/// <summary>
 /// Displays when the user selects the Next page.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event</param>
 /// <param name="e">Event argument</param>
 protected void NameSearchResults_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
     //if (Session["NameSearchResult"] != null)
     if (Page.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.Contains("Insurance.aspx"))
         policyNumber.Enabled = false;
     NameSearchResults.PageIndex  = e.NewPageIndex;
     NameSearchResults.DataSource = ViewState["SearchResult"];
        /// <summary>
        /// populateGrid - This method which populates the values in NameSearchResults gridview
        /// </summary>
        public void PopulateGrid()
            if ((_LastName.Text != string.Empty && _MailingZip.Text != string.Empty))
                    Results.Visible = true;
                    //// MAIG - Begin - 11122014
                    lblerrorMessage.Text      = string.Empty;
                    lblerrorMessage.Visible   = false;
                    NameSearchResults.Visible = true;
                    //// MAIG - End - 11122014
                    //Constructs request parameter for Elastic Search
                    SearchResultRequest searchRequest = new SearchResultRequest();
                    searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.Search    = string.Empty;
                    searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.DocType   = "Policy";
                    searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.FirstName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_FirstName.Text.Trim())) ? _FirstName.Text.Trim() : default(string);
                    searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.LastName  = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_LastName.Text.Trim())) ? _LastName.Text.Trim() : default(string);

                    //CHG0115410 - BEGIN - CH1 - Modified the input request passed to the Customer Search API
                    if (Convert.ToString(_MailingZip.Text).Trim().Length > 0)
                        //Passed zipcode type as the new parameter along with the input request to the API
                        searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.ZipCode.Type = new string[4] {
                            "risk", "billing", "mailing", "home"
                    //Modified the type of zipcode from string to zipcode class
                    searchRequest.Parameter.RequestParam.ZipCode.value = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_MailingZip.Text.Trim())) ? _MailingZip.Text.Trim() : default(string);
                    //CHG0115410 - END - CH1 - Modified the input request passed to the Customer Search API

                    searchRequest.Parameter.Header.ChannelType = "DSU";

                    //Constructs service call request
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Config.Setting("jsonURL"));
                    request.Method      = "POST";
                    request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                        DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(searchRequest.GetType());
                        jsonSerializer.WriteObject(ms, searchRequest);
                        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
                            String json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
                            CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log("Elastic Search Request Received. UserID: " + Page.User.Identity.Name);
                            if (Config.Setting("Logging.ElasticSearch").Equals("1"))
                                CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log("Elastic Search Request Details." + json);
                            //txtRequest.Text = json; //TO DO: Remove this line, if you dont want to show raw request

                    //Invokes service call & gets response
                    var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                    //Constructs response entity and bind the datasource into grid
                    using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                        //Gets the raw JSON response
                        string jsonResponse = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                        //txtResponse.Text = jsonResponse.ToString(); //TO DO: Remove this line, if you dont want to show raw response

                        //TO DO: Try to use DataContractJsonSerializer instead of JavaScriptSerializer
                        //       to follow the code standard of search response (Property Name should be PASCAL CASE).
                        //       Need to follow the same coding standard which is in the SearchRequest.

