public MyFactionProperties(
     MyTextsWrapperEnum NameEnum,
     MyTextsWrapperEnum DescriptionEnum,
     MyTransparentMaterialEnum? SolarMapIcon)
     this.NameEnum = NameEnum;
     this.DescriptionEnum = DescriptionEnum;
     this.SolarMapIcon = SolarMapIcon;
Esempio n. 2
 //  This method initializes parameters common for all type of particle
 void Start(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds,
     Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity, Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor)
     m_timeStarted = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
     m_lifespanInMiliseconds = lifespanInMiliseconds;
     m_startPosition = startPosition;
     m_velocity = velocity;
     m_startColor = startColor;
     m_endColor = endColor;
     m_materialEnum = material;
Esempio n. 3
 //  This method initializes parameters common for all type of particle
 void Start(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds,
            Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity, Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor)
     m_timeStarted           = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
     m_lifespanInMiliseconds = lifespanInMiliseconds;
     m_startPosition         = startPosition;
     m_velocity     = velocity;
     m_startColor   = startColor;
     m_endColor     = endColor;
     m_materialEnum = material;
Esempio n. 4
 public MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark(MyMwcVector3Int sector, string name, MyMissionID?missionID, Color color, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture)
     Sector           = sector;
     Name             = name;
     Color            = color;
     Texture          = texture;
     Importance       = 1;
     DrawVerticalLine = true;
     MissionID        = missionID;
     Font             = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();
Esempio n. 5
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartPointParticle(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity, 
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, float startAngle, float startRadius, float endRadius, float rotationSpeed)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.POINT_PARTICLE;
            m_pointSpecific_startAngle = startAngle;
            m_pointSpecific_startRadius = startRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_endRadius = endRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;
Esempio n. 6
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartLineParticle(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity,
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, Vector3 directionNormalized, float thickness, float startLength, float endLength)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.LINE_PARTICLE;
            m_lineSpecific_directionNormalized = directionNormalized;
            m_lineSpecific_thickness           = thickness;
            m_lineSpecific_startLength         = startLength;
            m_lineSpecific_endLength           = endLength;
Esempio n. 7
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartPointParticle(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity,
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, float startAngle, float startRadius, float endRadius, float rotationSpeed)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.POINT_PARTICLE;
            m_pointSpecific_startAngle    = startAngle;
            m_pointSpecific_startRadius   = startRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_endRadius     = endRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;
Esempio n. 8
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartLineParticleRelativeToPhysObject(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity,
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, Vector3 directionNormalized, float thickness, float startLength, float endLength,
            MyEntity physObject)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.LINE_PARTICLE_RELATIVE_TO_PHYS_OBJECT;
            m_lineSpecific_directionNormalized = directionNormalized;
            m_lineSpecific_thickness           = thickness;
            m_lineSpecific_startLength         = startLength;
            m_lineSpecific_endLength           = endLength;
            m_physObject = physObject;
Esempio n. 9
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartPointParticleRelativeToPhysObject(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity,
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, float startAngle, float startRadius, float endRadius, float rotationSpeed,
            MyEntity physObject)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.POINT_PARTICLE_RELATIVE_TO_PHYS_OBJECT;
            m_pointSpecific_startAngle    = startAngle;
            m_pointSpecific_startRadius   = startRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_endRadius     = endRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;

            m_physObject = physObject;
Esempio n. 10
        //  This method is like a constructor (which we can't use because billboards are allocated from a pool).
        //  It starts/initializes a billboard. Refs used only for optimalization
        public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum blendMaterial, float textureBlendRatio,
                          ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, Vector2 uvOffset, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
            MaterialEnum      = materialEnum;
            BlendMaterial     = blendMaterial;
            BlendTextureRatio = textureBlendRatio;


            //  Billboard vertexes
            Position0 = quad.Point0;
            Position1 = quad.Point1;
            Position2 = quad.Point2;
            Position3 = quad.Point3;

            UVOffset = uvOffset;

            EnableColorize = colorize;

            if (EnableColorize)
                Size = (Position0 - Position2).Length();

