Esempio n. 1
        private void CreatePlanetMenu()
            m_currentVoxel = null;
            MyGuiControlList list = new MyGuiControlList(size: new Vector2(SCREEN_SIZE.X, 1.0f));

            Vector2 controlPadding = new Vector2(0.02f, 0.02f); // X: Left & Right, Y: Bottom & Top

            float textScale   = 0.8f;
            float usableWidth = SCREEN_SIZE.X - HIDDEN_PART_RIGHT - controlPadding.X * 2;

            m_currentPosition = Vector2.Zero;/* -m_size.Value / 2.0f;
                                              * m_currentPosition += controlPadding;*/
            m_scale           = textScale;

            var label = AddLabel(MyTexts.GetString(MySpaceTexts.ScreenDebugSpawnMenu_SelectAsteroidType), Vector4.One, m_scale);


            var combo = AddCombo();

            combo.AddItem(1, MySpaceTexts.ScreenDebugSpawnMenu_PredefinedAsteroids);
            combo.AddItem(2, MySpaceTexts.ScreenDebugSpawnMenu_ProceduralAsteroids);
            combo.AddItem(3, MySpaceTexts.ScreenDebugSpawnMenu_Planets);

            combo.SelectItemByKey(m_asteroid_showPlanet ? 3 : m_asteroid_showPredefinedOrProcedural ? 1 : 2);
            combo.ItemSelected += () => { m_asteroid_showPredefinedOrProcedural = combo.GetSelectedKey() == 1; m_asteroid_showPlanet = combo.GetSelectedKey() == 3; RecreateControls(false); };


            CreatePlanetControls(list, usableWidth);


            var button = CreateDebugButton(usableWidth, MySpaceTexts.ScreenDebugSpawnMenu_SpawnAsteroid, OnSpawnProceduralAsteroid);


Esempio n. 2
        public static bool RayCastVoxels(ref Vector3D start, ref Vector3D end, out MyVoxelBase hitVoxel, out Vector3D hitPosition, bool checkPlanet = DefaultCheckPlanet)
            CapsuleD capsule;
            capsule.P0     = start;
            capsule.P1     = end;
            capsule.Radius = 0f;

            return(CapsuleDExtensions.IntersectsVoxel(ref capsule, out hitVoxel, out hitPosition, checkPlanet));


        finally { Profiler.EndProfileBlock(); }
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ray cast all the voxels in the world to check for intersection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line to check</param>
        ///// <param name="shortTest">Shortens the line by 5 m, needed to interact with an entity that may be on the surface of the voxel.</param>
        /// <returns>True iff any voxel intersects the line</returns>
        public static bool RayCastVoxels(LineD line, out MyVoxelBase hitVoxel, out Vector3D hitPosition, bool checkPlanet = DefaultCheckPlanet)
            //const double ShortenBy = 5d;
            CapsuleD capsule;
            capsule.P0     = line.From;
            capsule.P1     = line.To;
            capsule.Radius = 0f;
            return(CapsuleDExtensions.IntersectsVoxel(ref capsule, out hitVoxel, out hitPosition, checkPlanet));


        finally { Profiler.EndProfileBlock(); }
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets aabbb outside area of the given voxel map to default. Area inside aabb (inclusive) stays the same.
        /// mk:TODO Remove MyVoxelBase and bounding box reference and just pass in integer range. Move computation of range to entities.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ResetOutsideBorders(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, BoundingBoxD worldAabb)
            m_tmpResetLeavesBoundingBox = worldAabb;

            Vector3I minVoxel, maxVoxel;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldAabb.Min, out minVoxel);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldAabb.Max, out maxVoxel);

            bool unused;
            bool changedContent = ResetOutsideBorders(m_dataProvider, MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Content, m_treeHeight, m_contentNodes, m_contentLeaves, Vector3I.Zero, minVoxel, maxVoxel, out unused,
                                                      outResetLeaves: m_tmpResetLeaves);
            bool changedMaterial = ResetOutsideBorders(m_dataProvider, MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Material, m_treeHeight, m_materialNodes, m_materialLeaves, Vector3I.Zero, minVoxel, maxVoxel, out unused);

            if (changedContent || changedMaterial)
                OnRangeChanged(Vector3I.Zero, Size - 1, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial);
Esempio n. 5
        public static Vector3D VoxelHitCheck(MyVoxelBase voxel, MyPlanet closestPlanet, Vector3D lineStartPoint, Vector3D lineEndPoint, LineD lineCheck)
            Vector3D?voxelHit = Vector3D.Zero;

            if (voxel != null)
                if (voxel.RootVoxel != voxel)

                if (voxel == closestPlanet)
                    var closestPos = closestPlanet.GetClosestSurfacePointGlobal(ref lineStartPoint);

