public static void SelectPath(NSWindow window, NSTextField field) { NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); openPanel.CanChooseFiles = false; openPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true; openPanel.AllowsMultipleSelection = false; openPanel.ResolvesAliases = true; openPanel.BeginSheet(window, (i) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) { string path = openPanel.Url.Path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { field.StringValue = path; } } } finally { openPanel.Dispose(); } }); }
public string OpenFileDialog(NSWindow window, string[] FileTypes, string title, bool canchoosedirectories = false, bool canchoosefiles = true) { string path = string.Empty; try { NSOpenPanel dlg = NSOpenPanel.OpenPanel; //dlg.Prompt = "Selecione um Arquivo"; dlg.Title = title; dlg.CanChooseFiles = canchoosefiles; dlg.CanChooseDirectories = canchoosedirectories; dlg.AllowedFileTypes = FileTypes; dlg.AllowsMultipleSelection = false; dlg.ResolvesAliases = true; dlg.ReleasedWhenClosed = true; // dlg.BeginSheet(window, (i) => { // try // { // if(dlg.Url != null) // { // // // var urlString = dlg.Url.Path; // // if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlString)) // { // Console.WriteLine(urlString); // } // } // } // finally // { // dlg.Dispose(); // } // }); // nint retDlg = dlg.RunModal(); if (retDlg == 1) { NSUrl url = dlg.Urls [0]; if (url != null) { path = url.Path; } } NSDate DateLoop = new NSDate(); DateLoop = DateLoop.AddSeconds(0.1); NSRunLoop.Current.RunUntil(DateLoop); dlg.Dispose(); dlg = null; } catch (Exception) { // } return(path); }
public override void Dispose() { if (ofdlg != null) { ofdlg.Dispose(); } if (sfdlg != null) { sfdlg.Dispose(); } }
public static string OpenFilePanel() { // Open file prompt // Credit user: rjm // NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); string s = ""; openPanel.Begin(((int result) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) { s = openPanel.Url.Path; } } finally { openPanel.Dispose(); } })); return(s); }
public static void SelectFile(NSWindow window, NSTextField field) { NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); openPanel.BeginSheet(window, (i) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) { string path = openPanel.Url.Path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { field.StringValue = path; } } } finally { openPanel.Dispose(); } }); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override FileBrowserDialogResult ShowDialog() { _fileDialog.Title = Title; _fileDialog.CanChooseDirectories = IsFolderBrowser; _fileDialog.CanChooseFiles = !IsFolderBrowser; _fileDialog.AllowsMultipleSelection = Multiselect; var dialogResult = FileBrowserDialogResult.None; var result = (NSPanelButtonType)(int)_fileDialog.RunModal(); if (result == NSPanelButtonType.Cancel) { dialogResult = FileBrowserDialogResult.Cancel; _files = new List <string>(); } else if (result == NSPanelButtonType.Ok) { dialogResult = FileBrowserDialogResult.Ok; _files = _fileDialog.Urls.Select(f => f.Path).ToList(); } _fileDialog.Close(); _fileDialog.Dispose(); _fileDialog = null; return(dialogResult); }
public override void FinishedLaunching(NSObject notification) { /////// /// Glorified Event "Handler" /// for Menu Items (like File, edit and so forth) /////// /// // *************************** // // TODO // - Reimplement SaveAs (command-S) mainWindowController = new MainWindowController(); mainWindowController.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront(this); MainWindow winMain = mainWindowController.Window; ///// /// SaveAs File Menu Item ///// miSaveAs.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { SharedWindowMethods.SaveCurrentSetFilePanel(); }; ///// /// Open File Menu Item ///// miOpen.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { // Call for openPanel // Credit user: rjm // NSOpenPanel openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); openPanel.Begin(((int result) => { try { if (openPanel.Url != null) { // get path var file = openPanel.Url.Path; // open file m_at.OpenFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file), System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file)); // parse open file m_at.InitSet(); // init SetRunner m_sr.Init(m_at.GetSetList()); // update table winMain.tbvSetList.DataSource = new TableViewHandler(m_at.GetSetListTable()); } } finally { openPanel.Dispose(); } })); // refresh window gui winMain.updateGUI(); }; }
