Esempio n. 1
 public FontTypefaceHandler(NSArray descriptor)
     PostScriptName = (string)Messaging.GetNSObject <NSString>(descriptor.ValueAt(0));
     _name          = (string)Messaging.GetNSObject <NSString>(descriptor.ValueAt(1));
     Weight         = Messaging.GetNSObject <NSNumber>(descriptor.ValueAt(2))?.Int32Value ?? 1;
     Traits         = (NSFontTraitMask)(Messaging.GetNSObject <NSNumber>(descriptor.ValueAt(3))?.Int32Value ?? 0);
Esempio n. 2
 public FontTypefaceHandler(NSArray descriptor)
     PostScriptName = (string)new NSString(descriptor.ValueAt(0));
     name           = (string)new NSString(descriptor.ValueAt(1));
     Weight         = new NSNumber(descriptor.ValueAt(2)).Int32Value;
     Traits         = (NSFontTraitMask) new NSNumber(descriptor.ValueAt(3)).Int32Value;
Esempio n. 3
        public override bool PerformDragOperation(NSDraggingInfo sender)
            NSPasteboard pb   = sender.DraggingPasteboard;
            NSArray      data = null;

            if (pb.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType))
                data = pb.GetPropertyListForType(NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType) as NSArray;
            if (data != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    string path = (string)NSString.FromHandle(data.ValueAt((uint)i));
                    Console.WriteLine("From pasteboard Item {0} = {1}", i, path);

                    var url     = NSUrl.FromFilename(path);
                    var baseDir = url.Path;
                    var rootDir = baseDir.Substring(0, baseDir.LastIndexOf('/'));
                    var d       = new Directory(baseDir);
                    ScanDirectories(rootDir, baseDir, d);

                    var outlineView = Subviews [0].Subviews [0] as NSOutlineView;

Esempio n. 4
        UIImage [] GetImageArray(IntPtr handle)
            using (var array = new NSArray(handle)) {
                var ret = new UIImage [array.Count];
                for (uint i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
                    var     obj  = Runtime.GetNSObject(array.ValueAt(i));
                    var     data = obj as NSData;
                    UIImage img;

                    if (data != null)
                        img = new UIImage(data);
                        img = (UIImage)obj;

                    ret [i] = img;

		/* Could not test what sort of unique CFNumberRef value it's

		[iOS (5,0)]
		static public int InputSource {
			get {
				return GetInt (AudioSessionProperty.InputSource);
			set {
				SetInt (AudioSessionProperty.InputSource, value);

		[iOS (5,0)]
		static public int OutputDestination {
			get {
				return GetInt (AudioSessionProperty.OutputDestination);
			set {
				SetInt (AudioSessionProperty.OutputDestination, value);


		static internal AudioSessionInputRouteKind GetInputRoute (NSArray arr)
			if (arr == null || arr.Count == 0)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			var dict = new NSDictionary (arr.ValueAt (0));
			if (dict == null || dict.Count == 0)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			var val = (NSString) dict [AudioRouteKey_Type];
			if (val == null)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			if (val == InputRoute_LineIn) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.LineIn;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_BuiltInMic) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.BuiltInMic;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_HeadsetMic) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.HeadsetMic;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_BluetoothHFP) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.BluetoothHFP;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_USBAudio) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.USBAudio;
			} else {
				return (AudioSessionInputRouteKind) val.Handle;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Load()
            var prefs = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.ToDictionary();

            foreach (var item in prefs)
                this[item.Key.ToString()] = item.Value.ToString();

            foreach (var item in NSBundle.MainBundle.InfoDictionary)
                if (item.Value is NSArray)
                    string key = item.Key.ToString();

                    this[key] = string.Empty;

                    NSArray array = (NSArray)item.Value;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                        this[key] += new NSObject(array.ValueAt(i)).ToString();
                        if (i < array.Count - 1)
                            this[key] += "|";
                    this[item.Key.ToString()] = item.Value.ToString();
        private void LoadVideoDescView()
            NSArray views = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("VoteVideoDescView", this, new NSDictionary());

            if (1 == views.Count)
                UIView tempView = Runtime.GetNSObject(views.ValueAt(0)) as UIView;

                if (tempView is VoteImageDescView)
                    var descView = tempView as VoteImageDescView;

                    descView.Frame = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, (float)View.Bounds.Width, (float)View.Bounds.Height);

