Esempio n. 1
        public static void CompareNamespaceAware(XmlReader originalReader, XmlReader filteredReader)
            NSStack nsStack = new NSStack();

            while (true)
                bool r1Read = originalReader.Read();
                TestLog.Compare(r1Read, filteredReader.Read(), "Read() out of sync");
                if (!r1Read)
                if (filteredReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
                    TestLog.Compare(originalReader.NodeType, filteredReader.NodeType, "nodeType");
                    TestLog.Compare(originalReader.LocalName, filteredReader.LocalName, "localname");
                    TestLog.Compare(originalReader.NamespaceURI, filteredReader.NamespaceURI, "Namespaceuri");
                    TestLog.Compare(originalReader.Value, filteredReader.Value, "localname");

                if (originalReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    // read all r1 attributes
                    var origAttrs = MoveAtrributeEnumerator(originalReader).ToArray();
                    // read all r2 attributes
                    var filteredAttrs = MoveAtrributeEnumerator(filteredReader).ToArray();

                    // Verify HasAttributes consistency
                    TestLog.Compare(filteredAttrs.Any(), filteredReader.HasAttributes, "has attributes");
                    TestLog.Compare(filteredAttrs.Length, filteredReader.AttributeCount, "attribute count");

                    // Verify int indexers consistency
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredAttrs.Length; i++)
                        // Verify int indexers consistency
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader[i], filteredAttrs[i][3], "value of attribute ... indexer[int]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.GetAttribute(i), filteredAttrs[i][3], "value of attribute ... GetAttribute[int]");
                        TestLog.Compare(SAEqComparer.Instance.Equals(filteredReader.GetSAData(), filteredAttrs[i]), "Move to attribute int - wrong position");
                        VerifyNextFirstAttribute(filteredReader, filteredAttrs, i, " after MoveToAttribute (int)");

                    // does not overreach the index
                            TestLog.Compare(false, "READER over reached the index");
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)

                    // does not underreach the index
                            TestLog.Compare(false, "READER under reached the index");
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)

                    // Verify string / string,string indexers consistency
                    // note: using int approach to be able to verify MoveToFirst/NextAttribute consistency
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredAttrs.Length; i++)
                        var n = filteredAttrs[i];

                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader[n[1], n[2]], n[3], "value of attribute ... indexer[string, string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.GetAttribute(n[1], n[2]), n[3], "value of attribute ... GetAttribute[string, string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.MoveToAttribute(n[1], n[2]), "Move to attribute string/string");
                        TestLog.Compare(SAEqComparer.Instance.Equals(filteredReader.GetSAData(), n), "Move to attribute string/string - wrong position");
                        VerifyNextFirstAttribute(filteredReader, filteredAttrs, i, " after MoveToAttribute (string,string)");

                        filteredReader.MoveToElement();   // reset the reader position

                        string qName = n[0] == "" ? n[1] : string.Format("{0}:{1}", n[0], n[1]);
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader[qName], n[3], "value of attribute ... indexer[string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.GetAttribute(qName), n[3], "value of attribute ... GetAttribute[string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.MoveToAttribute(qName), "Move to attribute string/string");
                        TestLog.Compare(SAEqComparer.Instance.Equals(filteredReader.GetSAData(), n), "Move to attribute string/string - wrong position");
                        VerifyNextFirstAttribute(filteredReader, filteredAttrs, i, " after MoveToAttribute (string)");

                        filteredReader.MoveToElement();   // reset the reader position

                        // lookup namespaces for the declaration nodes
                        if (n[2] == XNamespace.Xmlns || n[1] == "xmlns")
                            TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.LookupNamespace(n[0] != "" ? n[1] : ""), n[3], "Lookup namespace failed for kept declaration");

                    // Verify that not reported NS are not accessible
                    var duplicateAttrs = origAttrs.Except(filteredAttrs, SAEqComparer.Instance).ToArray();
                    foreach (var n in duplicateAttrs)
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader[n[1], n[2]], null, "Should not found : value of attribute ... indexer[string, string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.GetAttribute(n[1], n[2]), null, "Should not found : value of attribute ... GetAttribute[string, string]");
                        var orig = filteredReader.GetSAData();
                        TestLog.Compare(!filteredReader.MoveToAttribute(n[1], n[2]), "Should not found : Move to attribute string/string");
                        TestLog.Compare(SAEqComparer.Instance.Equals(filteredReader.GetSAData(), orig), "Should not found : Move to attribute string/string - wrong position");

                        filteredReader.MoveToElement();   // reset the reader position

                        string qName = n[0] == "" ? n[1] : string.Format("{0}:{1}", n[0], n[1]);
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader[qName], null, "Should not found : value of attribute ... indexer[string]");
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.GetAttribute(qName), null, "Should not found : value of attribute ... GetAttribute[string]");
                        orig = filteredReader.GetSAData();
                        TestLog.Compare(!filteredReader.MoveToAttribute(qName), "Should not found : Move to attribute string/string");
                        TestLog.Compare(SAEqComparer.Instance.Equals(filteredReader.GetSAData(), orig), "Should not found : Move to attribute string/string - wrong position");

                        filteredReader.MoveToElement();   // reset the reader position

                        // removed are only namespace declarations
                        TestLog.Compare(n[2] == XNamespace.Xmlns || n[1] == "xmlns", "Removed is not namespace declaration");

                        // Lookup namespace ... should pass
                        TestLog.Compare(filteredReader.LookupNamespace(n[0] != "" ? n[1] : ""), n[3], "Lookup namespace failed - for removed declaration");

                    // compare non-xmlns attributes
                    // compare xmlns attributes (those in r2 must be in r1)
                    // verify r2 namespace stack
                    Compare(origAttrs, filteredAttrs, nsStack, filteredReader.Depth);

                // nsStack cleanup
                if (originalReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement || originalReader.IsEmptyElement)
Esempio n. 2
 public void BeforeEachTest()
     stack = new NSStack <int>(1000);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Compare(IEnumerable <string[]> r1, IEnumerable <string[]> r2, NSStack nsTable, int depth)
            IEnumerator <string[]> r1E = r1.GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator <string[]> r2E = r2.GetEnumerator();

            while (r2E.MoveNext())
                bool found = false;
                while (!found)
                    found = r1E.Current.SequenceEqual(r2E.Current, StringComparer.Ordinal);
                    if (!found)
                        // Verify the one thrown out is a) ns decl: b) the nsTable detect it as duplicate
                        TestLog.Compare(r1E.Current[2] == XNamespace.Xmlns.NamespaceName || r1E.Current[1] == "xmlns", string.Format("Reader removed the non NS declaration attribute: {0},{1},{2},{3}", r1E.Current[0], r1E.Current[1], r1E.Current[2], r1E.Current[3]));
                        TestLog.Compare(nsTable.IsDuplicate(depth, r1E.Current[1], r1E.Current[3]), "The namespace decl was not duplicate");
                TestLog.Compare(found, true, "Attribute from r2 not found in r1!");

                if (r2E.Current[2] == XNamespace.Xmlns.NamespaceName || r2E.Current[1] == "xmlns")
                    nsTable.Add(depth, r2E.Current[1], r2E.Current[3]);