        /// <summary>
        /// Find a sphere free from voxel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voxel">The voxel to avoid.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The position to start the search.</param>
        /// <param name="minRadius">The minimum radius around freePosition.</param>
        /// <param name="freePosition">A position that is minRadius from voxel</param>
        public static void FindFreeSpace(this MyVoxelBase voxel, Vector3D startPosition, double minRadius, out Vector3D freePosition)
            MyPlanet planet = voxel as MyPlanet;

            if (planet != null)
                Vector3D centre = planet.GetCentre();
                Vector3D direction; Vector3D.Subtract(ref startPosition, ref centre, out direction);

                FindFreeSpace(voxel, startPosition, direction, minRadius, out freePosition);

            BoundingSphereD testSphere;

            testSphere.Radius = minRadius;

            for (double testDist = minRadius; ; testDist += minRadius)
                foreach (Vector3I neighbour in Globals.Neighbours)
                    Vector3D disp = Vector3D.Multiply(neighbour, testDist);
                    Vector3D.Add(ref startPosition, ref disp, out testSphere.Center);
                    if (!ContainsOrIntersects(voxel, ref testSphere, true))
                        CapsuleD capsule;
                        capsule.P0 = testSphere.Center;
                        Vector3D disp1 = Vector3D.Multiply(neighbour, testDist * 0.5d);
                        Vector3D.Add(ref startPosition, ref disp1, out capsule.P1);
                        capsule.Radius = (float)minRadius;

                        if (!CapsuleDExtensions.Intersects(ref capsule, voxel, out freePosition))
                            freePosition = capsule.P1;
        internal static bool CheckPointsOnLine(MyVoxelBase voxel, LineD testLine, int distBetweenPoints)
            var planet      = voxel as MyPlanet;
            var map         = voxel as MyVoxelMap;
            var hit         = new VoxelHit();
            var checkPoints = (int)(testLine.Length / distBetweenPoints);

            for (int i = 0; i < checkPoints; i++)
                var testPos = testLine.From + (testLine.Direction * (distBetweenPoints * i));
                //Log.Line($"i: {i} - lookAhead:{(distBetweenPoints * i)}");
                if (planet != null)
                    var      from          = testPos;
                    var      localPosition = (Vector3)(from - planet.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
                    var      v             = localPosition / 1f;
                    Vector3I voxelCoord;
                    Vector3I.Floor(ref v, out voxelCoord);
                    planet.Storage.ExecuteOperationFast(ref hit, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref voxelCoord, ref voxelCoord, notifyRangeChanged: false);
                    if (hit.HasHit)
                else if (map != null)
                    var      from          = testPos;
                    var      localPosition = (Vector3)(from - map.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
                    var      v             = localPosition / 1f;
                    Vector3I voxelCoord;
                    Vector3I.Floor(ref v, out voxelCoord);
                    map.Storage.ExecuteOperationFast(ref hit, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref voxelCoord, ref voxelCoord, notifyRangeChanged: false);
                    if (hit.HasHit)

Esempio n. 8
        private unsafe void DisableOtherItemsInVMap(MyVoxelBase voxelMap)
            MyOrientedBoundingBoxD obb = MyOrientedBoundingBoxD.Create((BoundingBoxD)voxelMap.PositionComp.LocalAABB, voxelMap.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);
            var center = obb.Center;

            var box = voxelMap.PositionComp.WorldAABB;

            MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInBox(ref box, m_entities, MyEntityQueryType.Static);

            for (int eIndex = 0; eIndex < m_entities.Count; ++eIndex)
                var sector = m_entities[eIndex] as MyEnvironmentSector;

                if (sector == null || sector.DataView == null)

                obb.Center = center - sector.SectorCenter;

                for (int sectorInd = 0; sectorInd < sector.DataView.LogicalSectors.Count; sectorInd++)
                    var logicalSector = sector.DataView.LogicalSectors[sectorInd];
                    var logicalItems  = logicalSector.Items;
                    var cnt           = logicalItems.Count;

                    fixed(ItemInfo *items = logicalItems.GetInternalArray())
                    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
                        var point = items[i].Position + sector.SectorCenter;

