public Resultado <Digital, Falha> IdentificarDigital(byte[] digitalLida, Digital digitalParaComparar) { var encontrou = false; var payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR digitalLidaConvertida; _apiConversor.FDxToNBioBSPEx(digitalLida, (uint)digitalLida.Length, NBioAPI.Type.MINCONV_DATA_TYPE.MINCONV_TYPE_ISO, NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PURPOSE.ENROLL_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_ONLY, out digitalLidaConvertida); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR digitalParaCompararConvertida; _apiConversor.FDxToNBioBSPEx(digitalParaComparar.TemplateIso, (uint)digitalParaComparar.TemplateIso.Length, NBioAPI.Type.MINCONV_DATA_TYPE.MINCONV_TYPE_ISO, NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PURPOSE.ENROLL_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_ONLY, out digitalParaCompararConvertida); var retorno = _api.VerifyMatch(digitalLidaConvertida, digitalParaCompararConvertida, out encontrou, payload); if (encontrou) { var cbInfo = new NBioAPI.IndexSearch.CALLBACK_INFO_0(); NBioAPI.IndexSearch.FP_INFO[] informacaoBiometria; NBioAPI.IndexSearch.FP_INFO nitgenBiometria; var resultadoAddFir = _apiBusca.AddFIR(digitalLidaConvertida, (uint)digitalParaComparar.Id, out informacaoBiometria); retorno = _apiBusca.IdentifyData(digitalLidaConvertida, NBioAPI.Type.FIR_SECURITY_LEVEL.HIGHEST, out nitgenBiometria, cbInfo); var idEncontrado = nitgenBiometria.ID; _apiBusca.RemoveUser((uint)digitalParaComparar.Id); if (idEncontrado > 0) { return(digitalParaComparar); } } Debug.WriteLine($"digital {digitalParaComparar.Id}"); return(Falha.Nova(404, "Digital não encontrada")); }
private void Button1_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool result; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD myPayload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_NBioAPI.GetTextFIRFromHandle(m_hNewFIR, out m_textFIR, true); Console.WriteLine("verify " + m_textFIR.TextFIR); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PURPOSE firpurpose; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE textencode = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); bool result2; m_NBioAPI.GetTextFIRFromHandle(m_hNewFIR, out textencode, true); m_NBioAPI.VerifyMatch(textencode, textencode, out result2, null); uint gui = m_NBioAPI.VerifyMatch(textencode, textencode, out result, null); Console.WriteLine("resultado " + result2); if (result) { Console.WriteLine("ok"); } else { Console.WriteLine("notok"); } }
private string CompararDigital(string Digital) { uint ret; bool result; NBioAPI m_NBioAPI = new NBioAPI(); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR hCapturedFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.HFIR(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE m_textFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD myPayload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_textFIR.TextFIR = Digital.ToString(); m_NBioAPI.OpenDevice(NBioAPI.Type.DEVICE_ID.AUTO); m_NBioAPI.Capture(out hCapturedFIR); ret = m_NBioAPI.VerifyMatch(hCapturedFIR, m_textFIR, out result, myPayload); if (result == true) { return("OK"); } else { return(""); } }
private void btnBiometria_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtUsername.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Favor, preencher o campo de usuário", "Projeto Biometria", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtUsername.Focus(); } else { uint reta = m_NBioAPI.OpenDevice(NBioAPI.Type.DEVICE_ID.AUTO); user = new User(); userC = new UserController(); user = userC.selectUser(txtUsername.Text); bool result; if (user != null) { NBioAPI.Type.HFIR bNewFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.HFIR(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR m_biFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD myPayload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_biFIR.Format = (uint)user.Format; m_biFIR.Data = user.Digital; m_biFIR.Header.DataLength = (uint)user.DataLength; m_biFIR.Header.DataType = (ushort)user.DataType; m_biFIR.Header.Length = (uint)user.Length; m_biFIR.Header.Purpose = (ushort)user.Purpose; m_biFIR.Header.Quality = (ushort)user.Quality; m_biFIR.Header.Reserved = (uint)user.Reserved; m_biFIR.Header.Version = (ushort)user.Version; uint ret = m_NBioAPI.Verify(m_biFIR, out result, myPayload); if (result) { MessageBox.Show("Verificação bem Sucedida!!", "Projeto Biometria", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Hide(); this.ShowIcon = false; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; frmMain main = new frmMain(user); main.ShowDialog(); this.ShowIcon = true; this.ShowInTaskbar = true; this.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Verificação Incorreta! Tente novamente", "´Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } m_NBioAPI.CloseDevice(NBioAPI.Type.DEVICE_ID.AUTO); } }