            //  Distance for sorting
            //  IMPORTANT: Must be calculated before we do color and alpha misting, because we need distance there
            DistanceSquared = Vector3.DistanceSquared(MyCamera.Position, origin);

            //  Color
            Color = color;

            Near   = near;
            Lowres = lowres;

            //  Alpha depends on distance to camera. Very close bilboards are more transparent, so player won't see billboard errors or rotating billboards
            var mat = MyTransparentMaterialConstants.GetMaterialProperties(MaterialEnum);

            if (mat.AlphaMistingEnable)
                Color *= MathHelper.Clamp(((float)Math.Sqrt(DistanceSquared) - mat.AlphaMistingStart) / (mat.AlphaMistingEnd - mat.AlphaMistingStart), 0, 1);

Esempio n. 11
        //  This method is like a constructor (which we can't use because billboards are allocated from a pool).
        //  It starts/initializes a billboard. Refs used only for optimalization
        public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum blendMaterial, float textureBlendRatio,
        ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, Vector2 uvOffset, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
            MaterialEnum = materialEnum;
            BlendMaterial = blendMaterial;
            BlendTextureRatio = textureBlendRatio;


            //  Billboard vertexes
            Position0 = quad.Point0;
            Position1 = quad.Point1;
            Position2 = quad.Point2;
            Position3 = quad.Point3;

            UVOffset = uvOffset;

            EnableColorize = colorize;

            if (EnableColorize)
                Size = (Position0 - Position2).Length();

            //  Distance for sorting
            //  IMPORTANT: Must be calculated before we do color and alpha misting, because we need distance there
            DistanceSquared = Vector3.DistanceSquared(MyCamera.Position, origin);

            //  Color
            Color = color;

            Near = near;
            Lowres = lowres;

            //  Alpha depends on distance to camera. Very close bilboards are more transparent, so player won't see billboard errors or rotating billboards
            var mat = MyTransparentMaterialConstants.GetMaterialProperties(MaterialEnum);
            if (mat.AlphaMistingEnable)
                Color *= MathHelper.Clamp(((float)Math.Sqrt(DistanceSquared) - mat.AlphaMistingStart) / (mat.AlphaMistingEnd - mat.AlphaMistingStart), 0, 1);

Esempio n. 12
        public static void DrawTransparentCylinder(ref Matrix worldMatrix, float radius1, float radius2, float length, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, float thickness, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null)
            Vector3 vertexEnd = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 vertexStart = Vector3.Zero;

            Vector3 previousEnd = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 previousStart = Vector3.Zero;

            float angleStep = 360.0f / (float)wireDivideRatio;
            float alpha = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= wireDivideRatio; i++)
                alpha = (float)i * angleStep;

                vertexEnd.X = (float)(radius1 * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));
                vertexEnd.Y = length/2;
                vertexEnd.Z = (float)(radius1 * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));

                vertexStart.X = (float)(radius2 * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));
                vertexStart.Y = -length / 2;
                vertexStart.Z = (float)(radius2 * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));

                vertexEnd = Vector3.Transform(vertexEnd, worldMatrix);
                vertexStart = Vector3.Transform(vertexStart, worldMatrix);

                DrawLine(vertexStart, vertexEnd, lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, ref vctColor, thickness);

                if (i > 0)
                    DrawLine(previousStart, vertexStart, lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, ref vctColor, thickness);
                    DrawLine(previousEnd, vertexEnd, lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, ref vctColor, thickness);

                previousStart = vertexStart;
                previousEnd = vertexEnd;
Esempio n. 13
        public static void DrawLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? material, ref Vector4 color, float thickness)
            Vector3 dir = end - start;
            float len = dir.Length();
            if (len > 0.1f)
                dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, color, start, dir, len, thickness);
Esempio n. 14
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartPointParticleRelativeToPhysObject(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity, 
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, float startAngle, float startRadius, float endRadius, float rotationSpeed, 
            MyEntity physObject)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.POINT_PARTICLE_RELATIVE_TO_PHYS_OBJECT;
            m_pointSpecific_startAngle = startAngle;
            m_pointSpecific_startRadius = startRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_endRadius = endRadius;
            m_pointSpecific_rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;