                        if (items[i].DefinitionIndex >= 0 && obb.Contains(ref items[i].Position) &&
                            voxelMap.CountPointsInside(&point, 1) > 0 && !IsVoxelItem(sector, items[i].DefinitionIndex))
                            logicalSector.EnableItem(i, false);
Esempio n. 9
        public static bool IntersectsVoxel(ref CapsuleD capsule, out MyVoxelBase hitVoxel, out Vector3D hitPosition, bool checkPlanet, double capsuleLength = -1d)
            if (capsuleLength < 0)
                Vector3D.Distance(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out capsuleLength);
            double   halfLength = capsuleLength * 0.5d;
            Vector3D temp; Vector3D.Add(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out temp);
            Vector3D middle; Vector3D.Multiply(ref temp, 0.5d, out middle);

            double          radius      = halfLength + capsule.Radius;
            BoundingSphereD worldSphere = new BoundingSphereD()
                Center = middle, Radius = radius

            List <MyVoxelBase> voxels = ResourcePool <List <MyVoxelBase> > .Get();

            MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllVoxelMapsInSphere(ref worldSphere, voxels);

            foreach (MyVoxelBase voxel in voxels)
                if ((voxel is MyVoxelMap || voxel is MyPlanet && checkPlanet) && Intersects(ref capsule, voxel, out hitPosition, capsuleLength))
                    hitVoxel = voxel;


            hitVoxel    = null;
            hitPosition = Vector3.Invalid;
Esempio n. 10
        protected virtual bool TryDrillVoxels(MyVoxelBase voxels, Vector3D hitPosition, bool collectOre, bool onlyCheck, bool applyDamagedMaterial)
            const float DISCARDING_MULTIPLIER = 3.0f;

            if (voxels.GetOrePriority() == MyVoxelConstants.PRIORITY_IGNORE_EXTRACTION)

            bool somethingDrilled = false;
            var  bsphere          = new MyShapeSphere()
                Center = m_cutOut.Sphere.Center,
                Radius = (float)m_cutOut.Sphere.Radius

            if (!collectOre)
                bsphere.Radius *= DISCARDING_MULTIPLIER;

            float voxelsCountInPercent;
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material;

            MyVoxelGenerator.CutOutShapeWithProperties(voxels, bsphere,
                                                       out voxelsCountInPercent, out material, m_drilledMaterialBuffer, Sync.IsServer, onlyCheck, applyDamagedMaterial);

            foreach (var entry in m_drilledMaterialBuffer)
                somethingDrilled = (!collectOre || TryHarvestOreMaterial(entry.Key, hitPosition, entry.Value, onlyCheck)) || somethingDrilled;

                if (somethingDrilled && !onlyCheck)
                                                         MyUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized(), 0.1f, 1, 0, MathHelper.Pi, 5, 1, 0.15f, entry.Key);

Esempio n. 11
 public static void DisableFarmingItemsIn(this MyVoxelBase voxel, BoundingBoxD worldAabb)
     if (voxel.Hierarchy == null)
     using (PoolManager.Get(out List <MyEntity> working))
         voxel.Hierarchy.QueryBounds(in worldAabb, working);
         foreach (var entity in working)
             var sector = entity as MyEnvironmentSector;
             if (sector == null)
             var tmp = worldAabb;
             sector.DisableItemsInAabb(ref tmp);
Esempio n. 12
        private MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetVoxelMaterial(MyVoxelBase voxelBase, Vector3D hitPos)
            if (voxelBase.Storage == null || voxelBase.PositionComp == null)

            Vector3D localPosition;
            var      wm = voxelBase.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            Vector3D.TransformNoProjection(ref hitPos, ref wm, out localPosition);

            var voxelPosition = voxelBase.StorageMin + new Vector3I(localPosition) + (voxelBase.Size >> 1);

            voxelBase.Storage.ReadRange(StorageData, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, voxelPosition, voxelPosition);

            byte materialIndex = StorageData.Material(0);

Esempio n. 13
        public static void DisableFarmingItemsIn(this MyVoxelBase voxel, BoundingBoxD box)
            if (voxel.Hierarchy == null)
            voxel.Hierarchy.QueryBounds(in box, _working);
            foreach (var entity in _working)
                var sector = entity as MyEnvironmentSector;
                if (sector == null)
                var tmp = box;
                sector.DisableItemsInAabb(ref tmp);