private dynamic buscar(dynamic dados) { JObject objJson; //string url = "http://localhost:3200/api/biometrico"; //var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(url); // dynamic m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( dados ); uint ret; bool result; NBioAPI m_NBioAPI = new NBioAPI(); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR hCapturedFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.HFIR(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE m_textFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD myPayload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); //m_textFIR.TextFIR = Digital.ToString(); m_NBioAPI.OpenDevice(NBioAPI.Type.DEVICE_ID.AUTO); m_NBioAPI.Capture(out hCapturedFIR); dynamic retorno = "-"; int idx = -1; int idxEncontrou = -1; foreach (dynamic obj in dados) { idx++; m_textFIR.TextFIR =; ret = m_NBioAPI.VerifyMatch(hCapturedFIR, m_textFIR, out result, myPayload); if (result == true) { idxEncontrou = idx; break; } } if (idxEncontrou > -1) { string str1 = "{status: true, msg: 'Digital encontrada', indice: " + idxEncontrou + "}"; objJson = JObject.Parse(str1); return(objJson); } string str = "{status: false, msg: 'Digital não encontrada'}"; objJson = JObject.Parse(str); return(objJson); //return m; }
public Boolean ComparaFIR(String Text1, String Text2) { bool retorno; uint ret; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE texto1 = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); texto1.TextFIR = Text1; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE texto2 = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); texto2.TextFIR = Text2; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD myPayload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); ret = m_NBioAPI.VerifyMatch(texto1, texto2, out retorno, myPayload); return(retorno); }
public bool VerificarDigitais(String digitalCapturada, String digitaisSalvas) { bool resultado = false; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE salvas = ToFIR_TextEncode(digitaisSalvas); NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE capturada = ToFIR_TextEncode(digitalCapturada); var payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); uint retorno = api.VerifyMatch(capturada, salvas, out resultado, payload); if (retorno == NBioAPI.Error.NONE) { return(resultado); } throw new Exception("Erro ao verificar digital: " + retorno); }
public Task <int> CriarTaskParaIdentificacaoBiometrica(NBioAPI.Type.HFIR template, NBioAPI.IndexSearch mecanismoConfirmacao) { var contextoIdentificacao = new ContextoParaIndentificacaoBiometrica(Id, MecanismoBusca, mecanismoConfirmacao, Conversor, template, Biometrias); CancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = CancellationSource.Token; return(new Task <int>((parametroState) => { var contexto = parametroState as ContextoParaIndentificacaoBiometrica; if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { return 0; } var encontrou = false; var relogio = new Stopwatch(); relogio.Start(); foreach (var biometria in contexto.Biometrias) { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { relogio.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{contexto.Id} - cancelado pois encontrado em outra thread {relogio.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}"); return 0; } var payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR handler; contexto.Conversor.FDxToNBioBSPEx(biometria.TemplateISO, (uint)biometria.TemplateISO.Length, NBioAPI.Type.MINCONV_DATA_TYPE.MINCONV_TYPE_ISO, NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PURPOSE.ENROLL_FOR_IDENTIFICATION_ONLY, out handler); var retorno = contexto.MecanismoBusca.VerifyMatch(contexto.TemplateLido, handler, out encontrou, payload); if (encontrou) { contexto.MecanismoConfirmacao.InitEngine(); NBioAPI.IndexSearch.FP_INFO[] informacaoBiometria; var ret = contexto.MecanismoConfirmacao.AddFIR(handler, (uint)biometria.Id, out informacaoBiometria); var cbInfo = new NBioAPI.IndexSearch.CALLBACK_INFO_0(); NBioAPI.IndexSearch.FP_INFO nitgenBiometria; retorno = contexto.MecanismoConfirmacao.IdentifyData(contexto.TemplateLido, NBioAPI.Type.FIR_SECURITY_LEVEL.HIGH, out nitgenBiometria, cbInfo); var idEncontrado = nitgenBiometria.ID; contexto.MecanismoConfirmacao.RemoveUser((uint)biometria.Id); if (idEncontrado > 0) { relogio.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{contexto.Id} - Localizado {biometria.Id} em {relogio.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}"); return (int)idEncontrado; } } } relogio.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{contexto.Id} - Nenhuma biometria encontrada em {relogio.