private void SparseGPModel()
            // Basis Vector
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8
            // The kernel
            double[] kp = new double[2];
            kp[0] = 0.0;
            kp[1] = 0.0;
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(kp, 0.0);
            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            SparseGP      agp  = new SparseGP(sgpf);
            IFunction     a    = Factor.Random(agp);
            Vector        b    = Vector.FromArray(0.1, 0.2);
            double        c    = Factor.FunctionEvaluate(a, b);

            InferNet.Infer(c, nameof(c));
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestNNReadWrite()
            double[] logWeightVariances = { -0.123, 0.456, 1.789 };
            double   logBiasWtVars      = System.Math.Log(3.456);
            NNKernel nnk = new NNKernel(logWeightVariances, logBiasWtVars);

Esempio n. 3
        public void SparseGPTest()
            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            // The kernel
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, 0.0);

            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);

            // Alpha and beta
            Vector alpha = Vector.Zero(basis.Length);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix beta = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(basis.Length, basis.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < alpha.Count; i++)
                alpha[i] = i;
                for (int j = 0; j < alpha.Count; j++)
                    beta[i, j] = alpha.Count - System.Math.Abs(i - j);

            SparseGP a = new SparseGP(sgpf);

#if false
            Rank1Pot r1p = new Rank1Pot();
            r1p.Xi        = basis[0]; // must be a basis point for this test
            r1p.Yi        = 2.2;
            r1p.LambdaInv = 0.7;
            SparseGP b = new SparseGP(sgpf, r1p);
            DistributionTests.SettableToRatioTest(a, b);
        private void GetItemSparseGPModel()
            // Basis Vector
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8
            // The kernel
            double[] kp = new double[2];
            kp[0] = 0.0;
            kp[1] = 0.0;
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(kp, 0.0);
            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            SparseGP      sgp  = new SparseGP(sgpf);

            IFunction[] array = new IFunction[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                array[i] = Factor.Random(sgp);
            IFunction c = Factor.GetItem(array, 1);

            IFunction[] d = new IFunction[2];
            if (true) // preserve the previous assignment
                d = Factor.GetItems(array, new int[] { 0, 2 });

            InferNet.Infer(c, nameof(c));
            InferNet.Infer(d, nameof(d));
Esempio n. 5
        public void TestNNKernelDerivs()
            NNKernel nnk = new NNKernel();

            double[]      x1    = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 };
            double[]      x2    = { 0.9, 0.7, 0.5 };
            Vector        v1    = Vector.FromArray(x1);
            Vector        v2    = Vector.FromArray(x2);
            List <Vector> xlist = new List <Vector>(2);


            Vector x1Vec = Vector.FromArray(x1);
            Vector x2Vec = Vector.FromArray(x2);

            TestDerivatives(nnk, x1Vec, x1Vec);
            TestDerivatives(nnk, x1Vec, x2Vec);
Esempio n. 6
        public void GPClassificationExample()
            // The data
            bool[]   ydata = { true, true, false, true, false, false };
            Vector[] xdata = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 1
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0.5
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1.5, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.5, 1.0

            // Open an evidence block to allow model scoring
            Variable <bool> evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock         block    = Variable.If(evidence);

            // Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");

            // The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            // The locations to evaluate the function
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Constant(xdata).Named("x");
            Range j = x.Range.Named("j");

            // The observation model
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(j).Named("y");

            y[j] = (Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]), 0.1) > 0);

            // Attach the observations
            y.ObservedValue = ydata;

            // Close the evidence block

            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();

            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            for (int trial = 0; trial < 3; trial++)
                // The kernel
                IKernelFunction kf;
                if (trial == 0)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.0);
                    //kf = new LinearKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 });
                else if (trial == 1)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);
                    kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, -1.0);

                // Fill in the sparse GP prior
                prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis));

                // Model score
                double NNscore = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, NNscore.ToString("g4"));

            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < ydata.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post     = sgp.Marginal(xdata[i]);
                double   postMean = post.GetMean();
                string   comment  = (ydata[i] == (postMean > 0.0)) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} ({2})", xdata[i], post, comment);
                Assert.True(ydata[i] == (postMean > 0.0));
        public void Run()
            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();

            if (!(engine.Algorithm is Algorithms.ExpectationPropagation))
                Console.WriteLine("This example only runs with Expectation Propagation");

            // The data
            Vector[] inputs = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 1
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0.5
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1.5, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.5, 1.0

            bool[] outputs = { true, true, false, true, false, false };

            // Open an evidence block to allow model scoring
            Variable <bool> evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock         block    = Variable.If(evidence);

            // Set up the GP prior, a distribution over functions, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");

            // The sparse GP variable - a random function
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            // The locations to evaluate the function
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Observed(inputs).Named("x");
            Range j = x.Range.Named("j");

            // The observation model
            VariableArray <bool> y     = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
            Variable <double>    score = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]).Named("score");

            y[j] = (Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(score, 0.1) > 0);

            // Close the evidence block

            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            for (int trial = 0; trial < 3; trial++)
                // The kernel
                IKernelFunction kf;
                if (trial == 0)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.0);
                else if (trial == 1)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);
                    kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, -1.0);

                // Fill in the sparse GP prior
                GaussianProcess gp = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);
                prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

                // Model score
                double NNscore = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, NNscore.ToString("g4"));

            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post     = sgp.Marginal(inputs[i]);
                double   postMean = post.GetMean();
                string   comment  = (outputs[i] == (postMean > 0.0)) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} ({2})", inputs[i], post, comment);