType      = CodeGenerationUtility.GetBaseType(iStorage);

            myCodeRoot = new FileDefinition(typeName, namespaceName, baseType, iStorage);

            // -- Generate code. --
            var result = myCodeRoot.GenerateCode(0);

            // -- Write final code to file. --
            var fileName = typeName;
            var folder   = CodeGenerationUtility.GetCodeGenerationFolder(iStorage);

            CSharpFileUtils.WriteCSharpFile(folder, fileName, result.ToString());
        // ===================================================================
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Edit node specific information.
        public void OnGUI()
            var node = vsObject;

            // Display node name.
            EditName("Node Name");

            // Show parent type.
            var parentTypeName = iCS_Types.TypeName(vsObject.RuntimeType);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Member of Type", NameUtility.ToTypeName(parentTypeName));

            // Show function name (if it exists).
            if (vsObject.IsKindOfFunction)
                var functionName = vsObject.MethodName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName))
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Function", functionName);

            // Node specific editor

            // Show Iconic image configuration.
            Texture2D iconicTexture = TextureCache.GetIconFromGUID(node.IconGUID);
            Texture2D newTexture    = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Iconic Texture", iconicTexture, typeof(Texture2D), false) as Texture2D;

            if (newTexture != iconicTexture)
                iCS_UserCommands.ChangeIcon(node, newTexture);