Esempio n. 14
 private void MoveToTarget()
     if (m_navSet.DistanceLessThan(1f))
         Log.DebugLog("Reached position: " + m_target, Logger.severity.WARNING);
         if (m_stage == Stage.Backout)
             m_target.SetWorld(m_target.WorldPosition() + m_navBlock.WorldMatrix.Backward * 100d);
             Vector3D    targetWorld = m_target.WorldPosition();
             MyVoxelBase voxel       = TargetVoxel;
             m_target.SetWorld(targetWorld + Vector3D.Normalize(targetWorld - voxel.GetCentre()) * voxel.PositionComp.LocalVolume.Radius);
     else if (IsStuck)
         if (m_stage == Stage.Backout)
             Log.DebugLog("Stuck", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
             m_stage = Stage.FromCentre;
             Log.DebugLog("Stuck", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
     else if (!IsNearVoxel(2d))
         Log.DebugLog("Outside of voxel", Logger.severity.INFO);
         m_pathfinder.MoveTo(destinations: m_target);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests for path intersection with voxel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True iff path is clear; voxel does not intersect path.</returns>
        private bool TestVoxel(MyVoxelBase voxel, Capsule path, out Vector3?pointOfObstruction)
            if (m_ignoreAsteroid)
                m_logger.debugLog("Ignoring asteroid: " + voxel.getBestName());
                pointOfObstruction = null;

            Vector3[] intersection = new Vector3[2];
            if (!path.IntersectsAABB(voxel, out intersection[0]))
                m_logger.debugLog("path does not intersect AABB. " + voxel.getBestName(), Logger.severity.TRACE);
                pointOfObstruction = null;

            if (!path.get_Reverse().IntersectsAABB(voxel, out intersection[1]))
                m_logger.debugLog("Reversed path does not intersect AABB, perhaps it moved? " + voxel.getBestName(), Logger.severity.WARNING);
                pointOfObstruction = null;

            Capsule     testSection = new Capsule(intersection[0], intersection[1], path.Radius);
            IMyVoxelMap asteroid    = voxel as IMyVoxelMap;

            if (asteroid != null)
                if (testSection.Intersects(asteroid, out pointOfObstruction))
            // planet test is done by PlanetChecker

            m_logger.debugLog("Does not intersect path: " + voxel.getBestName(), Logger.severity.TRACE);
            pointOfObstruction = null;
Esempio n. 16
        public static bool ContainsOrIntersects(this MyVoxelBase voxel, ref BoundingSphereD worldSphere, bool checkContains = false)
            if (!voxel.PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersects(ref worldSphere))

            Vector3D        leftBottom = voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner;
            BoundingSphereD localSphere;

            Vector3D.Subtract(ref worldSphere.Center, ref leftBottom, out localSphere.Center);
            localSphere.Radius = worldSphere.Radius;

            BoundingBox localBox = BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(localSphere);

            if (voxel.Storage.Intersect(ref localBox) == ContainmentType.Disjoint)

            return(voxel.Storage.Geometry.Intersects(ref localSphere) || checkContains && HasContentAt(voxel, ref localSphere.Center));
        internal MyVoxelPhysicsBody(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, float phantomExtend, float predictionSize = 3.0f, bool lazyPhysics = false)
            : base(voxelMap, RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC)

            m_predictionSize = predictionSize;
            m_phantomExtend  = phantomExtend;
            m_voxelMap       = voxelMap;
            Vector3I storageSize = m_voxelMap.Size;
            Vector3I numCels     = storageSize >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            m_cellsOffset = m_voxelMap.StorageMin >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            if (!MyFakes.ENABLE_LAZY_VOXEL_PHYSICS || !lazyPhysics || !ENABLE_AABB_PHANTOM)


            MaterialType = MyMaterialType.ROCK;
Esempio n. 18
        internal static bool PointInsideVoxel(MyVoxelBase voxel, MyStorageData tmpStorage, Vector3D pos)
            var voxelMatrix = voxel.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;
            var vecMax      = new Vector3I(int.MaxValue);
            var vecMin      = new Vector3I(int.MinValue);

            var      point = pos;
            Vector3D result;

            Vector3D.Transform(ref point, ref voxelMatrix, out result);
            var r  = result + (Vector3D)(voxel.Size / 2);
            var v1 = Vector3D.Floor(r);