            m_physObject = physObject;
Esempio n. 15
        public static void DrawTransparentPyramid(ref Vector3 start, ref MyQuad backQuad, ref Vector4 vctColor, int divideRatio, float thickness, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null) 
            Vector3 vctZero = Vector3.Zero;            
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point0, backQuad.Point1, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point1, backQuad.Point2, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point2, backQuad.Point3, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);
            GenerateLines(start, backQuad.Point3, backQuad.Point0, ref m_lineBuffer, divideRatio);

            foreach (MyLine line in m_lineBuffer) 
                Vector3 dir = line.To - line.From;
                float len = dir.Length();
                if (len > 0.1f)
                    dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, vctColor, line.From, dir, len, thickness);
Esempio n. 16
 public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum blendMaterial, float textureBlendRatio,
 ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
     Start(ref quad, materialEnum, blendMaterial, textureBlendRatio, ref color, ref origin, Vector2.Zero, colorize, near, lowres);
Esempio n. 17
        private void AddLineBillboardUnscaling(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material,
            Vector4 color, Vector3 origin, Vector3 directionNormalized, float length, float thicknessWhen1mFromCamera, float minDistFromCamera, int priority = 0)
            Vector3 linePtB = origin + directionNormalized * length;
            Vector3 cameraPos = Vector3.Zero;

            float dist = MyUtils.GetPointLineDistance(ref origin, ref linePtB, ref cameraPos);
            if (dist < minDistFromCamera)

            //float thickness = (m_setup.CameraPosition.Value - origin).Length() * thicknessWhen1mFromCamera;
            float thickness = dist * thicknessWhen1mFromCamera;
            thickness = Math.Max(0.0000005f, thickness);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, color, origin, directionNormalized, length, thickness, priority);
Esempio n. 18
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartLineParticle(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity, 
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, Vector3 directionNormalized, float thickness, float startLength, float endLength)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.LINE_PARTICLE;
            m_lineSpecific_directionNormalized = directionNormalized;
            m_lineSpecific_thickness = thickness;
            m_lineSpecific_startLength = startLength;
            m_lineSpecific_endLength = endLength;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// DrawTransparentSphere
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vctPos"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="vctColor"></param>
        /// <param name="bWireFramed"></param>
        /// <param name="wireDivideRatio"></param>
        public static void DrawTransparentSphere(ref Matrix worldMatrix, float radius, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? faceMaterial = null, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null)
            if (!lineMaterial.HasValue)
                lineMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine;

            MyMeshHelper.GenerateSphere(ref worldMatrix, radius, wireDivideRatio, m_verticesBuffer);
            Vector3 vctZero = Vector3.Zero;

            float thickness = radius * 0.01f;
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < m_verticesBuffer.Count; i += 4)
                MyQuad quad;
                quad.Point0 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 1];
                quad.Point1 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 3];
                quad.Point2 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 2];
                quad.Point3 = m_verticesBuffer[i];

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ContainerBorder, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref vctZero);
                if (bWireFramed)

                    //@ 20 - lifespan for 1 update in 60FPPS
                    Vector3 start = quad.Point0;
                    Vector3 dir = quad.Point1 - start;
                    float len = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, vctColor, start, dir,len,thickness);

                    start = quad.Point1;
                    dir = quad.Point2 - start;
                    len = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, vctColor, start, dir, len, thickness);

                    /*start = quad.Point2;
                    dir = quad.Point3 - start;
                    len = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);
                        newParticle3.StartLineParticle(lineMaterial.Value, false, 20, start, Vector3.Zero, vctColor, vctColor, dir, thickness, len, len, false, MyParticlesConstants.SOFT_PARTICLE_DISTANCE_SCALE_FOR_HARD_PARTICLES);