private bool MacOpenFile() { NSOpenPanel nsOpenPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); nsOpenPanel.Title = this.Title; switch (this.FileChooserAction) { case FileAction.Open: nsOpenPanel.CanChooseFiles = true; nsOpenPanel.CanChooseDirectories = false; if (this.AllowedFileTypes != null) { nsOpenPanel.AllowedFileTypes = this.AllowedFileTypes; break; } break; case FileAction.Save: NSSavePanel savePanel = NSSavePanel.SavePanel; savePanel.AllowedFileTypes = this.AllowedFileTypes; savePanel.CanCreateDirectories = true; savePanel.DirectoryUrl = new NSUrl(this.InitialDirectory); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method if (savePanel.RunModal() == 1) { this.Path = savePanel.Url.Path; savePanel.Dispose(); return(true); } savePanel.Dispose(); return(false); case FileAction.SelectFolder: nsOpenPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true; nsOpenPanel.CanChooseFiles = false; break; case FileAction.SelectFiles: nsOpenPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true; nsOpenPanel.CanChooseFiles = true; break; } nsOpenPanel.CanCreateDirectories = false; nsOpenPanel.AllowsMultipleSelection = this.AllowMultipleSelect; nsOpenPanel.DirectoryUrl = new NSUrl(this.InitialDirectory); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method if (nsOpenPanel.RunModal() == 1) { int length = nsOpenPanel.Urls.Length; string[] strArray = new string[length]; for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index) { strArray[index] = nsOpenPanel.Urls[index].Path.ToString(); } this.Paths = strArray; this.Path = this.Paths[0]; nsOpenPanel.Dispose(); return(true); } nsOpenPanel.Dispose(); return(false); }
private void procBtn(int state = 1) { if (state == 4) { string[] filetypes = { "rar" }; NSOpenPanel dlg = NSOpenPanel.OpenPanel; dlg.Title = "Selecione"; dlg.CanChooseFiles = true; dlg.CanChooseDirectories = false; dlg.AllowedFileTypes = filetypes; dlg.AllowsMultipleSelection = false; dlg.ResolvesAliases = true; dlg.ReleasedWhenClosed = true; dlg.BeginSheet(this, (i) => { try { if (dlg.Url != null) { var urlString = dlg.Url.Path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlString)) { //NSDate DateLoop = new NSDate (); //DateLoop = DateLoop.AddSeconds (0.1); //NSRunLoop.Current.RunUntil(DateLoop ); NSThread.Start(() => { clsRAR orar = new clsRAR(); rarFile = orar.OpenRAR(urlString, this, this.tbv_Arquivos); orar = null; }); } } } finally { dlg.Dispose(); dlg = null; } }); } else { NSIndexSet nSelRows = this.tbv_Arquivos.SelectedRows; if (nSelRows.Count > 0) { nuint[] nRows = nSelRows.ToArray(); if (nRows.Length > 0) { ViewArquivosDataSource datasource = (ViewArquivosDataSource)this.tbv_Arquivos.DataSource; clsViewArquivos cvarqs = new clsViewArquivos(); string aState = string.Empty; foreach (nint lRow in nRows) { switch (state) { case 1: aState = "1"; break; case 2: aState = cvarqs.GetTagsArquivo(datasource, (int)lRow, 1); break; case 3: NSOpenPanel dlg = NSOpenPanel.OpenPanel; dlg.Title = "Salvar em"; dlg.CanChooseFiles = false; dlg.CanChooseDirectories = true; dlg.AllowsMultipleSelection = false; dlg.ResolvesAliases = true; dlg.ReleasedWhenClosed = true; dlg.BeginSheet(this, (i) => { try { string urlString = dlg.Url.Path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlString)) { nSelRows = this.tbv_Arquivos.SelectedRows; NSThread.Start(() => { clsRAR exRAR = new clsRAR(); exRAR.ExtractRAR(this, this.tbv_Arquivos, nSelRows, rarFile, urlString); exRAR = null; }); } } finally { dlg.Dispose(); dlg = null; } this.tbv_Arquivos.ReloadData(); }); break; case 5: break; } if (state != 3) { cvarqs.SetTagsArquivo(datasource, (int)lRow, aState); cvarqs = null; datasource = null; this.tbv_Arquivos.ReloadData(); } } } } else { string mText = string.Empty; string iText = string.Empty; switch (state) { case 1: mText = "Remover Arquivo(s)"; iText = "Selecione ao menos um aquivo para Remover !"; break; case 2: mText = "Desfazer Ação"; iText = "Selecione ao menos um arquivo para\r\n Desfazer a Ação !"; break; case 3: mText = "Extrair Arquivos"; iText = "Selecione ao menos um arquivo para Extrair !"; break; } NSAlert alert = new NSAlert() { AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning, InformativeText = iText, MessageText = mText, }; alert.RunSheetModal(this); } } }