            Vector3D.Fract(ref r, out r);
            var v2 = v1 + voxel.StorageMin;
            var v3 = v2 + 1;

            if (v2 != vecMax && v3 != vecMin)
                tmpStorage.Resize(v2, v3);
                voxel.Storage.ReadRange(tmpStorage, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0, v2, v3);
            var num1  = tmpStorage.Content(0, 0, 0);
            var num2  = tmpStorage.Content(1, 0, 0);
            var num3  = tmpStorage.Content(0, 1, 0);
            var num4  = tmpStorage.Content(1, 1, 0);
            var num5  = tmpStorage.Content(0, 0, 1);
            var num6  = tmpStorage.Content(1, 0, 1);
            var num7  = tmpStorage.Content(0, 1, 1);
            var num8  = tmpStorage.Content(1, 1, 1);
            var num9  = num1 + (num2 - num1) * r.X;
            var num10 = num3 + (num4 - num3) * r.X;
            var num11 = num5 + (num6 - num5) * r.X;
            var num12 = num7 + (num8 - num7) * r.X;
            var num13 = num9 + (num10 - num9) * r.Y;
            var num14 = num11 + (num12 - num11) * r.Y;

            return(num13 + (num14 - num13) * r.Z >= sbyte.MaxValue);
Esempio n. 19
 public MyVoxelNavigationMesh(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, MyNavmeshCoordinator coordinator, Func <long> timestampFunction) : base(coordinator.Links, 0x10, timestampFunction)
     this.LimitAddingWeight         = GetWeight(25f);
     this.m_voxelMap                = voxelMap;
     m_staticVoxelMap               = this.m_voxelMap;
     this.m_processedCells          = new MyVector3ISet();
     this.m_cellsOnWayCoords        = new HashSet <ulong>();
     this.m_cellsOnWay              = new List <Vector3I>();
     this.m_primitivesOnPath        = new List <MyHighLevelPrimitive>(0x80);
     this.m_toAdd                   = new MyBinaryHeap <float, CellToAddHeapItem>(0x80);
     this.m_heapItemList            = new List <CellToAddHeapItem>();
     this.m_markedForAddition       = new MyVector3ISet();
     this.m_cellsToChange           = new LinkedList <Vector3I>();
     this.m_cellsToChangeSet        = new MyVector3ISet();
     this.m_connectionHelper        = new MyVoxelConnectionHelper();
     this.m_navmeshCoordinator      = coordinator;
     this.m_higherLevel             = new MyHighLevelGroup(this, coordinator.HighLevelLinks, timestampFunction);
     this.m_higherLevelHelper       = new MyVoxelHighLevelHelper(this);
     this.m_debugCellEdges          = new Dictionary <ulong, List <DebugDrawEdge> >();
     voxelMap.Storage.RangeChanged += new Action <Vector3I, Vector3I, MyStorageDataTypeFlags>(this.OnStorageChanged);
     this.m_maxCellCoord            = ((Vector3I)(this.m_voxelMap.Size / 8)) - Vector3I.One;
Esempio n. 20
        public override void ContactPointCallback(ref MyGridContactInfo value)
            var prop = value.Event.ContactProperties;

            prop.Friction           = Friction;
            prop.Restitution        = 0.5f;
            value.EnableParticles   = false;
            value.RubberDeformation = true;

            if (value.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelBase)
                MyVoxelBase             voxel           = value.CollidingEntity as MyVoxelBase;
                Vector3D                contactPosition = value.ContactPosition;
                MyParticleEffectsIDEnum particleEffect  = voxel.GetMaterialAt(ref contactPosition).ParticleEffect;

                if (Render != null && particleEffect != MyParticleEffectsIDEnum.None)
                    Render.TrySpawnParticle(value.ContactPosition, particleEffect);
        internal MyVoxelPhysicsBody(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, float phantomExtend, float predictionSize = 3.0f) : base(voxelMap, RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC)
            m_predictionSize = predictionSize;
            m_phantomExtend  = phantomExtend;
            m_voxelMap       = voxelMap;
            Vector3I storageSize = m_voxelMap.Size;
            Vector3I numCels     = storageSize >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            m_cellsOffset = m_voxelMap.StorageMin >> MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS;

            HkUniformGridShape shape = new HkUniformGridShape(
                new HkUniformGridShapeArgs()
                CellsCount = numCels,
                CellSize   = MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_METRES,
                CellOffset = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF,
                CellExpand = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES,


            CreateFromCollisionObject(shape, -m_voxelMap.SizeInMetresHalf, m_voxelMap.WorldMatrix, collisionFilter: MyPhysics.VoxelCollisionLayer);

            if (ENABLE_AABB_PHANTOM)
                m_aabbPhantom = new Havok.HkpAabbPhantom(new BoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, m_voxelMap.SizeInMetres), 0);
                m_aabbPhantom.CollidableAdded   = AabbPhantom_CollidableAdded;
                m_aabbPhantom.CollidableRemoved = AabbPhantom_CollidableRemoved;

                Friction = 0.65f;

