Esempio n. 1
    public NPCCombatTurn ChooseCombatAction(CharMgrScript npc, List <CharMgrScript> possibleTargets)
        NPCCombatTurn thisTurn = new NPCCombatTurn();
        //TODO: Implement logic for NPC combat action selection

        int actChoiceProb    = Random.Range(0, 100);
        int subSelectionProb = Random.Range(0, 100);

        //Choose action based on the NPC's internal logic
        GameConstants.ActionOptionIndices selectedAction = this.ChooseAction(npc, actChoiceProb);
        //Create list that will hold targets and their priority
        List <PrioritizedTarget> weightedTargets = new List <PrioritizedTarget>();
        List <CharMgrScript>     randomTargets   = new List <CharMgrScript>();
        CharAbility turnAbility = new CharAbility();

        /*Generate list of all targets based on a conditional statement based off the chosen action by the NPC*/
        switch (selectedAction)
        case (GameConstants.ActionOptionIndices.Ability):


        case (GameConstants.ActionOptionIndices.Attack):
            //Get reference to the npc's attack
            turnAbility = npc.GetBasicAttack();

            //Get list of targets that the attack effects
            randomTargets = this.GetNPCTargets(turnAbility, CombatMgr._instance.PlayerParty);

            Debug.Log("Selected action was" + selectedAction.ToString() + " and NPC Turn Switch Fell through - Performing default action");

        //Add priorities to targets from above selection and put them into a list TODO: prioitize via function
        foreach (CharMgrScript target in randomTargets)
            weightedTargets.Add(new PrioritizedTarget(100, target));
        //TODO perform some function to prioritize list of targets and grab the preffered one
        List <CharMgrScript> turnTargets = new List <CharMgrScript>();

        foreach (PrioritizedTarget t in weightedTargets)
        //Set the fields of the created turn and return it
        thisTurn.SelectedAbility = turnAbility;
        thisTurn.SelectedTargets = turnTargets;
        thisTurn.SelectedAction  = selectedAction;
        //return the created turn data
Esempio n. 2
    public IEnumerator TakeNPCTurn(CharMgrScript npc, List <CharMgrScript> pTargets)
        Debug.Log("NPC" + + " is taking their turn!");
        /*Select Character's action*/
        NPCCombatTurn npcTurnData = NPCChoiceMgr._instance.ChooseCombatAction(npc, pTargets);

        //this.PerformAttack( npcTurnData.SelectedTargets, npcTurnData.ability );
        this.PerformAttack(npcTurnData.SelectedAbility, npcTurnData.SelectedTargets);


        yield return(null);