                    _asset      = AVAsset.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromString(SelectedVote.VideoUrl));
                    _playerItem = new AVPlayerItem(_asset);

                    _player            = new AVPlayer(_playerItem);
                    _playerLayer       = AVPlayerLayer.FromPlayer(_player);
                    _playerLayer.Frame = View.Frame;



        /// <summary>
        /// Writes out the key and value information to the console, useful for debugging,
        /// or understanding how the user preferences are stored.
        /// </summary>
        private static void WriteKeyAndValueToOutput(NSDictionary dict, NSObject key)
            Console.Write(key.ToString() + ":");

            if (dict[key] is NSString)
                switch (dict[key].GetType().ToString())
                case "MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNumber":
                    Console.WriteLine((dict[key] as NSNumber).FloatValue.ToString());

                case "MonoTouch.Foundation.NSArray":
                    NSArray items = dict[key] as NSArray;

                    for (uint j = 0; j < items.Count; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + NSString.FromHandle(items.ValueAt(j)).ToString());
Esempio n. 9
        private Object[] ConvertToArray(NSArray nsArray)
            Object[] arr = new Object[nsArray.Count];
            for (uint i = 0; i < nsArray.Count; i++)
                var o = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(nsArray.ValueAt(i));
                if (o is NSArray)
                    arr[i] = ConvertToArray((o as NSArray));
                else if (o is NSDictionary)
                else if (o is NSMutableDictionary)
                    arr[i] = ConvertToDictionary((o as NSMutableDictionary));
                if (o is NSString)
                    arr[i] = (o as NSString).Description;
                else if (o is NSNumber)
                    arr[i] = (o as NSNumber).Int16Value;

        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

             * set up Line
            _lineLeft  = _line.Frame.X;
            _lineRight = _line.Frame.X + 116;

             * Add page 1
            NSArray array  = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("Slide1", this, null);
            UIView  slide1 = Runtime.GetNSObject(array.ValueAt(0)) as UIView;

            slide1.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, this.View.Frame.Width, scrollview.Frame.Height);

             * Add page 2
            NSArray array2 = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("Slide2", this, null);
            UIView  slide2 = Runtime.GetNSObject(array2.ValueAt(0)) as UIView;

            slide2.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(this.View.Frame.Width, 0, this.View.Frame.Width, scrollview.Frame.Height);

             * Change scrollview contentsize
            scrollview.ContentSize = new CoreGraphics.CGSize(this.View.Frame.Width * 2, scrollview.Frame.Height);

             * Handle the viewpager

            this.scrollview.Scrolled += (sender, e) =>
                moveLine(scrollview.ContentOffset.X / this.View.Frame.Width);

                 * page 1 - adjust scrollview height
                if (scrollview.ContentOffset.X == 0)
                    scrollview.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(scrollview.Frame.X, scrollview.Frame.Y, this.View.Frame.Width, 200);

                 * page 2
                else if (scrollview.ContentOffset.X > 1 && scrollview.Frame.Height != this.View.Frame.Height - 150)
                    scrollview.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(scrollview.Frame.X, scrollview.Frame.Y, this.View.Frame.Width, this.View.Frame.Height - 150);
        // Inspect our selected objects (user double-clicked them).
        // Note: this method will not get called until you make all columns in the table
        // as "non-editable".  So long as they are editable, double clicking a row will
        // cause the current cell to be editied.
        partial void inspect(NSArray sender)
            NSArray selectedObjects = sender;


            int  index;
            uint numItems = selectedObjects.Count;

            for (index = 0; index < numItems; index++)
                NSDictionary objectDict = new NSDictionary(selectedObjects.ValueAt(0));

                if (objectDict != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("inspector item: [ {0} {1}, {2} ]",

                // setup the edit sheet controller if one hasn't been setup already
                if (myEditController == null)
                    myEditController = new EditController();

                // remember which selection index we are changing
                int savedSelectionIndex = myContentArray.SelectionIndex;

                NSDictionary editItem = new NSDictionary(selectedObjects.ValueAt(0));

                // get the current selected object and start the edit sheet
                NSMutableDictionary newValues = myEditController.edit(editItem, this);

                if (!myEditController.Cancelled)
                    // remove the current selection and replace it with the newly edited one
                    var currentObjects = myContentArray.SelectedObjects;