            MaterialType = Sandbox.Common.MyMaterialType.ROCK;
Esempio n. 22
        public void UpdatePlacement()
            this.m_lastUpdate      = MySession.Static.GameplayFrameCounter;
            this.m_hitInfo         = null;
            this.m_closestGrid     = null;
            this.m_closestVoxelMap = null;
            LineD ed = new LineD(this.RayStart, this.RayStart + (this.RayDirection * this.IntersectionDistance));

            MyPhysics.CastRay(ed.From, ed.To, this.m_tmpHitList, 0x18);
            if (MySession.Static.ControlledEntity != null)
                this.m_tmpHitList.RemoveAll(hitInfo => ReferenceEquals(hitInfo.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity(), MySession.Static.ControlledEntity.Entity));
            if (this.m_tmpHitList.Count != 0)
                Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.HitInfo info = this.m_tmpHitList[0];
                if (info.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() != null)
                    this.m_closestGrid = info.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity().GetTopMostParent(null) as MyCubeGrid;
                if (this.m_closestGrid != null)
                    this.m_hitInfo = new Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.HitInfo?(info);
                    if (!this.ClosestGrid.Editable)
                        this.m_closestGrid = null;
                    this.m_closestVoxelMap = info.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() as MyVoxelBase;
                    if (this.m_closestVoxelMap != null)
                        this.m_hitInfo = new Sandbox.Engine.Physics.MyPhysics.HitInfo?(info);
Esempio n. 23
        protected void SetOutsideTarget(Vector3D direction)
            PseudoBlock navBlock = m_navBlock;

            MyVoxelBase voxel = (MyVoxelBase)m_target.Entity;
            CapsuleD    capsule;
            Vector3D    offset; Vector3D.Multiply(ref direction, voxel.PositionComp.LocalVolume.Radius * 2d, out offset);

            capsule.P1 = navBlock.WorldPosition;
            Vector3D.Add(ref capsule.P1, ref offset, out capsule.P0);
            capsule.Radius = m_grid.LocalVolume.Radius * 4f;

            Vector3D hitPos;

            if (!CapsuleDExtensions.Intersects(ref capsule, voxel, out hitPos))
                Log.DebugLog("capsule: " + capsule.String() + ", does not intersect voxel", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                hitPos = capsule.P0;

            //Log.DebugLog((tunnel ? "Tunnel target: " : "Backout target: ") + hitPos, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            m_target.SetWorld(ref hitPos);
Esempio n. 24
        internal MyVoxelPhysicsBody(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, float phantomExtend, float predictionSize = 3f, bool lazyPhysics = false) : base(voxelMap, RigidBodyFlag.RBF_STATIC)
            this.RunningBatchTask     = new MyPrecalcJobPhysicsBatch[2];
            this.m_nearbyEntities     = new HashSet <IMyEntity>();
            this.m_nearbyEntitiesLock = new FastResourceLock();
            this.m_workTracker        = new MyWorkTracker <MyCellCoord, MyPrecalcJobPhysicsPrefetch>(MyCellCoord.Comparer);
            this.m_cellsOffset        = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);
            this.m_staticForCluster   = true;
            this.m_predictionSize     = 3f;
            this.m_queuedRange        = new BoundingBoxI(-1, -1);
            this.InvalidCells         = new HashSet <Vector3I>[] { new HashSet <Vector3I>(), new HashSet <Vector3I>() };
            this.m_predictionSize     = predictionSize;
            this.m_phantomExtend      = phantomExtend;
            this.m_voxelMap           = voxelMap;
            Vector3I vectori1 = this.m_voxelMap.Size >> 3;

            this.m_cellsOffset = this.m_voxelMap.StorageMin >> 3;
            if (!MyFakes.ENABLE_LAZY_VOXEL_PHYSICS || !lazyPhysics)
            base.MaterialType = VRage.Game.MyMaterialType.ROCK;
Esempio n. 25
        public static unsafe bool CutOutSphereFast(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, ref Vector3D center, float radius, out Vector3I cacheMin, out Vector3I cacheMax, bool notifyChanged)
            Vector3I vectori;
            Vector3I vectori2;
            MatrixD  worldMatrixInvScaled = voxelMap.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;
            MatrixD *xdPtr1 = (MatrixD *)ref worldMatrixInvScaled;

            xdPtr1.Translation += voxelMap.SizeInMetresHalf;
            BoundingBoxD shapeAabb = BoundingBoxD.CreateFromSphere(new BoundingSphereD(center, (double)radius)).TransformFast(worldMatrixInvScaled);