                        //Converts raw JSON response to business entity
                        JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer   = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        SearchResultResponse searchResponse = jsSerializer.Deserialize <SearchResultResponse>(jsonResponse);
                        CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log(String.Format("Elastic Search Response Received. Total Number of Hits: {0}  UserID: {1} ", searchResponse.responseJson.totalHits, Page.User.Identity.Name));
                        if (Config.Setting("Logging.ElasticSearch").Equals("1"))
                            CSAAWeb.AppLogger.Logger.Log("Elastic Search Response Details." + jsonResponse);
                        //Session["NameSearchResult"] = null;
                        NameSearchResults.DataSource = null;
                        NameSearchResults.PageIndex = 0;
                        int val = 0;
                        if (searchResponse.responseJson != null && searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies != null && searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies.Count() > 0)
                            //CHG0115410 - BEGIN - CH2 - Modified the query with respect to the new response generated from Upgraded Customer Search API.
                            //CHG0116140 - BEGIN - CH1 - Added FirstCharToUpper function to modify 1st Letter of string as Upper Case
                            SearchResult = (from result in searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies
                                            from cons in result.partyList
                                            from party in cons.partyRoles
                                            where ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.sourceSystem) && result.sourceSystem != "NCNU_MEM") && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(party.roleType) && (party.roleType.ToUpper() == "NAMEDINSURED" || party.roleType.ToUpper() == "NAMED INSURED" || party.roleType.ToUpper() == "INSURED")))
                                            select(new SearchResultEntity
                                SourceSystem = (result.sourceSystem.ToUpper() == "MAIG_HOME") ? "KIC" : (result.sourceSystem.ToUpper() == "PUP") ? "PUPSYS" : (result.sourceSystem.ToUpper() == "MAIG_AUTO") ? "KIC" : result.sourceSystem,
                                policyNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.policyNumber) ? string.Empty : (result.sourceSystem.ToUpper() == "MAIG_AUTO") ? result.policyNumber.Substring(1) : (result.sourceSystem.ToUpper() == "SIS" && result.policyNumber.StartsWith(Config.Setting("SISpolicyPrefix"))) ? result.policyNumber.Substring(2) : (result.sourceSystem == "SIS") ? result.policyNumber.Substring(3) : result.policyNumber,
                                policyStatus = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.policyStatus) ? string.Empty : result.policyStatus,
                                //Added logic for HOME : if prodTypeCode:"DP" & productCode:"DP3" & sourceSystem:"COGEN"
                                productCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.prodTypeCode) ? string.Empty : ((result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "HO" && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.productCode) || result.productCode.ToUpper() != "DP3")) || (result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper().Equals("DP") && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.productCode) && result.productCode.ToUpper().Equals("DP3")) && result.sourceSystem.ToUpper().Equals("MAIG_HOME"))) ? "Home" : (result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "AU" || result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "PA") ? "Auto" : ((result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "SPCL" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.productCode) && result.productCode.ToUpper() == "MC") || result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "MC") ? "Motorcycle" : ((result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "SPCL" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.productCode) && result.productCode.ToUpper() == "PWC") || result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "WC") ? "Watercraft" : ((result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "HO" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.productCode) && result.productCode.ToUpper() == "DP3") || result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "DF") ? "Dwelling Fire" : (result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "PUP" || result.prodTypeCode.ToUpper() == "PU") ? "Personal Umbrella" : result.prodTypeCode,
                                NamedInsured = FirstCharToUpper(((string.IsNullOrEmpty(cons.firstName)) ? string.Empty : cons.firstName)) +
                                               "  " + FirstCharToUpper(((string.IsNullOrEmpty(cons.lastName)) ? string.Empty : cons.lastName)),
                                address = ((cons.partyAddress != null) ? GetAddress(cons.partyAddress) : "")
                            })).Distinct().OrderBy(SearchEntity => SearchEntity.policyNumber, new SemiNumericComparer()).ToList();
                            //CHG0116140 - END - CH1 - Added FirstCharToUpper function to modify 1st Letter of string as Upper Case
                            //CHG0115410 - END - CH2 - Modified the query with respect to the new response generated from Upgraded Customer Search API.