                    // make sure to add the new entry at the same selection location as before
                    myContentArray.Insert(newValues, savedSelectionIndex);
Esempio n. 12
        static List <NSObject> SubArray(NSArray array, uint skip = 0)
            var result = new List <NSObject>();

            for (uint i = skip; i < array.Count; i++)

        private void inspect(NSArray selectedObjects)
            NSDictionary objectDict = new NSDictionary(selectedObjects.ValueAt(0));

            if (objectDict != null)
                NSString sss = new NSString("url");
                NSUrl    url = new NSUrl(objectDict.ValueForKey(sss).ToString());
Esempio n. 14
        public override void AwakeFromNib()

            NSArray nibObjects = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("GamePanel", this, null);

            GamePanel instantiatedView = new GamePanel(nibObjects.ValueAt(0));

            instantiatedView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height);
Esempio n. 15
        static SCNMatrix4[] FromNSArray(NSArray nsa)
            if (nsa == null)
                return null;

            var count = nsa.Count;
            var ret = new SCNMatrix4 [count];
            for (nuint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                ret [i] = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSValue> (nsa.ValueAt (i)).SCNMatrix4Value;

            return ret;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// This method instantiates and add the HelpCustomView to the parentView provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentView"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HelpCustomView Create(UIView parentView, string displayText, string buttonText, UIView initiaterView)
            NSArray        arr = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib(nameof(HelpCustomView), null, null);
            HelpCustomView v   = Runtime.GetNSObject <HelpCustomView>(arr.ValueAt(0));

            v._displayText   = displayText;
            v._buttonText    = buttonText;
            v._initiaterView = initiaterView;
            HelpCustomView.EmbedInParentView(v, parentView);

Esempio n. 17
        NSString TryFind(NSArray x509Values, NSString key)
            for (uint i = 0; i < x509Values.Count; ++i)
                var curCertValue = Runtime.GetNSObject <NSDictionary>(x509Values.ValueAt(i));
                var valueLabel   = (NSString)curCertValue.ValueForKey(SecPropertyKeyLabel);
                if (valueLabel.Compare(key) == NSComparisonResult.Same)

        void didAddMessages(NSNotification notification)
            NSArray addedIndexes =
                (NSArray)notification.UserInfo.ObjectForKey(new NSString(TTTMessageServer.AddedMessageIndexesUserInfoKey));
            List <NSIndexPath> addedIndexPaths = new List <NSIndexPath> ();

            for (uint i = 0; i < addedIndexes.Count; i++)
                NSNumber    indexValue = new NSNumber(addedIndexes.ValueAt(i));
                NSIndexPath indexPath  = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(indexValue.IntValue, 0);
            TableView.InsertRows(addedIndexPaths.ToArray(), UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic);
        public void GenerateStockUsedPDFPreview()
            NSArray a = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("DailyStockUsedPDFTemplate", this, null);

            GeneratedPDFView = (UIView)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(a.ValueAt(0));

            UILabel tl = (UILabel)GeneratedPDFView.ViewWithTag(1);

            tl.Text = "Employee name: " + MyConstants.EmployeeName;
            tl      = (UILabel)GeneratedPDFView.ViewWithTag(2);
            tl.Text = "Date: " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            UITableViewController usedStock = new UITableViewController();

            usedStock.TableView        = (UITableView)GeneratedPDFView.ViewWithTag(3);
            usedStock.TableView.Source = dvc.CreateSizingSource(false);

            // WAS :: usedStock.TableView = (UITableView) ((UIView)dvc.TableView);

            // if (dvc.Root[0].Count > 17)
                float calculatedHeight = (float)(dvc.Root[0].Count * Math.Max(dvc.TableView.RowHeight, 44) + 44);
                GeneratedPDFView.Frame    = new CGRect(GeneratedPDFView.Frame.X, GeneratedPDFView.Frame.Y, GeneratedPDFView.Frame.Width, usedStock.TableView.Frame.Y + calculatedHeight + 114);
                usedStock.TableView.Frame = new CGRect(usedStock.TableView.Frame.X, usedStock.TableView.Frame.Y, usedStock.TableView.Frame.Width, calculatedHeight);

                UIView sig = GeneratedPDFView.ViewWithTag(4);
                sig.Frame = new CGRect(sig.Frame.X, usedStock.TableView.Frame.Y + usedStock.TableView.Frame.Height + 8, sig.Frame.Width, sig.Frame.Height);
                tl        = (UILabel)GeneratedPDFView.ViewWithTag(5);
                tl.Frame  = new CGRect(tl.Frame.X, usedStock.TableView.Frame.Y + usedStock.TableView.Frame.Height + 8, tl.Frame.Width, tl.Frame.Height);

