private void CreateShapeWithAutoPrevPort() { NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document); NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)BasicShapes.Triangle); shape.Name = "Point Port with AutoPrev direction"; shape.Bounds = base.GetGridCell(4, 1); shape.Style.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.DiagonalUp, GradientVariant.Variant4, Color.FromArgb(192, 194, 194), Color.FromArgb(129, 133, 133)); shape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.FromArgb(68, 90, 108)); NPointPort port = new NPointPort(shape.UniqueId, PointIndexMode.Second, -1); port.DirectionMode = PointPortDirectionMode.AutoPrev; shape.Ports.RemoveAllChildren(); shape.Ports.AddChild(port); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); // describe it NTextShape text = new NTextShape("Point Port with AutoPrev direction", base.GetGridCell(4, 2, 0, 1)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(text); }
private void customPointIndexNumeric_ValueChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (EventsHandlingPaused) { return; } if (EventsHandlingPaused) { return; } // get the selected shape NShape shape = view.Selection.AnchorNode as NShape; if (shape == null || shape.Ports == null) { return; } // get a point port NPointPort port = (shape.Ports.DefaultInwardPort as NPointPort); if (port == null) { return; } PauseEventsHandling(); // change the custom point index of a point port port.CustomPointIndex = (int)customPointIndexNumeric.Value; ResumeEventsHandling(); document.SmartRefreshAllViews(); }
private void CreateShapeWithPointPort() { // create a shape with one point port NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document); NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)BasicShapes.Pentagram); shape.Name = "Shape with a Point Port"; shape.Bounds = base.GetGridCell(4, 1); NPointPort port = new NPointPort(shape.UniqueId, PointIndexMode.Second, -1); shape.Ports.RemoveAllChildren(); shape.Ports.AddChild(port); shape.Ports.DefaultInwardPortUniqueId = port.UniqueId; // connect it with the center shape document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); ConnectShapes(centerShape, shape); // describe it NTextShape text = new NTextShape("Shape with Point Port", base.GetGridCell(4, 2, 0, 1)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(text); }
private void portIndexModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (portIndexModeComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } if (EventsHandlingPaused) { return; } // get the selected shape NShape shape = view.Selection.AnchorNode as NShape; if (shape == null || shape.Ports == null) { return; } // get a point port NPointPort port = (shape.Ports.DefaultInwardPort as NPointPort); if (port == null) { return; } PauseEventsHandling(); // change the point index mode of a point port port.PointIndexMode = (PointIndexMode)portIndexModeComboBox.SelectedItem; ResumeEventsHandling(); document.SmartRefreshAllViews(); }