                            ViewState.Add("SearchResult", SearchResult);
                            NameSearchResults.DataSource = SearchResult;
                            //Keeps in Session object for maintaining pagination
                            //Session["NameSearchResult"] = SearchResult;
                        //Binds the search result in Grid
                        //if (searchResponse.responseJson.totalHits == 0)
                        //    NameSearchResults.EmptyDataText = "There is no records for the given search criteria";
                        lblCustomerNameSearch.Visible = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblerrorMessage.Visible = true;
                    lblerrorMessage.Text    = CSAAWeb.Constants.ELASTIC_SEARCH_ERROR_MESSAGE;
                    Logger.Log("There is an exception in Namesearch - PopulateGrid : " + ex.ToString());
                    //// MAIG - Begin - 11122014
                    NameSearchResults.Visible = false;
                    //// MAIG - End - 11122014
 /// <summary>
 /// Serach By Customer Name Link button click
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event</param>
 /// <param name="e">Event argument</param>
 protected void LnkSearchByCustomerName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (pnlCustomerNameMain.Visible == false)
             lblCustomerNameSearch.Visible = false;
             _LastName.ForeColor           = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
             _MailingZip.ForeColor         = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
             productType.IsValid           = true;
             revenueType.IsValid           = true;
             policy.IsValid  = true;
             hiddenData.Text = "";
             SearchResult    = null;
             NameSearchResults.DataSource = null;
             _FirstName.Text              = string.Empty;
             _LastName.Text               = string.Empty;
             _MailingZip.Text             = string.Empty;
             pnlCustomerNameMain.Visible  = true;
             drpproductType.Enabled       = false;
             drpproductType.SelectedValue = "0";
             policyNumber.Enabled         = false;
             policyNumber.Text            = "";
             this.Parent.Parent.FindControl("PageValidator2").Visible = false;
             lblerrorMessage.Visible = false;
             Results.Visible         = false;
             lblCustomerNameSearch.Visible = false;
             productType.IsValid           = true;
             revenueType.IsValid           = true;
             policy.IsValid = true;
             pnlCustomerNameMain.Visible = false;
             //TextBox hiddenData = (TextBox)this.Parent.FindControl("HiddenNameSearch");
             hiddenData.Text = "";
             SearchResult    = null;
             NameSearchResults.DataSource = null;
             _FirstName.Text  = string.Empty;
             _LastName.Text   = string.Empty;
             _MailingZip.Text = string.Empty;
             //vldLastNameReq.IsValid = true;
             //vldMailingZipCheck.IsValid = true;
             //DropDownList drpproductType = (DropDownList)this.Parent.FindControl("_ProductType");
             drpproductType.Enabled       = true;
             drpproductType.SelectedValue = "0";
             //TextBox policyNumber = (TextBox)this.Parent.FindControl("_Policy").FindControl("_Policy");
             policyNumber.Enabled    = true;
             policyNumber.Text       = "";
             lblerrorMessage.Visible = false;
             this.Parent.Parent.FindControl("PageValidator2").Visible = false;
             SkipParentValidation.Value = "false";
             //LastName.IsValid = true;
             //MailingZip.IsValid = true;
             //LastNameCheck.IsValid = true;
             //MailingZipCheck.IsValid = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger.Log("Exception occured upon Customer Name search link button click : " + ex.ToString());
        /*protected void ReqValLastName(object source, CSAAWeb.WebControls.ValidatorEventArgs args)
         * {
         *  if (!Convert.ToBoolean(SkipChildValidation.Value))
         *  {
         *      args.IsValid = ((_LastName.Text != "" && CSAAWeb.Validate.IsAllChars(_LastName.Text)) || false);
         *      if (!args.IsValid) vldLastName.MarkInvalid();
         *  }
         *  //else
         *  //{
         *  //    args.IsValid = true;
         *  //    SkipChildValidation.Value = "false";
         *  //}
         * }
         * protected void CheckMailingZip(object source, CSAAWeb.WebControls.ValidatorEventArgs args)
         * {
         *  if (!Convert.ToBoolean(SkipChildValidation.Value))
         *  {
         *      args.IsValid = ((_MailingZip.Text != "" && CSAAWeb.Validate.IsValidZip(_MailingZip.Text)) || false);
         *      if (!args.IsValid) vldMailingZip.MarkInvalid();
         *  }
         *  //else
         *  //{
         *  //    args.IsValid = true;
         *  //    SkipChildValidation.Value = "false";
         *  //}
         * }*/
        //protected void NameSearchResults_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        //    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
        //    {

        //        //// Setting footer content to the first cell
        //        //e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "Showing Pages " + (NameSearchResults.PageIndex + 1) + " of " + NameSearchResults.PageCount;

        //        //// Setting first cell to occupy the entire width
        //        //e.Row.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = e.Row.Cells.Count;

        //        //// Removing all the cells except the first cell in the footer
        //        //for (int i = 1; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; )
        //        //{
        //        //    e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(i);
        //        //}

        //    }

        //if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
        //    int cellCount = e.Row.Cells.Count;
        //    for (int i = cellCount - 1; i >= 1; i += -1)
        //    {
        //        e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(i);
        //    }
        //    e.Row.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = cellCount;
        //    e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "Showing Pages " + (NameSearchResults.PageIndex + 1) + " of " + NameSearchResults.PageCount;
        //if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
        //    int cellCount = e.Row.Cells.Count;
        //    for (int i = cellCount - 1; i >= 1; i += -1)
        //    {
        //        e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(i);
        //    }
        //    e.Row.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = cellCount;
        //    e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "Showing Pages " + (NameSearchResults.PageIndex + 1) + " of " + NameSearchResults.PageCount;