            ComputeShapeBounds(voxelMap, ref shapeAabb, Vector3.Zero, voxelMap.Storage.Size, out vectori, out vectori2);
            cacheMin = vectori - 1;
            cacheMax = (Vector3I)(vectori2 + 1);
            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref cacheMin, 1);
            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref cacheMax, 1);
            CutOutSphere voxelOperator = new CutOutSphere {
                RadSq  = radius * radius,
                Center = Vector3D.Transform(center, worldMatrixInvScaled) - (cacheMin - voxelMap.StorageMin)

            voxelMap.Storage.ExecuteOperationFast <CutOutSphere>(ref voxelOperator, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref cacheMin, ref cacheMax, notifyChanged);
        public static void MyVoxelGenerator_ComputeShapeBounds(this IMyVoxelBase VoxelMap, ref BoundingBoxD shapeAabb, out Vector3I voxelMin, out Vector3I voxelMax)
            if (VoxelMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(VoxelMap));
            if (VoxelMap.Storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Voxel.Storage is null");

            MyVoxelBase voxelMap    = VoxelMap as MyVoxelBase;
            Vector3I    storageSize = voxelMap.Storage.Size;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref shapeAabb.Min, out voxelMin);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref shapeAabb.Max, out voxelMax);
            voxelMin    += voxelMap.StorageMin;
            voxelMax    += voxelMap.StorageMin;
            voxelMax    += 1;
            storageSize -= 1;
            Vector3I.Clamp(ref voxelMin, ref Vector3I.Zero, ref storageSize, out voxelMin);
            Vector3I.Clamp(ref voxelMax, ref Vector3I.Zero, ref storageSize, out voxelMax);
        public static bool HasVoxelAt(this IMyVoxelBase Voxel, Vector3D Point)
            if (Voxel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Voxel));
            if (Voxel.Storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Voxel.Storage is null");

            MyVoxelBase _Voxel = Voxel as MyVoxelBase;
            VoxelHit    hit    = new VoxelHit();

            //The following magic is taken from Sandbox.Game.Entities.VoxelBaseExtensions
            Vector3 value;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(Point, _Voxel.PositionComp.WorldMatrix, _Voxel.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled, _Voxel.SizeInMetresHalf, out value);
            Vector3I voxelCoord = new Vector3I(value / 1f) + _Voxel.StorageMin;

            _Voxel.Storage.ExecuteOperationFast(ref hit, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref voxelCoord, ref voxelCoord, false);
Esempio n. 28
        public override void ContactPointCallback(ref MyGridContactInfo value)
            var prop = value.Event.ContactProperties;

            prop.Friction           = Friction;
            prop.Restitution        = 0.5f;
            value.EnableParticles   = false;
            value.RubberDeformation = true;

            if (value.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelBase && MyFakes.ENABLE_DRIVING_PARTICLES)
                MyVoxelBase  voxel           = value.CollidingEntity as MyVoxelBase;
                Vector3D     contactPosition = value.ContactPosition;
                MyStringHash material        = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(voxel.GetMaterialAt(ref contactPosition).MaterialTypeName);
                MyTuple <int, ContactPropertyParticleProperties> particle = MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.Static.GetCollisionEffectAndProperties(MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.CollisionType.Start, m_wheelStringHash, material);

                if (Render != null && particle.Item1 > 0)
                    Render.TrySpawnParticle(value.ContactPosition, particle);
Esempio n. 29
 public static void RevertShape(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, MyShape shape)
     using (voxelMap.Pin())
         if (!voxelMap.MarkedForClose)
             Vector3I vectori;
             Vector3I maxCorner;
             Vector3I minCorner;
             GetVoxelShapeDimensions(voxelMap, shape, out minCorner, out maxCorner, out vectori);
             minCorner = Vector3I.Max(Vector3I.One, minCorner);
             maxCorner = Vector3I.Max(minCorner, maxCorner - Vector3I.One);
             voxelMap.Storage.DeleteRange(MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All, minCorner, maxCorner, false);
             BoundingBoxD cutOutBox = shape.GetWorldBoundaries();
             MySandboxGame.Static.Invoke(delegate {
                 if (voxelMap.Storage != null)
                     voxelMap.Storage.NotifyChanged(minCorner, maxCorner, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All);
                     NotifyVoxelChanged(MyVoxelBase.OperationType.Revert, voxelMap, ref cutOutBox);
             }, "RevertShape notify");
Esempio n. 30
        public override void ContactPointCallback(ref MyGridContactInfo value)
            var prop = value.Event.ContactProperties;

            prop.Friction           = Friction;
            prop.Restitution        = 0.5f;
            value.EnableParticles   = false;
            value.RubberDeformation = true;

            string particle = null;

            if (value.CollidingEntity is MyVoxelBase && MyFakes.ENABLE_DRIVING_PARTICLES)
                MyVoxelBase voxel           = value.CollidingEntity as MyVoxelBase;
                Vector3D    contactPosition = value.ContactPosition;
                var         vmat            = voxel.GetMaterialAt(ref contactPosition);
                if (vmat == null)