                    start = quad.Point3;
                    dir = quad.Point1 - start;
                    len = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);
                        newParticle4.StartLineParticle(lineMaterial.Value, false, 20, start, Vector3.Zero, vctColor, vctColor, dir, thickness, len, len, false, MyParticlesConstants.SOFT_PARTICLE_DISTANCE_SCALE_FOR_HARD_PARTICLES);
Esempio n. 20
 private void AddPointBillboardOrientedUnscaling(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, Vector4 color, Vector3 origin, Vector3 left, Vector3 up, float radiusWhen1mFromCamera, float angle, int priority = 0)
     float radius = MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscaling(origin, radiusWhen1mFromCamera);
     MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(material, color, origin, left, up, radius, priority);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// DrawWireFramedBox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="localbox"></param>
        /// <param name="vctColor"></param>
        /// <param name="bWireFramed"></param>
        /// <param name="wireDivideRatio"></param>
        /// <param name="wireDivideRatio"></param>
        public static void DrawWireFramedBox(ref Matrix worldMatrix, ref BoundingBox localbox, ref Vector4 vctColor, float fThickRatio, int wireDivideRatio, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null)
            if (!lineMaterial.HasValue)
                lineMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine;


            //@ generate linnes for Front Side
            Vector3 translation = worldMatrix.Translation;

            Matrix orientation = Matrix.Identity;
            orientation.Forward = worldMatrix.Forward;
            orientation.Up = worldMatrix.Up;
            orientation.Right = worldMatrix.Right;

            float width = System.Math.Max(0.1f, localbox.Max.X - localbox.Min.X);
            float height = System.Math.Max(0.1f, localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y);
            float deep = System.Math.Max(0.1f, localbox.Max.Z - localbox.Min.Z);

            //@ ForntSide
            Vector3 vctStart = localbox.Min;
            Vector3 vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Up * height;
            Vector3 vctSideStep = Vector3.Right * (width / wireDivideRatio);
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
            // BackSide
            vctStart += Vector3.Backward * deep;
            vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Up * height;
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

            //@ FrontSide
            vctStart = localbox.Min;
            vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Right * width;
            vctSideStep = Vector3.Up * (height / wireDivideRatio);
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
            //@ BactSide
            vctStart += Vector3.Backward * deep;
            vctEnd += Vector3.Backward * deep;
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

            Matrix rotMat = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(90f));
            Matrix rotated = rotMat * worldMatrix;

            //@ LeftSide
            vctStart = localbox.Min;
            vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Backward * deep;
            vctSideStep = Vector3.Up * (height / wireDivideRatio);
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
            // RightSide
            vctStart = localbox.Min;
            vctStart += Vector3.Right * width;
            vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Backward * deep;
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

            //@ LeftSide
            vctStart = localbox.Min;
            vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Up * height;
            vctSideStep = Vector3.Backward * (deep / wireDivideRatio);
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
            // RightSide
            vctStart += Vector3.Right * width;
            vctEnd += Vector3.Right * width;
            GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

            if (wireDivideRatio > 1)
                //@ TopSide
                vctStart = localbox.Min;
                vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Right * width;
                vctSideStep = Vector3.Backward * (deep / wireDivideRatio);
                GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
                // BottomSide
                vctStart += Vector3.Up * height;
                vctEnd += Vector3.Up * height;
                GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

                //@ TopSide
                vctStart = localbox.Min;
                vctEnd = vctStart + Vector3.Backward * deep;
                vctSideStep = Vector3.Right * (width / wireDivideRatio);
                GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);
                // BottomSide
                vctStart += Vector3.Up * height;
                vctEnd += Vector3.Up * height;
                GenerateLines(vctStart, vctEnd, ref vctSideStep, ref worldMatrix, ref m_lineBuffer, wireDivideRatio);

            Vector3 size = new Vector3(localbox.Max.X - localbox.Min.X, localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y, localbox.Max.Z - localbox.Min.Z);
            float thickness = MathHelper.Max(1, MathHelper.Min(MathHelper.Min(size.X, size.Y), size.Z));
            thickness *= fThickRatio;
            foreach (MyLine line in m_lineBuffer)