                // sig.Dispose (); sig = null;

            if (a != null)
                a.Dispose(); a = null;
            if (tl != null)
                tl.Dispose(); tl = null;
            if (usedStock != null)
                usedStock.Dispose(); usedStock = null;
    //TODO:revisar que funcione
    public static void enumerateObjectsUsingBlock(this NSArray array, enumerateObjectsAction action)
        bool stop = false;

        for (nuint i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
            //id key, id obj, BOOL *stop
            NSObject obj = NSObject.FromObject(array.ValueAt(i));
            action(obj, i, out stop);
            if (stop == true)
Esempio n. 21
        static SCNMatrix4 [] FromNSArray(NSArray nsa)
            if (nsa == null)

            var count = nsa.Count;
            var ret   = new SCNMatrix4 [count];

            for (nuint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                ret [i] = Runtime.GetNSObject <NSValue> (nsa.ValueAt(i)).SCNMatrix4Value;

        // register for the notification when iCloud keys are changed
        public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)

            Reload(null, null);

            keyValueNotification =
                    , delegate(NSNotification n)
                Console.WriteLine("Cloud notification received");
                NSDictionary userInfo = n.UserInfo;

                NSNumber reasonNumber = (NSNumber)userInfo.ObjectForKey(NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.ChangeReasonKey);
                int reason            = reasonNumber.IntValue;

                //Console.WriteLine("reason.IntValue: " + ireason);
                //Console.WriteLine("reason (enum): " + (NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReason)ireason);

                NSArray changedKeys = (NSArray)userInfo.ObjectForKey(NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.ChangedKeysKey);
                var changedKeysList = new List <string> ();
                for (uint i = 0; i < changedKeys.Count; i++)
                    var key = new NSString(changedKeys.ValueAt(i));                      // resolve key to a string
                    //Console.WriteLine("changedKey IntPtr: " + changedKeys.ValueAt(i));
                    //Console.WriteLine("changedKey (value): " + key);


                var store        = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.DefaultStore;
                var synchronized = store.Synchronize();   Console.WriteLine("Changed synchronized=" + synchronized);
                // now do something with the list...
                InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    outputText.Text += "\n--- Cloud Notification \uE049\uE049\uE049 ---";
                    foreach (var k in changedKeysList)
                        outputText.Text += String.Format("\n{0}: {1}", k, store.GetString(k));
                    testText.Text  = store.GetString(sharedKeyName);
                    localText.Text = store.GetString(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Name);
        private void LoadImageDescView()
            NSArray views = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib("VoteImageDescView", this, new NSDictionary());

            if (1 == views.Count)
                UIView tempView = Runtime.GetNSObject(views.ValueAt(0)) as UIView;

                if (tempView is VoteImageDescView)
                    var descView = tempView as VoteImageDescView;

                    descView.Frame = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, (float)View.Bounds.Width, (float)View.Bounds.Height);
Esempio n. 24
        public static T LoadViewFromNib <T>(string filename, NSObject owner) where T : NSView
            //Loading the nib file and getting its items into NSArray
            NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNibNamed(filename, owner, out xibItems);

            //Traversing the NSArray to look for the item of type T
            for (nuint i = 0; i < xibItems.Count; i++)
                NSObject item = xibItems.GetItem <NSObject>(i);
                if (item is T)
                    index = i;

            return(Runtime.GetNSObject <T>(xibItems.ValueAt(index)));
Esempio n. 25
		static internal AudioSessionOutputRouteKind [] GetOutputRoutes (NSArray arr)
			if (arr == null || arr.Count == 0)
				return null;
			var result = new AudioSessionOutputRouteKind [arr.Count];
			for (uint i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) {
				var dict = new NSDictionary ((IntPtr) arr.ValueAt (i));
				result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.None;
				if (dict == null || dict.Count == 0)
				var val = (NSString) dict [AudioRouteKey_Type];
				if (val == null)
				if (val == OutputRoute_LineOut) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.LineOut;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_Headphones) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.Headphones;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BluetoothHFP) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BluetoothHFP;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BluetoothA2DP) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BluetoothA2DP;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BuiltInReceiver) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BuiltInReceiver;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BuiltInSpeaker) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BuiltInSpeaker;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_USBAudio) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.USBAudio;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_HDMI) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.HDMI;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_AirPlay) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.AirPlay;
				} else
					result [i] = (AudioSessionOutputRouteKind) val.Handle;
			return result;
        // todo: Can I now skip this since I have a registered an NSObject implementation?
        private List <WindowInfo> MapToTypedArray(NSArray array)
            var windowInfos = new List <WindowInfo>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                var nsObject = Runtime.GetNSObject <NSObject>(array.ValueAt(i));