        /*protected void rbtnSelect_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * {
         *  RadioButton selectButton = (RadioButton)sender;
         *  GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)selectButton.Parent.Parent;
         *  int a = row.RowIndex;
         *  foreach (GridViewRow rw in NameSearchResults.Rows)
         *  {
         *      if (selectButton.Checked)
         *      {
         *          if (rw.RowIndex != a)
         *          {
         *              RadioButton rd = rw.FindControl("rbtnSelect") as RadioButton;
         *              rd.Checked = false;
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        /*public void PromptError()
         * {
         *  if (_LastName.Text != "" && CSAAWeb.Validate.isValidLastName(_LastName.Text))
         *  {
         *      //lblLastName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
         *      lblLastName.Attributes.Add("style", "color:red;font-weight: bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;");
         *  }
         *  if (_MailingZip.Text != "" && CSAAWeb.Validate.IsValidZip(_MailingZip.Text))
         *  {
         *      //lblMailingZip.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
         *      lblMailingZip.Attributes.Add("style", "color:red;font-weight: bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;");
         *  }
         * }*/

        /*switch (item["policystatus"].ToString())
         *      {
         *          case Constants.PC_POL_ACTIVE_NOTATION:
         *              {
         *                  PolStatus = Constants.PC_POL_ACTIVE;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *          case Constants.PC_POL_LAPSED_NOTATION:
         *              {
         *                  PolStatus = Constants.PC_POL_LAPSED;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *          case Constants.PC_POL_CANCEL_NOTATION:
         *              {
         *                  PolStatus = Constants.PC_POL_CANCEL;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *      }
         *      item["policystatus"] = PolStatus;

        //                        if (searchResponse.responseJson != null && searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies != null && searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies.Count > 0)
        //                        {
        //                            //SearchResult = searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies.Where(s => s.SourceSystem != "MNCNU").SelectMany(s => s.consumers, (s, c) => new
        //                            //|| s.consumers.FirstOrDefault().partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Named Insured" || s.consumers.FirstOrDefault().partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Insured"
        ////                            SearchResult = searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies.Where(s => s.SourceSystem != "MNCNU" && (s.consumers.FirstOrDefault().partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Named Insured" || s.consumers.FirstOrDefault().partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Insured")).SelectMany(s => s.consumers, (s, c) => new SearchResultEntity
        //                            SearchResult = searchResponse.responseJson.searchedPolicies.Where(s => s.SourceSystem != "MNCNU").SelectMany(s => s.consumers, (s, c) => new SearchResultEntity
        //                            {
        //                                SourceSystem = (s.SourceSystem == "COGEN") ? "KIC" : (s.SourceSystem == "PUP") ? "PUPSYS" : (s.SourceSystem == "MAIS") ? "KIC" : s.SourceSystem,
        //                                policyNumber = (s.SourceSystem == "MAIS") ? s.policyNumber.Substring(1) : (s.SourceSystem == "SIS" && s.policyNumber.StartsWith(Config.Setting("SISpolicyPrefix"))) ? s.policyNumber.Substring(2) : (s.SourceSystem == "SIS") ? s.policyNumber.Substring(3) : s.policyNumber,
        //                                policyStatus=s.PolicyStatus,
        //                                productCode = (s.prodTypeCode == "HO") ? "HOME" : (s.prodTypeCode == "AU") ? "AUTO" : (s.prodTypeCode =="SPCL" && s.productCode =="MC")? "MotorCycle" :(s.prodTypeCode =="SPCL" && s.productCode == "PWC")? "Watercraft": s.prodTypeCode,
        //                                NamedInsured = c.firstName + " " + c.lastName,
        //                                //(c.partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Named Insured" || c.partyroles.FirstOrDefault().roleType == "Insured")? c.firstName + "" + c.lastName : c.firstName + "" + c.lastName,
        //                                //address = string.Format("{0} - {1}", s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1,s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)
        //                                address = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2},{3}", (s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().addressType == "billingaddress" && s.SourceSystem =="COGEN") ? s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1 : s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1, s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().city, s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().state, s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)
        //                                //address = string.Format("{0} - {1}", (s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().addressType == "billingaddress" && s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1 != null) ? s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1 : s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1, s.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)
        //                                //address = string.Format("{0} - {1}", c.address.FirstOrDefault().address1, c.address.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)

        //                            }).Distinct(). OrderBy(t=>t.policyNumber).ToList();

        //                            //Assigns grid data
        //                            NameSearchResults.DataSource = SearchResult;
        //                            //Keeps in Session object for maintaining pagination
        //                            //Session["NameSearchResult"] = SearchResult;
        //                        }