                //@ 16 - lifespan for 1 update in 60FPS
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, vctColor, line.From, line.Direction, line.Length, thickness);
Esempio n. 22
 public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum,
                   ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, Vector2 uvOffset, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
     Start(ref quad, materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum.Test, 0, ref color, ref origin, uvOffset, colorize, near, lowres);
Esempio n. 23
        void AddIcon(Vector3 pos, float radius, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture, Color color, string textDown, string textUp, float textSize, bool highlight, Vector3 offset, MyGuiFont font = null, float? importance = null)
            if (font == null)
                font = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();

            float scaledRadius = MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscalingTo(pos, radius, MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark.SCALE_DISTANCE_FROM);

            float textScale = 1 / MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscalingFrom(pos, 1 / 0.7f, MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark.SCALE_DISTANCE_FROM);// 1;// radius / scaledRadius / 2;

            Vector4 iconColor = Vector4.One;
            if (highlight)
                iconColor *= 1.5f;

            textSize = 1.35f;
            var position = pos + offset * scaledRadius + Vector3.Up / 2 * scaledRadius;
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(texture, iconColor, position, m_currentCamera.Up, m_currentCamera.Left, scaledRadius, 0200 + (int)importance);

            if (textUp != null)
                AddText(position, textUp, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, textSize * textScale, color, font, new Vector2(0, -90) * textScale);

            if (textDown != null)
                AddText(position, textDown, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_TOP, textSize * textScale, color, font, new Vector2(0, -60) * textScale);
Esempio n. 24
 void AddIcon(Vector3 pos, float radius, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture, Vector4 color, string textDown, string textUp, float textSize, bool highlight, Vector3 offset, MyGuiFont font = null, float? importance = null)
     AddIcon(pos, radius, texture, new Color(color), textDown, textUp, textSize, highlight, offset, font, importance);
Esempio n. 25
 public static void DrawTransparentCuboid(ref Matrix worldMatrix, MyCuboid cuboid, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, float thickness, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null)
     foreach (MyLine line in cuboid.UniqueLines)
         Vector3 from = Vector3.Transform(line.From, worldMatrix);
         Vector3 to = Vector3.Transform(line.To, worldMatrix);
         DrawLine(from, to, lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, ref vctColor, thickness);
Esempio n. 26
        //  This method realy initiates/starts the particle
        //  IMPORTANT: Direction vector must be normalized!
        public void StartLineParticleRelativeToPhysObject(
            MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, int lifespanInMiliseconds, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 velocity,
            Vector4 startColor, Vector4 endColor, Vector3 directionNormalized, float thickness, float startLength, float endLength,  
            MyEntity physObject)
            Start(material, lifespanInMiliseconds, startPosition, velocity, startColor, endColor);

            m_type = MyParticleType.LINE_PARTICLE_RELATIVE_TO_PHYS_OBJECT;
            m_lineSpecific_directionNormalized = directionNormalized;
            m_lineSpecific_thickness = thickness;
            m_lineSpecific_startLength = startLength;
            m_lineSpecific_endLength = endLength;
            m_physObject = physObject;
Esempio n. 27
        public static void DrawTransparentCone(ref Matrix worldMatrix, float coneLength, float radiusBackSide, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, float thickness, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null) 
            Vector3 vertex;            
            Vector3 start = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Zero, worldMatrix);

            float angleStep = 360.0f / (float)wireDivideRatio;
            float alpha = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= wireDivideRatio; i++) 
                alpha = (float)i * angleStep;

                vertex.X = (float)(radiusBackSide * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));
                vertex.Y = (float)(radiusBackSide * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(alpha)));
                vertex.Z = coneLength;
                vertex = Vector3.Transform(vertex, worldMatrix);

