Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        numberClasses = NPCSpawnAmount / classSize;

Esempio n. 2
    void Start()
        /// classroom initalitaztion
        /// checklist
        /// student age and grade X
        /// classroom grade x
        /// student asigned 6 classes
        /// class subject
        //	so if i take the total number of students, divide that into the 3 grades,
        //	then take that number and divide it by the min class size,
        //  then multiply that number by the subjects giving us the total number of classes needed to be filled
        //  then divide that by the number of periods so that we have the amount of classes at any one time so total classrooms.

        classSubjects = new string[] { "Math", "Science", "English", "History", "Gym" };
        numGrades     = 3;
        numPeriods    = 5;
        sClassSize    = 10;
        mClassSize    = 20;
        lClassSize    = 30;

        //TODO Make this a UI button and remove this
        selectedSize       = mClassSize;
        studentsPerClass   = selectedSize;
        numPeriods         = classSubjects.Length;
        numClasses         = NPCSpawnAmount / selectedSize * classSubjects.Length; //total number of classes needed
        numClassesPerGrade = numClasses / numPeriods / numGrades;                  // classes per grade
        numClassrooms      = numClasses / classSubjects.Length;

        numClassPerSubjectsPerGrade = numClassesPerGrade / classSubjects.Length;

        print("Total Students " + NPCSpawnAmount);
        print("Total number of Classes " + numClasses.ToString());
        print("Number of time Peierds " + numPeriods);
        print("Number of classes per grade " + numClassesPerGrade.ToString());
        print("Classrooms needed " + numClassrooms);
        print("Number of Classrooms per subject in each grade " + numClassPerSubjectsPerGrade);

        int currentGrade = 1; // current grade, used to ofset the 0th of the class index
        int index        = 0; //the current classroom

        //check that there is the minimum reqired classrooms per grade

        for (int i = 0; i < numGrades; i++)
        {                                                  // do for every grade
            for (int j = 0; j < numClassesPerGrade; j++)
            {                                              // do for every class in this grade
                Classrooms.Add(new Classroom());           //add the classroom
                Classrooms [index].grade   = currentGrade; // set the grade
                Classrooms [index].classID = index;        // set ID for future calls and reference(may not be used)
                // add some code to asign a class subject with numClassPerSubjectsPerGrade


                for (int n = 0; n < numPeriods; n++)
                {                //for every class in this index classroom class is n and can only run 5 times!
                    //this loop will be used to assign students to each class in this classroom
            currentGrade++;            //when we are done assigning all classes for this grade change the grade


        //assign npcs a grade an age, then assign 5 classes for each npcs 1 for each subject,