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}"); return 0; }, contextoIdentificacao, token)); }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //code to capture the fingerprint data and then verify with the database record. // call this method to set Window_option // m_BioAPI.SetWindowStyle(pbVerify.Handle.ToInt32(),true,false,false,false ); SetInitValue(pbVerify.Handle.ToInt32()); NBioAPI.Type.HFIR m_FIR; NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE m1_textFIR; //validation for txtName textbox if (txtUserId.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter User Id to verify ", "Verifcation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //capture the fingerprint and then store the result in m_FIR and return ret as output uint ret = m_BioAPI.Capture(out m_FIR, NBioAPI.Type.TIMEOUT.DEFAULT, m_WinOption); if (ret == BioAPI.Error.NONE) //if no errors then extract the values from the DB and then match { m_BioAPI.GetTextFIRFromHandle(m_FIR, out m1_textFIR, true); lblMessage.Text = "Capture Successful !!"; try { //create a Sql Command if (lblEType.Text.Equals("Doctor")) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from doctor where DocId ='" + txtUserId.Text + "'"); cmd.Connection = con; //initilize the cmd object with the connection made con.Open();//opens the connection SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //execute the command and then store the result in the reader object string userID = ""; string Fpdata = ""; while (reader.Read()) { userID = reader["DocId"].ToString(); Fpdata = reader["fingerprint"].ToString(); } con.Close();//close the connection //create a FIR_TextEncode object and then store the encoded image data in it NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE textFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); textFIR.TextFIR = Fpdata; bool result; //create a payload NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_BioAPI.VerifyMatch(textFIR, m1_textFIR, out result, payload); //verify if (result) //if result is true then verified success else failed { DoctorMainForm bl = new DoctorMainForm(); bl.Show(); this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("Verification Failed !!! Try Again "); //pbVerify.Image = null; cmd.Dispose(); } else if (lblEType.Text.Equals("Employee")) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Employee where EmpId ='" + txtUserId.Text + "'"); cmd.Connection = con; //initilize the cmd object with the connection made con.Open();//opens the connection SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //execute the command and then store the result in the reader object string userID = ""; string Fpdata = ""; while (reader.Read()) { userID = reader["EmpId"].ToString(); Fpdata = reader["fingerprint"].ToString(); } con.Close();//close the connection //create a FIR_TextEncode object and then store the encoded image data in it NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE textFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); textFIR.TextFIR = Fpdata; bool result; //create a payload NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_BioAPI.VerifyMatch(textFIR, m1_textFIR, out result, payload); //verify if (result) //if result is true then verified success else failed { EmployeeMainForm bl = new EmployeeMainForm(); bl.Show(); this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("Verification Failed !!! Try Again "); //pbVerify.Image = null; cmd.Dispose(); } else { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Administrator where AdminId ='" + txtUserId.Text + "'"); cmd.Connection = con; //initilize the cmd object with the connection made con.Open();//opens the connection SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //execute the command and then store the result in the reader object string userID = ""; string Fpdata = ""; while (reader.Read()) { userID = reader["AdminId"].ToString(); Fpdata = reader["fingerprint"].ToString(); } con.Close();//close the connection //create a FIR_TextEncode object and then store the encoded image data in it NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE textFIR = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_TEXTENCODE(); textFIR.TextFIR = Fpdata; bool result; //create a payload NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD payload = new NBioAPI.Type.FIR_PAYLOAD(); m_BioAPI.VerifyMatch(textFIR, m1_textFIR, out result, payload); //verify if (result) //if result is true then verified success else failed { AdminMainForm bl = new AdminMainForm(); bl.Show(); this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("Verification Failed !!! Try Again "); //pbVerify.Image = null; cmd.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Database Exceptiom occured.."; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Capture process Failed !!!"); } }