                DrawLine(start, vertex, lineMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine, ref vctColor, thickness);
Esempio n. 28
 private void AddPointBillboardUnscaling(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, Vector4 color, Vector3 origin, float radiusWhen1mFromCamera, float angle, int priority = 0, bool colorize = true)
     float radius = MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscaling(origin, radiusWhen1mFromCamera);
     MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(material, color, origin, radius, angle, priority, colorize);
Esempio n. 29
 public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum,
     ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, Vector2 uvOffset, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
     Start(ref quad, materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum.Test, 0, ref color, ref origin, uvOffset, colorize, near, lowres);
 public static MyTransparentMaterialProperties GetMaterialProperties(MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialType)
     return MaterialProperties[(int)materialType];
Esempio n. 31
 public void Start(ref MyQuad quad, MyTransparentMaterialEnum materialEnum, MyTransparentMaterialEnum blendMaterial, float textureBlendRatio,
                   ref Vector4 color, ref Vector3 origin, bool colorize = false, bool near = false, bool lowres = false)
     Start(ref quad, materialEnum, blendMaterial, textureBlendRatio, ref color, ref origin, Vector2.Zero, colorize, near, lowres);
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds point billboard, when billboard is far from camera, it stops shrinking.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddPointBillboardUnscalingFromDistance(MyTransparentMaterialEnum material, Vector4 color, Vector3 origin, float radius, float angle, float fixedSizeDistance, int priority = 0, bool colorize = true)
     colorize = false;
     radius = MySolarSystemUtils.CalculateDistanceUnscalingFrom(origin, radius, fixedSizeDistance);
     MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(material, color, origin, radius, angle, priority, colorize);
Esempio n. 33
        private void SetTransparentParameters(out Vector4 color, out MyTransparentMaterialEnum? faceMaterial, out MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial)
            if (Game.Editor.MyEditor.Static.IsActive())
                faceMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ObjectiveDummyFace;
                lineMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ObjectiveDummyLine;
                faceMaterial = null;
                lineMaterial = null;

                color = MyHudConstants.MISSION_CUBE_COLOR;
                MyFactionRelationEnum status = MyFactions.GetFactionsRelation(this, MySession.PlayerShip);
                switch(status) {
                    case MyFactionRelationEnum.Friend:
                        color = MyHudConstants.FRIEND_CUBE_COLOR;
                    case MyFactionRelationEnum.Enemy:
                        color = MyHudConstants.ENEMY_CUBE_COLOR;
                    case MyFactionRelationEnum.Neutral:
                        color = MyHudConstants.NEUTRAL_CUBE_COLOR;
                        throw new MyMwcExceptionApplicationShouldNotGetHere();
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// DrawTransparentBox
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawTransparentBox(ref Matrix worldMatrix, ref BoundingBox localbox, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? faceMaterial = null, MyTransparentMaterialEnum? lineMaterial = null)
            if (!faceMaterial.HasValue)
                faceMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ContainerBorder;

            Vector3 vctMin = localbox.Min;
            Vector3 vctMax = localbox.Max;

            //@ CreateQuads
            Vector3 translation = worldMatrix.Translation;
            MyQuad quad;

            Matrix orientation = Matrix.Identity;
            orientation.Forward = worldMatrix.Forward;
            orientation.Up = worldMatrix.Up;
            orientation.Right = worldMatrix.Right;

            float halfWidth = (localbox.Max.X - localbox.Min.X) / 2f;
            float halfHeight = (localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y) / 2f;
            float halfDeep = (localbox.Max.Z - localbox.Min.Z) / 2f;

            //@ Front side
            Vector3 faceNorm = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Forward, orientation);
            faceNorm *= halfDeep;
            Vector3 vctPos = translation + faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfHeight, ref worldMatrix);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Back side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfHeight, ref worldMatrix);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Left side
            Matrix rotMat = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(90f));
            Matrix rotated = rotMat * worldMatrix;
            faceNorm = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Left, orientation);
            faceNorm *= halfWidth;
            vctPos = translation + faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfDeep, halfHeight, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Right side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfDeep, halfHeight, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Top side
            rotMat = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(90f));
            rotated = rotMat * worldMatrix;
            faceNorm = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Up, orientation);
            faceNorm *= ((localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y) / 2f);
            vctPos = translation + faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfDeep, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Bottom side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfDeep, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            if (bWireFramed)
                Vector4 vctWireColor = vctColor;
                vctWireColor *= 1.3f;
                DrawWireFramedBox(ref worldMatrix, ref localbox, ref vctWireColor, 0.02f, wireDivideRatio, lineMaterial);