private static bool ImportVoxModel(string asset)
        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset);
        string basename = Path.GetDirectoryName(asset);

        string         pipelinePath  = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basename, "Pipeline/"), filename + ".asset");
        NPipeContainer pipeContainer = NPipelineUtils.GetContainerForVoxPath(asset);

        if (!pipeContainer)
            if (File.Exists(pipelinePath))
                // We don't need this anymore, as assets are reimported by the NPipeImporter anyway
                // AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(asset, ImportAssetOptions.Default);
//                Debug.Log("Did not create Pipeline for asset '" + asset + "' due to pipeline not yet ready (no problem as will get imported by the NPipeContainer anyway)");

            Debug.Log("Creating Pipeline for Voxmodel: " + asset);

            NPipeContainer template;
            bool           unavailable;
            NPVoxUtils.LoadTemplateMetadata(out template, out unavailable);
            if (template == null)
                if (!unavailable)
                    // We don't need this anymore, as assets are reimported by the NPipeImporter anyway
                    // AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(asset, ImportAssetOptions.Default);
                    // Debug.Log("Delay import of '" + asset + "' due to template not yet ready");
                    Debug.Log("did not import '" + asset + "' due to template not yet ready");

            pipeContainer = NPipelineUtils.ClonePipeContainer(template, pipelinePath);

        NPipeIImportable[] importables = NPipelineUtils.GetImportables(pipeContainer);
        // NPipeIImportable[] outputPipes = NPipelineUtils.FindOutputPipes(importables);

        foreach (NPipeIImportable importable in importables)
            if (importable is NPVoxMagickaSource)
                ((NPVoxMagickaSource)importable).VoxModelUUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(asset);

            EditorUtility.SetDirty(importable as UnityEngine.Object);

        AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pipelinePath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); // try ForceSynchronousImport