private void OnOpen(object sender, EventArgs e) { DeleteAllFilesAndNodesFromMemory(); var dialog = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = @"Yaml files (*.yaml)|*.yaml|All files (*.*)|*.*", DefaultExt = "yaml" }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Filename: {dialog.FileName}"); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dialog.FileName) ?? ""); MyYamlFileFactory.CreateMyYamlFile(dialog.FileName);//Loads the file //Switches the configuration file to first place MyYamlFile configuration = MyYamlFile.all_files[MyYamlFile.all_files.Count - 1]; int counter = MyYamlFile.all_files.Count - 1; while (counter > -1) { if (counter == 0) { MyYamlFile.all_files[counter] = configuration; } else { MyYamlFile.all_files[counter] = MyYamlFile.all_files[counter - 1]; } counter--; } PopulateTreeView(mainTreeView, Path.GetDirectoryName(dialog.FileName)); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the files in a temporary folder and loads them into a YamlStream to validate the changes made /// </summary> private void toolStripButton_Validate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mainTreeView.Nodes.Count == 0) { Logger.Instance.WriteLine("There are no files open, cannot validate changes."); } else { bool errorfound = false; string temporarydirectory = GetTemporaryDirectory("YamlEditor"); Directory.CreateDirectory(temporarydirectory); //creates a YamlEditor folder in the operating systems temporary foder string basedirectory = MyYamlFile.all_files[0].directory; //the first file is always the configuration.yaml basedirectory = basedirectory.Remove(basedirectory.Length - 1); //removes the '/' at the end of the directory MyYamlFile.SaveAllFilesInNewDirectory(basedirectory, temporarydirectory); List <String> folders = new List <string>(); //creates a list of subfolders and an empty folder to represent the base folder folders.Add(""); foreach (var subfolder in Directory.GetDirectories(temporarydirectory)) { folders.Add(subfolder); } foreach (string subfolder in folders) { string path = subfolder; if (subfolder == "") { path = temporarydirectory + "\\" + subfolder; } DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetFullPath(path)); //Assuming Test is your Folder FileInfo[] Files = d.GetFiles("*.yaml"); //Getting Text files foreach (FileInfo file in Files) { YamlStream yaml = new YamlStream(); try { using (var stream = new StreamReader(file.FullName)) { yaml.Load(stream); } Logger.Instance.WriteLine($"Validating: '\"{file.FullName}\"'."); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.Instance.WriteLine(exception.Message + " In file '" + file.FullName + "'"); errorfound = true; } } } Directory.Delete(temporarydirectory, true); //deletes the YamlEditor folder created in the operating systems temporary foder if (errorfound) { Logger.Instance.WriteLine("VALIDATION: Errors were found while validating the files."); } else { Logger.Instance.WriteLine("VALIDATION: No errors were found while validating the files."); } } }
private void PopulateNodes(TreeNode parent, MyYamlNode yamlnode) { if (yamlnode is MyYamlScalarNode) { MyYamlScalarNode yamlnodeAsScalar = (MyYamlScalarNode)yamlnode; if ( == "") { parent.Nodes.Add(CreateTreeNode(yamlnodeAsScalar.value, yamlnode)); } else { parent.Nodes.Add(CreateTreeNode(, yamlnode)); } } else if (yamlnode is MyYamlMappingNode) { TreeNode new_parent = new TreeNode(); if ( == "") { try { MyYamlMappingNode parentAsMyYamlNode = (MyYamlMappingNode)parent.Tag; new_parent = CreateTreeNode(parent.Name, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); } catch (Exception) { } try { MyYamlSequenceNode parentAsMyYamlNode = (MyYamlSequenceNode)parent.Tag; new_parent = CreateTreeNode(parent.Name, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); } catch (Exception) { } try { MyYamlFile parentAsMyYamlNode = (MyYamlFile)parent.Tag; new_parent = CreateTreeNode(parent.Name, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); } catch (Exception) { } } else if ( == "-") { new_parent = CreateTreeNode(, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); } else { new_parent = CreateTreeNode(, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); } foreach (MyYamlNode child in yamlnode.nodes) { PopulateNodes(new_parent, child); } } else if (yamlnode is MyYamlSequenceNode) { TreeNode new_parent = CreateTreeNode(, yamlnode); parent.Nodes.Add(new_parent); foreach (MyYamlNode child in yamlnode.nodes) { PopulateNodes(new_parent, child); } } }