                var windowName   = nsObject.ValueForKey(new NSString("kCGWindowOwnerName")).ToString();
                var windowNumber = nint.Parse(nsObject.ValueForKey(new NSString("kCGWindowNumber")).ToString());

                windowInfos.Add(new WindowInfo
                    WindowOwnerName = windowName,
                    WindowNumber    = windowNumber

Esempio n. 27
        UIImage[] GetImageArray(IntPtr handle)
            using (var array = new NSArray (handle)) {
                var ret = new UIImage [array.Count];
                for (uint i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++) {
                    var obj = Runtime.GetNSObject (array.ValueAt (i));
                    var data = obj as NSData;
                    UIImage img;

                    if (data != null) {
                        img = new UIImage (data);
                    } else {
                        img = (UIImage) obj;

                    ret [i] = img;

                return ret;
        /// DEPRECATED for iOS 6 and later, but needed for iOS 5 and earlier to support additional orientations
        public override bool ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientation toInterfaceOrientation)
            bool shouldAutorotate = IPhoneUtils.GetInstance().ShouldAutorotate();

            if (shouldAutorotate)
                // Check supported orientations
                if (supportedOrientations != null)
                    bool orientationSupported = false;
                    for (uint index = 0; index < supportedOrientations.Count; index++)
                        NSString mySupportedOrientation = new NSString(supportedOrientations.ValueAt(index));
                        if (("UIInterfaceOrientation" + toInterfaceOrientation.ToString()) == mySupportedOrientation.ToString())
                            orientationSupported = true;
                    shouldAutorotate = orientationSupported;
                    log("Supported orientations not configured. All orientations are supported by default");
                log(" ** Autorotation blocked by application at runtime. ");

            log("Should Autorotate to " + toInterfaceOrientation.ToString() + "? " + shouldAutorotate);

            if (shouldAutorotate)

        private void loadResultsFromQuery(NSNotification notif)
            var results = new List <NSMetadataItem> (((NSMetadataQuery)notif.Object).Results);

            Console.WriteLine("search count = {0}", results.Count);
            string foundResultStr = string.Format("Results found: {0}", results.Count);

            progressSearchLabel.StringValue = foundResultStr;

            // iterate through the array of results, and match to the existing stores
            foreach (NSMetadataItem item in results)
                var cityStr  = item.ValueForAttribute("kMDItemCity");
                var nameStr  = item.ValueForAttribute("kMDItemDisplayName");
                var stateStr = item.ValueForAttribute("kMDItemStateOrProvince");

                NSArray phoneNumbers = (NSArray)item.ValueForAttribute("kMDItemPhoneNumbers");
                // grab only the first phone number
                var phoneStr  = phoneNumbers == null ? null : new NSString(phoneNumbers.ValueAt(0));
                var storePath = (NSString)item.ValueForAttribute("kMDItemPath");

                // create a dictionary entry to be added to our search results array
                NSObject [] objects = new NSObject []
                    nameStr ?? emptyStr,
                    phoneStr ?? emptyStr,
                    cityStr ?? emptyStr,
                    stateStr ?? emptyStr,
                    new NSUrl(storePath, false)

                var keys = new object []
                    "name", "phone", "city", "state", "url"
                NSDictionary dict = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys);
Esempio n. 30
        public override bool PerformDragOperation(NSDraggingInfo sender)
            Console.WriteLine("Drag Delegate received 'PerformDragOperation' sender: {0}", sender);

            //It seems that browserView does not send this message when it is an internal move.
            //It does all the work by sending a moveitems message to the datasource,
            // but I return false here just to be safe.