                MyStringHash material = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(vmat.MaterialTypeName);
                particle = MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.Static.GetCollisionEffect(MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.CollisionType.Start, m_wheelStringHash, material);
            else if (value.CollidingEntity is MyCubeGrid && MyFakes.ENABLE_DRIVING_PARTICLES)
                MyCubeGrid   grid     = value.CollidingEntity as MyCubeGrid;
                MyStringHash material = grid.Physics.GetMaterialAt(value.ContactPosition);
                particle = MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.Static.GetCollisionEffect(MyMaterialPropertiesHelper.CollisionType.Start, m_wheelStringHash, material);
            if (Render != null && particle != null)
                Render.TrySpawnParticle((Vector3)value.ContactPosition, value.Event.ContactPoint.Normal, particle);
        public void UpdatePlacement()
            m_lastUpdate = MySession.Static.GameplayFrameCounter;
            m_hitInfo = null;
            m_closestGrid = null;
            m_closestVoxelMap = null;
            LineD line = new LineD(RayStart, RayStart + RayDirection * IntersectionDistance);

            MyPhysics.CastRay(line.From, line.To, m_tmpHitList,
            // Remove character hits.

            m_tmpHitList.RemoveAll(delegate(MyPhysics.HitInfo hitInfo)
                return (hitInfo.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() == MySession.Static.ControlledEntity.Entity);

            if (m_tmpHitList.Count == 0)

            var hit = m_tmpHitList[0];
            m_closestGrid = hit.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() as MyCubeGrid;
            if (m_closestGrid != null)
                //always assign otherwise the block will be completely inside/behind the grid
                m_hitInfo = hit; 
                if (!ClosestGrid.Editable)
                    m_closestGrid = null;


            //if (MyFakes.ENABLE_BLOCK_PLACEMENT_ON_VOXEL) // TODO: check this MyFake to remove or what?
            m_closestVoxelMap = hit.HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() as MyVoxelBase;
            if (m_closestVoxelMap != null)
                m_hitInfo = hit;
Esempio n. 32
        public void CreateExplosionDebris(ref BoundingSphereD explosionSphere, float voxelsCountInPercent, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition voxelMaterial, MyVoxelBase voxelMap)
            MyDebug.AssertDebug((voxelsCountInPercent >= 0.0f) && (voxelsCountInPercent <= 1.0f));
            MyDebug.AssertDebug(explosionSphere.Radius > 0);


            //  This matrix will rotate all newly created debrises, so they won't apper as alligned with coordinate system
            MatrixD randomRotationMatrix = MatrixD.CreateRotationX(MyUtils.GetRandomRadian()) *

            float highScale = MathHelper.Clamp((float)explosionSphere.Radius * m_debrisScaleUpper, 0, m_debrisScaleClamp);
            float lowScale = highScale * (m_debrisScaleLower / m_debrisScaleUpper);

            int objectsToGenerate = (int)(m_voxelDebrisOffsets.Count * voxelsCountInPercent);

            const float SPHERE_FIT_CUBE_SCALE = 1 / 1.73f; // Resize sphere to fit inside cube
            int debrisCount = m_voxelDebrisOffsets.Count;
            //float debrisScale = Math.Max(explosionSphere.Radius / debrisCount, 0.2f);
            float debrisScale = Math.Max((float)explosionSphere.Radius, 0.2f);
            for (int i = 0; i < debrisCount; i++)
                MyDebrisVoxel newObj = CreateVoxelDebris();
                if (newObj == null)
                    break; // no point in continuing

                Vector3D position = m_voxelDebrisOffsets[i] * (float)explosionSphere.Radius * SPHERE_FIT_CUBE_SCALE;
                Vector3D.Transform(ref position, ref randomRotationMatrix, out position);
                position += explosionSphere.Center;

                var initialVelocity = MyUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized();
                if (initialVelocity == Vector3.Zero)
                initialVelocity *= MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(MyDebrisConstants.EXPLOSION_DEBRIS_INITIAL_SPEED_MIN,
                (newObj.Debris as MyDebrisVoxel.MyDebrisVoxelLogic).Start(position, initialVelocity, debrisScale, voxelMaterial);

