Esempio n. 1
        public void TableViewWillDisplayCell(NSTableView aView, Id aCell, NSTableColumn aTableColumn, int aRow)
            NSString identifier = aTableColumn.Identifier.CastTo <NSString>();

            if (identifier.Compare(NSString.StringWithUTF8String("standby")) == NSComparisonResult.NSOrderedSame)
                NSButtonCell cell = aCell.CastTo <NSButtonCell>();

                Room r = iModel.Items[aRow];
                cell.Image          = r.Standby ?  Properties.Resources.IconStandby : Properties.Resources.IconStandbyOn;
                cell.AlternateImage = r.Standby ? Properties.Resources.IconStandby : Properties.Resources.IconStandbyOn;
                cell.IsEnabled      = !r.Standby;
            if (identifier.Compare(NSString.StringWithUTF8String("selected")) == NSComparisonResult.NSOrderedSame)
                NSImageCell cell = aCell.CastTo <NSImageCell>();

                if (aRow == SelectedIndex)
                    cell.Image     = Properties.Resources.IconTick;
                    cell.IsEnabled = true;
                    cell.Image     = null;
                    cell.IsEnabled = false;
Esempio n. 2
 public void Compare()
     using (NSString s1 = new NSString("Sebastien"))
         using (NSString s2 = new NSString("Sébastien"))
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s1), Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "Same");
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s2), Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Ascending), "Ascending");
             Assert.That(s2.Compare(s1), Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Descending), "Descending");
Esempio n. 3
 public void Compare_Locale()
     using (NSString s1 = new NSString("sebastien"))
         using (NSString s2 = new NSString("Sébastien"))
             NSStringCompareOptions options = NSStringCompareOptions.DiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch;
             NSRange r = new NSRange(0, s2.Length);
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s2, options, r, null),
                         Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "null");
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s2, options, r, NSLocale.SystemLocale),
                         Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "SystemLocale");
Esempio n. 4
 public void Compare_Options()
     using (NSString s1 = new NSString("Sebastien"))
         using (NSString s2 = new NSString("Sébastien"))
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s2, NSStringCompareOptions.DiacriticInsensitiveSearch),
                         Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "DiacriticInsensitiveSearch");
Esempio n. 5
 public void Compare_Range()
     using (NSString s1 = new NSString("Bastien"))
         using (NSString s2 = new NSString("Sébastien"))
             NSRange r = new NSRange(2, s2.Length - 2);
             Assert.That(s2.Compare(s1, NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, r),
                         Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "skip accent");
Esempio n. 6
 // requested in
 public void Replace_Range()
     using (NSString s1 = new NSString("Sebastien"))
         using (NSString s2 = new NSString("é"))
             using (NSString s3 = new NSString("sébastien"))
                 using (NSString result = s1.Replace(new NSRange(1, 1), s2))
                     NSStringCompareOptions options = NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch;
                     Assert.That(result.Compare(s3, options),
                                 Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "Replace");
        public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication application, NSUrl url, string sourceApplication, NSObject annotation)
            if (url.Scheme.Equals("iosParking") || url.Scheme.Equals("iosparking"))
                string[]            paramters    = url.Query.Split(new char[] { '&' }, 1000);
                NSMutableDictionary urlParamters = new NSMutableDictionary();

                foreach (string paramterValuePair in paramters)
                    string[] arr = paramterValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 1000);
                    urlParamters.SetValueForKey(new NSString(arr [1]), new NSString(arr [0]));

                NSString value = (NSString)urlParamters.ObjectForKey(new NSString("response"));
                if (value.Compare(new NSString("ok")) == NSComparisonResult.Same)
                    //Show messaage saying that the payment was ok
                    Console.WriteLine("Payment OK");
                else if (value.Compare(new NSString("cancel")) == NSComparisonResult.Same)
                    //Show messaage saying that the payment was rejected by the user
                    Console.WriteLine("Payment Cancelled");
                    //Here an error ocurred proccessing the payment
                    Console.WriteLine("Payment Error");

Esempio n. 8
 public void Equality()
     using (var s1 = new NSString("\u00f6"))                     // o-umlaut
         using (var s2 = new NSString("o\u0308")) {              // o + combining diaeresis
             // since ObjC thinks it's different
             Assert.That(s1.GetHashCode(), Is.Not.EqualTo(s2.GetHashCode()), "GetHashCode");
             // then it's "correct" to return false for equality
             Assert.False(s1.Equals((object)s2), "Equal(object)");
             Assert.False(s1.Equals((NSObject)s2), "Equal(NSObject)");
             Assert.False(s1.Equals((NSString)s2), "Equal(NSString)");
             Assert.False(NSString.Equals(s1, s2), "static");
             // and people need to call compare
             Assert.That(s1.Compare(s2), Is.EqualTo(NSComparisonResult.Same), "Same");
        public static void OpenInMaps(Place place )
            bool canDoIOS6Maps = false;

            using (NSString curVer = new NSString (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion))
                using (NSString targetVar = new NSString ("6.0"))
                    canDoIOS6Maps = curVer.Compare (
                        targetVar, NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) != NSComparisonResult.Ascending;


            if (canDoIOS6Maps)
                OpenIOSMap (place);
                OpenGoogleMap (place);
Esempio n. 10
        public void TableViewWillDisplayCell(NSTableView aView, NSCell aCell, NSTableColumn aTableColumn, int aRow)
            NSString identifier = aTableColumn.Identifier.CastTo <NSString>();

            if (identifier.Compare(NSString.StringWithUTF8String("selected")) == NSComparisonResult.NSOrderedSame)
                NSImageCell cell = aCell.CastTo <NSImageCell>();
                if (aRow == SelectedIndex)
                    cell.Image     = Properties.Resources.IconTick;
                    cell.IsEnabled = true;
                    cell.Image     = null;
                    cell.IsEnabled = false;
                aCell.RepresentedObject = iSources.ObjectAtIndex((uint)aRow);
Esempio n. 11
 public void Compare_Null()
     using (NSString s = new NSString("s")) {
Esempio n. 12
 public void Compare_Null()
     using (NSString s = new NSString("s")) {
         Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => s.Compare(null));
Esempio n. 13
        public void Initialize()
            CAEAGLLayer eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer)Layer;

            eaglLayer.Opaque = true;
            eaglLayer.DrawableProperties = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(
                new object[] { NSNumber.FromBoolean(false), EAGLColorFormat.RGBA8 },
                new object[] { EAGLDrawableProperty.RetainedBacking, EAGLDrawableProperty.ColorFormat });

            m_context = new EAGLContext(EAGLRenderingAPI.OpenGLES2);

            if(m_context == null || !EAGLContext.SetCurrentContext(m_context))
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not create/set EAGLContext");

            m_renderer = new ES2Renderer();
            m_renderer.InitWithContext(m_context, (CAEAGLLayer)Layer);

            Animating = false;
            displayLinkSupported = false;
            animationFrameInterval = 1;
            displayLink = null;
            animationTimer = null;

            // A system version of 3.1 or greater is required to use CADisplayLink. The NSTimer
            // class is used as fallback when it isn't available.
            var reqSysVer = new NSString("3.1");
            var currSysVer = new NSString(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion);

            if(currSysVer.Compare(reqSysVer, NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) != NSComparisonResult.Ascending)
                displayLinkSupported = true;