            NSObject obj = sender.DraggingSource;

            if (obj != null && obj.Equals(browserView))
                Console.WriteLine("\tLet the image browser handle it.");

            NSPasteboard pb   = sender.DraggingPasteboard;
            NSArray      data = null;

            //			if (pb.Types.Contains (NSPasteboard.NSUrlType))
            //				data = pb.GetPropertyListForType (NSPasteboard.NSUrlType) as NSArray;
            if (pb.Types.Contains(NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType))
                data = pb.GetPropertyListForType(NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType) as NSArray;
            if (data != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.Count; i++)
                    string path = (string)NSString.FromHandle(data.ValueAt((uint)i));
                    Console.WriteLine("From pasteboard Item {0} = {1}", i, path);
                        NSUrl.FromFilename(path), (int)browserView.GetIndexAtLocationOfDroppedItem());
Esempio n. 31
        static CIFilter [] WrapFilters(NSArray filters)
            if (filters == null)
                return(new CIFilter [0]);

            nuint count = filters.Count;

            if (count == 0)
                return(new CIFilter [0]);
            var ret = new CIFilter [count];

            for (nuint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var    filterHandle = filters.ValueAt(i);
                string?filterName   = CIFilter.GetFilterName(filterHandle);

                ret [i] = CIFilter.FromName(filterName, filterHandle);
Esempio n. 32
        public static void LoadDefaults(this NSUserDefaults defaults)
            if (!defaults.BoolForKey("__DefaultsLoaded"))
                using (NSDictionary settings = new NSDictionary(Paths.SettingsPlist))
                    using (NSArray prefs = (NSArray)settings.ObjectForKey(new NSString("PreferenceSpecifiers")))
                        using (NSString keyString = new NSString("Key"),
                               defaultValueString = new NSString("DefaultValue"))
                            for (uint i = 0; i < prefs.Count; i++)
                                using (NSDictionary item = new NSDictionary(prefs.ValueAt(i)))
                                    using (NSObject key = item[keyString])
                                        NSObject defaultValue = item[defaultValueString];
                                        if (defaultValue != null)
                                            using (defaultValue)
                                                defaults[key.ToString()] = defaultValue;

                defaults.SetBool(true, "__DefaultsLoaded");
Esempio n. 33
		private static Object[] ConvertToArray(NSArray nsArray) {
			Object[] arr = new Object[nsArray.Count];
			for (uint i = 0; i < nsArray.Count; i++) {
				var o = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(nsArray.ValueAt(i));
				if(o is NSArray) {
					arr[i] = ConvertToArray((o as NSArray));
				} else if (o is NSDictionary) {

				} else if (o is NSMutableDictionary) {
					arr[i] = ConvertToDictionary((o as NSMutableDictionary));
				} if(o is NSString) {
					arr[i] = (o as NSString).Description;
				} else if(o is NSNumber) {
					arr[i] = (o as NSNumber).Int16Value;

			return arr;
Esempio n. 34
		static internal AudioSessionOutputRouteKind [] GetOutputRoutes (NSArray arr)
			if (arr == null || arr.Count == 0)
				return null;
			var result = new AudioSessionOutputRouteKind [arr.Count];
			for (uint i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) {
				var dict = new NSDictionary ((IntPtr) arr.ValueAt (i));
				result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.None;
				if (dict == null || dict.Count == 0)
				var val = (NSString) dict [AudioRouteKey_Type];
				if (val == null)
				if (val == OutputRoute_LineOut) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.LineOut;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_Headphones) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.Headphones;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BluetoothHFP) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BluetoothHFP;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BluetoothA2DP) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BluetoothA2DP;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BuiltInReceiver) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BuiltInReceiver;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_BuiltInSpeaker) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.BuiltInSpeaker;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_USBAudio) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.USBAudio;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_HDMI) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.HDMI;
				} else if (val == OutputRoute_AirPlay) {
					result [i] = AudioSessionOutputRouteKind.AirPlay;
				} else
					result [i] = (AudioSessionOutputRouteKind) val.Handle;
			return result;
Esempio n. 35
		/* Could not test what sort of unique CFNumberRef value it's

		[Since (5,0)]
		static public int InputSource {
			get {
				return GetInt (AudioSessionProperty.InputSource);
			set {
				SetInt (AudioSessionProperty.InputSource, value);