        //Validator productType = (Validator)this.Parent.FindControl("vldProductType");
        //productType.IsValid = true;
        //Validator revenueType = (Validator)this.Parent.FindControl("vldRevenueType");
        //revenueType.IsValid = true;
        //Validator policy = (Validator)this.Parent.FindControl("_Policy").FindControl("LabelValidator");
        //policy.IsValid = true;

        //11/05/2014 commented below code to make the hard coded values into constants. After unit testing we will remove this commented code 11/05/2014
        //select (new SearchResultEntity
        //    SourceSystem = (result.SourceSystem == "COGEN") ? "KIC" : (result.SourceSystem == "PUP") ? "PUPSYS" : (result.SourceSystem == "MAIS") ? "KIC" : result.SourceSystem,
        //    policyNumber = (result.SourceSystem == "MAIS") ? result.policyNumber.Substring(1) : (result.SourceSystem == "SIS" && result.policyNumber.StartsWith(Config.Setting("SISpolicyPrefix"))) ? result.policyNumber.Substring(2) : (result.SourceSystem == "SIS") ? result.policyNumber.Substring(3) : result.policyNumber,
        //    policyStatus = result.PolicyStatus,
        //    productCode = (result.prodTypeCode == "HO") ? "HOME" : (result.prodTypeCode == "AU" || result.prodTypeCode == "PA") ? "AUTO" : (result.prodTypeCode == "SPCL" && result.productCode == "MC" || result.prodTypeCode == "MC") ? "MotorCycle" : (result.prodTypeCode == "SPCL" && result.productCode == "PWC" || result.prodTypeCode == "WC") ? "Watercraft" : (result.prodTypeCode == "HO" && result.productCode == "DP3" || result.prodTypeCode == "DF") ? "Dwelling Fire" : (result.prodTypeCode == "PUP" || result.prodTypeCode == "PU") ? "Personal Umbrella" : result.prodTypeCode,
        //    NamedInsured = cons.firstName + "  " + cons.lastName,
        //    address = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2},{3}", (result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().addressType == "billingaddress" && result.SourceSystem == "COGEN") ? result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1 : result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1, result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().city, result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().state, result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)
        //    //(result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1 != string.Empty : result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1: ""): result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().address1,result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().city, result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().state, result.policyaddress.FirstOrDefault().zipCode)
        //})).Distinct().OrderBy(t => t.policyNumber).ToList();
        //11/05/2014 commented above code to make the hard coded values into constants. After unit testing we will remove this commented code 11/05/2014


        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate RBPS data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcdata">DataTable containing the RPBS Service data</param>
        public void PopulateRpbsData(DataTable srcdata)
            DataTable RpbsdataPopulationDt = new DataTable();

            NameSearchResults.DataSource = null;
            NameSearchResults.PageIndex = 0;
            RpbsdataPopulationDt        = srcdata.DefaultView.ToTable(false, Constants.PC_BILL_POL_NUMBER, Constants.PC_BILL_SOURCE_SYSTEM, Constants.PC_BILL_POL_TYPE, Constants.PC_BILL_STATUS_DESCRIPTION, Constants.PC_BILL_INS_FULL_NAME, Constants.PC_BILL_ADDRESS);
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_POL_NUMBER].ColumnName         = "policyNumber";
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_SOURCE_SYSTEM].ColumnName      = "sourceSystem";
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_POL_TYPE].ColumnName           = "productCode";
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_STATUS_DESCRIPTION].ColumnName = "policystatus";
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_INS_FULL_NAME].ColumnName      = "NamedInsured";
            RpbsdataPopulationDt.Columns[Constants.PC_BILL_ADDRESS].ColumnName            = "Address";
            string ProductCode = string.Empty;

            //string PolStatus = string.Empty;//commented this line as part of FXCop - Unused Variable.
            foreach (DataRow item in RpbsdataPopulationDt.Rows)
                switch (item["productCode"].ToString())
                case "PA":
                    ProductCode = "AUTO";

                case "HO":
                    ProductCode = "HOME";

                case "DF":
                    ProductCode = "DWELLING FIRE";

                case "WC":
                    ProductCode = "WATERCRAFT";

                case "MC":
                    ProductCode = "MOTORCYCLE";

                case "PU":
                    ProductCode = "PERSONAL UMBRELLA";
                item["productCode"] = ProductCode;
            NameSearchResults.DataSource = RpbsdataPopulationDt;