		[Since (5,0)]
		static public int OutputDestination {
			get {
				return GetInt (AudioSessionProperty.OutputDestination);
			set {
				SetInt (AudioSessionProperty.OutputDestination, value);


		static internal AudioSessionInputRouteKind GetInputRoute (NSArray arr)
			if (arr == null || arr.Count == 0)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			var dict = new NSDictionary (arr.ValueAt (0));
			if (dict == null || dict.Count == 0)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			var val = (NSString) dict [AudioRouteKey_Type];
			if (val == null)
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.None;
			if (val == InputRoute_LineIn) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.LineIn;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_BuiltInMic) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.BuiltInMic;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_HeadsetMic) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.HeadsetMic;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_BluetoothHFP) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.BluetoothHFP;
			} else if (val == InputRoute_USBAudio) {
				return AudioSessionInputRouteKind.USBAudio;
			} else {
				return (AudioSessionInputRouteKind) val.Handle;
Esempio n. 36
        static CIFilter[] WrapFilters(NSArray filters)
            if (filters == null)
                return new CIFilter [0];

            uint count = filters.Count;
            if (count == 0)
                return new CIFilter [0];
            var ret = new CIFilter [count];
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++){
                IntPtr filterHandle = filters.ValueAt (i);
                string filterName = CIFilter.GetFilterName (filterHandle);

                ret [i] = CIFilter.FromName (filterName, filterHandle);
            return ret;
        void Initialize()
            log ("Initialize view");
            this.ShowSplashScreenOnStartupTime( UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation);

            NSObject supportedOrientationsObj = NSBundle.MainBundle.ObjectForInfoDictionary ("CustomUISupportedInterfaceOrientations");
            if (supportedOrientationsObj != null) {
                if (supportedOrientationsObj is NSArray) {
                    supportedOrientations = (NSArray)supportedOrientationsObj;

                    for (uint index = 0; index < supportedOrientations.Count; index++) {
                        NSString mySupportedOrientation = new NSString (supportedOrientations.ValueAt (index));
                        if (("UIInterfaceOrientation" + UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait.ToString ()) == mySupportedOrientation.ToString ()) {
                            orientationSupportedPortrait = true;
                        if (("UIInterfaceOrientation" + UIInterfaceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown.ToString ()) == mySupportedOrientation.ToString ()) {
                            orientationSupportedPortraitUpsideDown = true;
                        if (("UIInterfaceOrientation" + UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft.ToString ()) == mySupportedOrientation.ToString ()) {
                            orientationSupportedLandscapeLeft = true;
                        if (("UIInterfaceOrientation" + UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight.ToString ()) == mySupportedOrientation.ToString ()) {
                            orientationSupportedLandscapeRight = true;

		private void inspect (NSArray selectedObjects)
			NSDictionary objectDict = new NSDictionary (selectedObjects.ValueAt (0));
			if (objectDict != null) {
				NSString sss = new NSString ("url");
				NSUrl url = new NSUrl (objectDict.ValueForKey (sss).ToString ());
				NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenUrl (url);                      
Esempio n. 39
		public static NSData [] QueryAsData (SecRecord query, bool wantPersistentReference, int max, out SecStatusCode status)
			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");

			using (var copy = NSMutableDictionary.FromDictionary (query.queryDict)){
				var n = SetLimit (copy, max);
				copy.LowlevelSetObject (CFBoolean.True.Handle, SecItem.ReturnData);

				IntPtr ptr;
				status = SecItem.SecItemCopyMatching (copy.Handle, out ptr);
				n = null;
				if (status == SecStatusCode.Success){
					if (max == 1)
						return new NSData [] { new NSData (ptr, false) };

					var array = new NSArray (ptr);
					var records = new NSData [array.Count];
					for (uint i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
						records [i] = new NSData (array.ValueAt (i), false);
					return records;
				return null;
Esempio n. 40
		public static SecRecord [] QueryAsRecord (SecRecord query, int max, out SecStatusCode result)
			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");
			using (var copy = NSMutableDictionary.FromDictionary (query.queryDict)){
				copy.LowlevelSetObject (CFBoolean.True.Handle, SecItem.ReturnAttributes);
				var n = SetLimit (copy, max);
				IntPtr ptr;
				result = SecItem.SecItemCopyMatching (copy.Handle, out ptr);
				n = null;
				if (result == SecStatusCode.Success){
					var array = new NSArray (ptr);
					var records = new SecRecord [array.Count];
					for (uint i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
						records [i] = new SecRecord (new NSMutableDictionary (array.ValueAt (i), false));
					return records;
				return null;